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sapphi_snake said:
pizzahut451 said:

Huh? The fact that christianity conquered the empire that tried to destory it and without using violence is pretty amazing. Just shows how strong and awesome our religion is :D

What I'm saying is that your religion spread like a fad. It's no different than how people try to imitate celebrities these days. The way it spread brings no merit whatsoever to the religion itself, but rather to the people who spread it (any religion the Emperor wold've given special favor to would've ended up the same). Your religion wasn't strong, the Emeperor was strong. The king's who forced all their subjects to convert were strong. Not the religion itself.

And violence was used, both in Rome and in other parts of Europe. When you make a religion the mandatory religion there are always gonna be people who oppose it, and there were many. Not to mention the vilenced between Christians for the supremacy of a certain doctrine (the Inquisition, heretics etc.). And of course there's all the violence against Native Americans. Oh how great your religion is. It's just as violent as any other. And your religion also ended up contributing to the downfall fo Rome, so you can't exactly say it bought any good.

And thats why Nazi germany turned jewish !!!!!! But no seriously, the one day the empire wants to destroy a religion, and the next day, it becoes part of it because religion is a fad? Religion isnt something like clothesr or music that you can just switch to whenever you want. And who the fuck was forced to be christian back than? Christians were haunted down and slaughterd all over isreal, they had no army, nor violent influence on anyone, especially on romans. Romans were by far the strongest empire in the world, they didnt need to listen to anyone if they didnt want to. The truth is, they were blessed by the truth, and by our powerfull God, and our heavenly savior. No one could force Romans to do anything back than, and if they were converted by other christians, im pretty sure its because of what the christians were saying abut their religion, not because it was a fad.


And i know violence was used in roman, but it was used by romans, not the first christians.  Anywyas, the fact remains -  CHRISTIANITY CONQUERD ROME (THE EMPIRE THAT TRIED TO DESTROY IT ) WITHOUT ANY VIOLENCE <<<--- This is a FACT