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Forums - Sales Discussion - What will "The Last Story" sell Week 1 in Japan?


What will "The Last Story" sell Week 1 in Japan?

Below 50k 10 3.68%
50-80k 7 2.57%
80-100k 29 10.66%
100-130k 78 28.68%
130-170k 56 20.59%
170k+ 92 33.82%

I think 180k. I haven't put much thought behind that number though lol.

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spurgeonryan said:

Wow! 100 thous. Maybe my 175 thous. prediction will be right on? Im hoping for sales over Monster hunter tri in Japan. I guess we will see how much they want it over there though. anyone know what the score for this game is yet?

In famitsu?



I agree with your predictions

Let's see soon who'll win then!


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Conegamer said:
Immortal said:

~175k launch.

...with ~75k second week, ~30k third, ~20k fourth, ~15k for two weeks, ~10k for two more, ~5-10k per week for the rest of the year till holidays, ~20k through holidays and then obscenely low amount for ridiculously long to amount to 1m.

...I can dream.

Not really "dreaming". It's realistic. Look at other people in the thread for example!

Hate to argue against myself, but it isn't. The FW looks like it'll be a nail on the head, but the long term legs I'm predicting are almost unprecedented for home console games and certainly unprecedented for Wii JRPGs.


“These are my principles; if you don’t like them, I have others.” – Groucho Marx

I get about 140,000 week one and then I figure good legs after.

People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge.

When there are more laws, there are more criminals.

- Lao Tzu

It will pass 100K , I think there is a chance that it will go to 170K or above, But I say it will fall between 100-160K

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120k fw, 230k lt

137k, I'm feeling good about this one!

spurgeonryan said:

Wow! 100 thous. Maybe my 175 thous. prediction will be right on? Im hoping for sales over Monster hunter tri in Japan. I guess we will see how much they want it over there though. anyone know what the score for this game is yet?

Eh, isn't that a contradiction? MH Tri Japan FW was over 500k...

Currently Playing: Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked, Professor Layton and the Curious Village

Anticipating: Xenoblade, The Last Story, Mario Kart 7, Rayman Origins, Zelda SS, Crush3D, Tales of the Abyss 3DS, MGS:Snake Eater 3DS, RE:Revelations, Time Travellers, Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney, Luigi's Mansion 2, MH TriG, DQ Monsters, Heroes of Ruin

bmmb1 said:
spurgeonryan said:

Wow! 100 thous. Maybe my 175 thous. prediction will be right on? Im hoping for sales over Monster hunter tri in Japan. I guess we will see how much they want it over there though. anyone know what the score for this game is yet?

Eh, isn't that a contradiction? MH Tri Japan FW was over 500k...

Yup, FW sales of Tri in Japan were above 700k, so I don't know where he's getting these figures from...


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Xen said:

137k, I'm feeling good about this one!

I'm not so certain. Pre-orders (as handily pointed out) were rising at an amazing level, and were above 100k 2 days ago! 

So 137k pre-orders is a possibility, but sales? I expect it to be around 150k, though at least it's a reasonable prediction. 

Of course, then you have the legs to worry about. But I'll create another thread about that later


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.