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Forums - Sales Discussion - 2007 is now settled - will 2008 be any different?


If you consider 3 games TEH BIGGEST GAMES

Then your really deep in your nintendo sanctum. SSBB, mario kart, and wii fit.


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Next Year Wii will continue it's domination of the market as Nintendo fixes some of it's problems with the assembly line so to speak and starts to meet alot of that damand. Final Sales around 40 million.

PS3 will struggle at the beggining of the year but will pick up as the year goes on. Final Sales around 20 million.

360 will have a good year but not as good as the PS3. Final Sales around 12 Million.

PSP system will sell strongly throughout the year the software will have a few hits here and there but overall will be about the same. Final Sales around 15 Million.

DS will have another great year. Final Sales around 30 Million.

Boycotting the following:

1. Yoshi: He ate my car and spit out a toaster.

2. Igglybuff: Totally false advertisement. You can have as many as you like they don't buff nothing.

3. the Terms Hardcore/Softcore... We're talking Video Games. Not Porn.

4. The term Casual as relates to Gamers: We make them sound like outsider's that happen to play games.  If that were the case they'd own a PS3.

5. Donuts.... Beacause I drink Beer...... and the biggest fan of Donuts hates Beer.

6. Boycotts: Their so lame.



leo-j said:

If you consider 3 games TEH BIGGEST GAMES

Then your really deep in your nintendo sanctum. SSBB, mario kart, and wii fit.

 Yet i'm willing to bet that they are going to be the 3 biggest sellers in 08

Would you bet against that ?

carlos710 - Capitán Primero: Nintendo Defense Force

"Wii are legion, for Wii are many"

carlos710 said:

However you said that the ps3 is going to do better due to those games (even if the biggest of them is not coming out in 08). My point is that the Wii is going to do even better because it has the biggest games.  So the only difference in 2008 is that the Wii is going to get a price cut AND increased production AND the biggest games. So the Wii is only going to increase it's adventage


"Wii are Legion, for Wii are many"

Now was that so hard! I always like to say to myself "there is always hope," and God damn has it worked out here!

You see, those games I listed could move hardware significantly compared to 2007. Like I said in a previous post to another member, "if" Sony can get those games to launch in 2008, I see no reason as to why they won't be able to move hardware. Again, I can't stress this enough, the keyword being "if."

Now as for your comments regarding Wii Fit, SSB, and Mario Kart Wii, I suspect the first two to move quite a bunch of Wiis, but not necessarily Mario Kart. I think Mario Kart may sell a lot of copies, but I don't predict a lot of hardware to be associated with it. As for Wii Fit and SSB, it's really a coin-toss for me, but I think SSB will have the most hardware attached to it.

Famine said:
carlos710 said:

However you said that the ps3 is going to do better due to those games (even if the biggest of them is not coming out in 08). My point is that the Wii is going to do even better because it has the biggest games. So the only difference in 2008 is that the Wii is going to get a price cut AND increased production AND the biggest games. So the Wii is only going to increase it's adventage


"Wii are Legion, for Wii are many"

Now was that so hard! I always like to say to myself "there is always hope," and God damn has it worked out here!

You see, those games I listed could move hardware significantly compared to 2007. Like I said in a previous post to another member, "if" Sony can get those games to launch in 2008, I see no reason as to why they won't be able to move hardware. Again, I can't stress this enough, the keyword being "if."

Now as for your comments regarding Wii Fit, SSB, and Mario Kart Wii, I suspect the first two to move quite a bunch of Wiis, but not necessarily Mario Kart. I think Mario Kart may sell a lot of copies, but I don't predict a lot of hardware to be associated with it. As for Wii Fit and SSB, it's really a coin-toss for me, but I think SSB will have the most hardware attached to it.

 Like folklore, lair, heavenly sword, ratchet, warhawk etc etc etc moved hardware ???


Only MGS 4 / FF 13 / GT 5 can really push hardware from your list. However they are not bigger than other Wii/360 games so it's the same thing for Sony. But the Wii can cut its price and Nintendo can increase their production so they have all the advantage here.


For the Wii the biggest system seller is going to be Wii Fit. However is going to hurt attach ratios as well since a lot of people is going to buy the system just to play that thing

carlos710 - Capitán Primero: Nintendo Defense Force

"Wii are legion, for Wii are many"

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ssj12 said:
carlos710 said:
Famine said:

carlos710 said:

So none of the all mighty ps3 games are going to outsell any big Wii game ?


thanks for playing :)

carlos, I asked you to find me where exactly I said Disgea 3 would outsell the Wii, and you still are "weaseling" your way out of it. What's the point of playing with someone who doesn't know how to play at all?

However you said that the ps3 is going to do better due to those games (even if the biggest of them is not coming out in 08). My point is that the Wii is going to do even better because it has the biggest games. So the only difference in 2008 is that the Wii is going to get a price cut AND increased production AND the biggest games. So the Wii is only going to increase it's adventage


"Wii are Legion, for Wii are many"

 "But even Wii falls to the PC God"

The PC was, is and always will be.

"..just keep on trying 'till you run out of cake"

carlos710 said:

Like folklore, lair, heavenly sword, ratchet, warhawk etc etc etc moved hardware ???


Only MGS 4 / FF 13 / GT 5 can really push hardware from your list. However they are not bigger than other Wii/360 games so it's the same thing for Sony. But the Wii can cut its price and Nintendo can increase their production so they have all the advantage here.


For the Wii the biggest system seller is going to be Wii Fit. However is going to hurt attach ratios as well since a lot of people is going to buy the system just to play that thing

I never said those games would sell or move hardware. Each one of those games had a problem of sorts (Either being a new IP, being just flat-out bad, being too short, or not selling well worldwide). Ratchet, Warhawk, and Uncharted are not Japan's cup of tea. Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy, and Gran Turismo are proven IPs that sell well globaly.

There are a few problem with your post:

"However they are not bigger than other Wii/360 games so it's the same thing for Sony."

These games still didn't release, so where's your proof?

Here's another problem:

"However they are not bigger than other Wii/360 games so it's the same thing for Sony."

Which 360 games could be bigger than MGS4, GT5, or FFXIII? Ninja Gaiden 2? Halo Wars? And again, these games still have yet to be released, so where's your proof?

I think 2008 will be pretty similar, the Wii will continue to sell well and if sales start to dip I'm sure Nintendo can afford a $50 price cut plus SMG pack in.

PS3 sales will be better overall due to it's stronger line-up for next year and this years price cuts however $400 is still far too expensive to reach a large portion of gamers. Price cuts next year will probably be out of the question when shareholder's see the year end report.

The 360 will probably wind up heavily behind the PS3 in Europe and Japanese sales will take a heavy toll on it's overall lead, however strong 3rd party game sales in America should help guarantee it 3rd party support through the rest of the generation. I think you'll see a quarter or 2 of minimal profits but the inevitable price drop will make those a wash for the year.

Famine said:
carlos710 said:

"However they are not bigger than other Wii/360 games so it's the same thing for Sony."

These games still didn't release, so where's your proof?

Here's another problem:

"However they are not bigger than other Wii/360 games so it's the same thing for Sony."

Which 360 games could be bigger than MGS4, GT5, or FFXIII? Ninja Gaiden 2? Halo Wars? And again, these games still have yet to be released, so where's your proof?

 1) My proof is that they are going to outsell anything on the ps3 and I'm willing to bet on that. Who will bet against me ?


2) However there are Wii games bigger than those. Smash bros brawl, Mario kart, Wii fit, Mario galaxy



ban bet pleaxe :)))) 

carlos710 - Capitán Primero: Nintendo Defense Force

"Wii are legion, for Wii are many"

carlos710 said:

 1) My proof is that they are going to outsell anything on the ps3 and I'm willing to bet on that. Who will bet against me ?


2) However there are Wii games bigger than those. Smash bros brawl, Mario kart, Wii fit, Mario galaxy



ban bet pleaxe :)))) 

The bet is that the 360 games will outsell the PS3 games?