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carlos710 said:

Like folklore, lair, heavenly sword, ratchet, warhawk etc etc etc moved hardware ???


Only MGS 4 / FF 13 / GT 5 can really push hardware from your list. However they are not bigger than other Wii/360 games so it's the same thing for Sony. But the Wii can cut its price and Nintendo can increase their production so they have all the advantage here.


For the Wii the biggest system seller is going to be Wii Fit. However is going to hurt attach ratios as well since a lot of people is going to buy the system just to play that thing

I never said those games would sell or move hardware. Each one of those games had a problem of sorts (Either being a new IP, being just flat-out bad, being too short, or not selling well worldwide). Ratchet, Warhawk, and Uncharted are not Japan's cup of tea. Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy, and Gran Turismo are proven IPs that sell well globaly.

There are a few problem with your post:

"However they are not bigger than other Wii/360 games so it's the same thing for Sony."

These games still didn't release, so where's your proof?

Here's another problem:

"However they are not bigger than other Wii/360 games so it's the same thing for Sony."

Which 360 games could be bigger than MGS4, GT5, or FFXIII? Ninja Gaiden 2? Halo Wars? And again, these games still have yet to be released, so where's your proof?