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Forums - Sales Discussion - Pachter: 3DS will outsell PSP2 as Kinect outsold Move

you dont need to be a game analyst to know that...

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oh noes, 3DS is d0med!

Poor 3DS  looks like it will repeat fate of previous nintendo 3d console now ;)


The interesting thing here is his comparison to the Kinect vs Move situation and Kinect 'winning'. He predicted Move would 'win' back in September...


milkyjoe said:

The interesting thing here is his comparison to the Kinect vs Move situation and Kinect 'winning'. ]He predicted] Move would 'win' back in September...

Cannot mention predicting, and ******* in the same sentence. It breaks the laws of physics.

* Predicting

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I just have the feeling that neither of them are going to set the world on fire.  I cant help think that in NA with the 3DS selling for $250 parents arent going to fork over the cash.  I for one will not be getting a 3DS for my kids.  $750 for 3 boys for something the use to pass the time when we travel isnt worth it. Kids have other devices (phones, iPods, iPads, Zunes, etc.) that are multipurpose that they can play games on.

Its libraries that sell systems not a single game.

I want to throw up playing my 3Ds!!!

He doomed the 3DS now. PSP2 will now outsell 3DS.

3DS Friend Code:   4596-9822-6909

This could be the case in the Americas region, but definatly not worldwide. NA consumers have never really gotten attached to the PSP, and the current DS is already outselling the PSP 2.5:1. Comparing that with Kinect to Move's ratio of 3.5:1, it's not unreasonable to think the 3DS will outsell the PSP2 by this much in Americas, especially with the increased third party support (Splinter Cell, Resident Evil, Super Street Fighter, Madden, etc).

However in Japan, most video game sales go into handheld consoles, and a lot of people there probably want raw graphical supperiority. Just like the PSP holds up to the DS there, the PSP2 should hold significant ground. As for EMEAA, Sony systems are very popular in rural regions, so I don't think the 3DS will outsell the PSP2 by more then a 2:1 ratio.

It's funny how Nintendo is the first of the two to release a new handheld, when Sony clearly needs a new console more to gain handheld market share.

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