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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - RE5 for Wii Petition

Destroyer_of_knights said:
routsounmanman said:
Destroyer_of_knights said:
routsounmanman said:
Destroyer_of_knights said:
RolStoppable said:
Destroyer_of_knights said:
LordTheNightKnight said:
The Wii isn't tapped either, so that's not a valid argument.

the only thing untapped about the wii is the motion sensing stuff, their is potential for unique/creative yet responsive controls to be fleshed out from the wiimote, but as far as graphics go, the wii is already running at or near it's peak.

Yes, because history has shown us that Mario games were always close to the limit of what the hardware can do. So the Wii has no potential left to show us impressive gains beyond Super Mario Galaxy.

On a sidenote, your screenname is funny in relation to the person you have quoted.

the reason I said the Wii has basically reached it's graphical limit is this, the Wii has the same hardware architecture as the Gamecube, the main differences are that it's suped up with more ram and higher bus speeds as well as a higher clocked CPU. This enables Wii developer such as retro studio to push the console to it's limits much sooner because the hardware architecture is already known to them. Infact this was one of the key things nintnedo wanted, because it makes game development easier and cheaper for the developers as well as freeing up their time so they can spend it on making games with creative use of the wiimote.


Tell us ONE developer that has tapped Gamecube's power besides Capcom with RE4.

how about factor 5 with Star Wars Rogue Squadron: Rogue Leader II, these guys new how to push the Gamecube hardware, and then their Retro studio with MP2.

Resident Evil 4 looked way better than both of these games; anyway, PS2 accunted for Gamecube and Xbox's graphical prowess not being fully exploited. Most developers just poored over their PS2 games. This generation, some developers will be forced to exploit the Wii (I will be VERY surprised if Monster Hunter 3 doesn't look awesome)

Most likley, and this wouldn't surprise me a bit, they'll just use a modified MH ps2/psp graphics engine, slap it on the wii and see how it sells, hell they could even use the zack and wiki engine

You think they'll slap a modified PS2/PSP engine on their exclusive, massively selling (in Japan) high-profile game? Doubtful!

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Ah, as long as the thread doesn't get locked, keep the good times commin'

haha good luck with that petition! If it did come out they would have to cut out the quality of the game and lower the graphics to 480p from 1080p! All i know is it'll be out for PS3 and 360!

^yeah but the gameplay and controls would be better on wii

Soriku said:
konnichiwa said:
Girl Gamer Elite said:
I guess the fear it could happen is just too overwhelming. *shrugs*

Why should any X360/PS3 owner be scared if the Wii gets also RE5?


Because the guys who DON'T want it are the Wii are the so-called "Wii haters" that DON'T want the Wii to do better and "steal" a game. They don't want more people to enjoy it. Especially not Wii owners because they want the Wii to fail.

Not necessarily true. I only own a Wii and I don't want RE5 on the Wii. I want an original RE designed specifically for the Wii, not one ported in just about a year. I'm hoping that Capcom repeats the douche move they did with declaring RE4 for the PS2 just before it came out on the GameCube in saying a brand new original RE will be out for the Wii just a couple weeks before RE5 comes out for 360/PS3.

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takeru51 said:
Soriku said:
konnichiwa said:
Girl Gamer Elite said:
I guess the fear it could happen is just too overwhelming. *shrugs*

Why should any X360/PS3 owner be scared if the Wii gets also RE5?


Because the guys who DON'T want it are the Wii are the so-called "Wii haters" that DON'T want the Wii to do better and "steal" a game. They don't want more people to enjoy it. Especially not Wii owners because they want the Wii to fail.

Not necessarily true. I only own a Wii and I don't want RE5 on the Wii. I want an original RE designed specifically for the Wii, not one ported in just about a year. I'm hoping that Capcom repeats the douche move they did with declaring RE4 for the PS2 just before it came out on the GameCube in saying a brand new original RE will be out for the Wii just a couple weeks before RE5 comes out for 360/PS3.

I think he meant the Wii bashers who insist that.

And I ALREADY mentioned Umbrella Chronicles was made for the Wii. 

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

Saying that Umbrella Chronicles is sufficient compensation for RE5 is just outright ignorance and little more than insulting patronization of the Wii audience.

I particularaly don't care too much about this game but I do agree it makes sense to see it on the Wii. There is no reason almost every game of the series is on the GC/Wii yet the next one isn't. Fans don't like being torn between gaming platforms. On principle alone I support this petition.

More realistically I would like to see a Petition advocating the porting of the Outbreak games and Gun Survivor games on the Wii.

The Outbreak games released as the "Outbreak Files" perhaps featuring a third never before seen file compiled from the unfinished levels not used in the first two but clearly evident on the game disc for those who knew how to sort through the data. The game could be sold as one of the early third party games with online capabilities which is far more accessable on the Wii than was on the PS2 which could promise Capcom far more success for only a fraction of the investment.

The Resident Evil: Gun Survivor games could be released as the "Survivor Chronicles" and the first one (a PS game) could be remade in much the same way that levels in Umbrella Chronicles were, chopped together from various games. The second Gun Survivor could stand a make over too and could be hyped as a game never before released in North America. The third title could be left untouched. The "Survivor Chronicles" would be sold at least as a bargain priced title or at full price with a free Wii Zapper. Similaraly the "Outbreak Files" could include a classic controller if Capcom doesn't feel like converting the entire PS2 control scheme onto the Wii-mote and Nun-chuck.

Whether they were popular or not, both series, for what little investment they would require, are smart and common sense moves for the early Wii library, a collection of games that would boast the Wii's online and a second collection that would further support the Wii Zapper. Even if neither title sold substantially they would both turn a major profit for Capcom.

Obviously more viable long term projects for the Wii could include remakes of RE2, RE3: Nemesis and RE: CVX (third try is the charm). Capcom would be more than welcome to wait on putting RE5 on the Wii until more about the Wii's hardware and how to utilize it is known. They of course would announced ASAP to make the fans happy.

I personally don't really like RE games...tried them but never really liked zombies or zombie look-a-likes and such (dead people should stay dead!)....

anyways, for alll those people that keep clamoring about how the Wii can't handle the amount of zombies in the area, that the graphics are going to be stripped down, that the game will be an inferior version, guys completely missed the entire point....

If the point of games was to make beautiful pieces of art that people may not be able to buy, the original Xbox and Gamecube would have been the champions last year, and the PS3 and Xbox 360 would be trouncing the Wii right now. Obviously, this isn't the case.

Remember RE4? You know, the game every Ninty fanboy have clamored would "save the system" and "finally show those Sony fanboys the true power of the Gamecube"? Well, the game came. Every game reviewer stated that it was Game of the Year, revolutionized RE forever now, how a RE game should have been, etc. etc. What happened? Well, despite the graphics being freaking awesome, the sales were not sky-rocketing and was later ported to the PS2. The graphics were definitely inferior, but it had some add-ons and sold better. The Gamecube version sold 1.61 mil games while the PS2 version almost sold 2 million (1.91 to be exact).

Whats the point of all this? The point is that yes, the 360 and the PS3 are the better systems. People may be right that the situation is different; after all, 360 sells a lot of software and the PS3 is the heir of the Sony brand with more hardcore fans that the previous generations. But if....and I say a BIG IF....if the game comes out when the Wii has a huge amount of systems sold and has a giant lead on both the 360 and the PS3...just like the last generation, you will see a port of the game, with inferior graphics but with Wii controls and some add-ons like the PS2 version of RE4.

Explanation of sig:

I am a name is hard is that? (Don't ask about the 101...apparantely there are more of me out there....)

Well I don't know how likely RE5 for the Wii is, but it would certainly be a welcome addition. What I wouldn't give to be on Capcom's advisory and consumer feed-back team.

Oh and here is a link to the petition since the OP's post got erased.

lol my RE for PSP petition has for now more votes :P If Il get my PSP RE game than be shure that Il sign that petition :)

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