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I personally don't really like RE games...tried them but never really liked zombies or zombie look-a-likes and such (dead people should stay dead!)....

anyways, for alll those people that keep clamoring about how the Wii can't handle the amount of zombies in the area, that the graphics are going to be stripped down, that the game will be an inferior version, guys completely missed the entire point....

If the point of games was to make beautiful pieces of art that people may not be able to buy, the original Xbox and Gamecube would have been the champions last year, and the PS3 and Xbox 360 would be trouncing the Wii right now. Obviously, this isn't the case.

Remember RE4? You know, the game every Ninty fanboy have clamored would "save the system" and "finally show those Sony fanboys the true power of the Gamecube"? Well, the game came. Every game reviewer stated that it was Game of the Year, revolutionized RE forever now, how a RE game should have been, etc. etc. What happened? Well, despite the graphics being freaking awesome, the sales were not sky-rocketing and was later ported to the PS2. The graphics were definitely inferior, but it had some add-ons and sold better. The Gamecube version sold 1.61 mil games while the PS2 version almost sold 2 million (1.91 to be exact).

Whats the point of all this? The point is that yes, the 360 and the PS3 are the better systems. People may be right that the situation is different; after all, 360 sells a lot of software and the PS3 is the heir of the Sony brand with more hardcore fans that the previous generations. But if....and I say a BIG IF....if the game comes out when the Wii has a huge amount of systems sold and has a giant lead on both the 360 and the PS3...just like the last generation, you will see a port of the game, with inferior graphics but with Wii controls and some add-ons like the PS2 version of RE4.

Explanation of sig:

I am a name is hard is that? (Don't ask about the 101...apparantely there are more of me out there....)