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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - How many Stars do you have in SMG?

I got all 242. All in 6 days [within 7 days but one of those i didn't play]

@ Sri Lumpa... really no point waiting to do the Grand Finale, it's not really a proper level.

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96 stars. I find the level of difficulty perfect for my weak platforming skills.

I only have 44 so far..but I like to play really awesome games like that slowly because you never know when another game like that is coming out. I played LoZ:TP for eight months.

fkusumot said:

96 stars. I find the level of difficulty perfect for my weak platforming skills.

 You're going to love the last fifteen stars then. =P

I'm 242, and more or less out of stuff to play untill Christmas. Guess I'll go play Super Mario World instead for now.

25 stars.
This game is so much fun.

The only bad experience I'm having for this game is that The Real Canadian Superstore is selling the game $10 off on their no tax night.
After I purchased the game for the full price with tax.
Ok, I'm done ranting now.

Mario FTW

"To love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, for as long you shall be resurrected from death in the church"

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About 125. Finished with Mario in about a week, then moved on to LEGO Star Wars.

I got all 120 with Mario and have about 70 something with Luigi. I might play it when I get it back from Nintendo.

I'm at around 160 stars right now.

242 and I enjoyed each and every one!

call me Aaronbunny!

Wii code: 6993 4542 2457 6182. plz add me Im a wiily gd friend


I don't have it yet. Was going to buy it, but now it's a Xmas present.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"