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Forums - Sales Discussion - Sony reaffirms PS3 2010 sales projections

Euphoria14 said:
ImJustBayuum said:
Euphoria14 said:

What makes you think they stuffed the channels? 

Also do you assume they shipped most of their consoles to the US? I would assume they shipped more to Europe than they did to the US.

I wrote "likely" in my first post..And I gave the most recent NPD data that suggests that.

For your second point, I wasnt referring to absolute numbers but I was referring to the fact that they shipped significant numbers of units to US irrespective of Europe's numbers and thus could affect the overall shipping number that Sony gave out.

NPD only pertains to the United States though, which is not the PS3's strongest territory, so to be honest it is not a good excuse for why they stuffed the channel. Well, they also have Canadian NPD, but I am not sure if we have numbers for them yet.

As for your second point, what part of the financial reports told you what they shipped to the US? 

Better yet, what exactly informed you of SONY's Q3 shipments because from what I know I doubt anyone on this site knows what they shipped for Q3.


Seems like you're just pulling info out of thin air to be completely honest with you and is no different from what we have heard the last 6 months.

1st point - it really comes down to opinion whether the analysis from NPD is a good or bad indicator of stuffing channels.

2nd point - That is because I never said anything specific but merely suggest from a logical perspective that after Europe, America is PS3's second biggest market. Which means that Sony must have shipped a significant amount of units to this market which means that any channel stuffing in america will likely have sigificant effects on the overall shipping numbers that Sony gave.

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rrrnearrr said:
psrock said:

They are selling better somewhere not Japan or US i guess.

I think it's South America and some EMEAA countries, where VGC has no clue of what's happening

but loosing in the biggest market in the world, is also affecting sales...

eliasg said:
rrrnearrr said:
psrock said:

They are selling better somewhere not Japan or US i guess.

I think it's South America and some EMEAA countries, where VGC has no clue of what's happening

but loosing in the biggest market in the world, is also affecting sales...

Espacially when the PS3 has always been losing there.

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)

Channel stuffed or not, all PS3's shipped will eventually be sold.


ImJustBayuum said:
whatever said:
ImJustBayuum said:
ElGranCabeza said:
fighter said:
Wagram said:
psrock said:

They are selling better somewhere not Japan or US i guess.

EMEAA is a huge territory. Honestly Sony hitting the gutter was probably the best thing for them. They are kicking so much ass now. Best 3rd place ever and has an AMAZING category of games on the PS3 now. God the games next year alone could give ya the shakes.

Are you saying 2011 will be the best year of the PS3 ?

Honestly that sounds pretty similar to what was said about 2008/9/10 being the best years of the PS3 (btw when did it, according to you, "hit the gutter" ?).

Are you being ironic or is it really what you think ?

I don't know whether or not you're being sarcastic but Sony shipped more in '09 than they did in '08, they shipped more in '08 than they did in '07, and, if their projection holds, they'll have shipped more in 10 than they did in '09, so when people said the year prior to it happening that "2008/09/10 will the PS3 best year ever", they were right.

Channel Stuffing more likely this year...I mean the gap between the PS3 and 360 in the November NPD was huge

You do realize that NPD is just estimates and they make adjustments to their numbers all the time.  We'll know a lot more come the financial reports at the end of March.

NPD is the most reliable estimate with regards to gaming sales in america. So having that kind of a gap in one of the biggest month in the biggest market of the world suggests that those shipping figures are not that impressive if you consider the numbers of units sold to end users / consumers.

My point was that we will see at the end of March.  If Sony is over-stuffing, then there won't be many shipped in the Jan-March  quarter, so you would see it then.

Around the Network
fighter said:
Wagram said:
psrock said:

They are selling better somewhere not Japan or US i guess.

EMEAA is a huge territory. Honestly Sony hitting the gutter was probably the best thing for them. They are kicking so much ass now. Best 3rd place ever and has an AMAZING category of games on the PS3 now. God the games next year alone could give ya the shakes.

Are you saying 2011 will be the best year of the PS3 ?

Honestly that sounds pretty similar to what was said about 2008/9/10 being the best years of the PS3 (btw when did it, according to you, "hit the gutter" ?).

Are you being ironic or is it really what you think ?

Blame sony. It is because of the, the PS3 gets better every year not ours.


about stuffing the channelss. You can not force a shop to take more consoles. They may order to many by overestimating demand but then they dont order as much the next quater.

wait for march/april shipments to see if the channels are stuffed. Liek many people are saying. I remember this was getting said last year and now he PS3's sales has been raised more then once. This sites tracking nor any others is perfect.

Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st

pezus said:

Jeez, Sony has been overshipping for 2-3 quarters in a row then? Do stores just pile them up until the piles reach the heavens?

I heard they shipped a couple of million to Antarctica, the penguins from Surf's Up ordered them.

Omg, the PS3 is selling well and Sony is expecting to make their 15 mil projection, and the only logical conclusion is Sony is stuffing the channels?  What is this, the 3rd quarter in a row that people have used that excuse?  Do you guys honestly think that Sony has some kind of militia that goes out and forces stores to order more stock than is needed for the WHOLE year?  Or that retailers have no control over what gets shipped to their stores?  Man, some people are already afraid of any possible adjustments that may be caused by the next set of financial reports.

Honestly, I'll be happy when the PS3 finally passes the 360 in shipped and sold numbers, so people will quite with the "TEH PS3 IS OVERSHIPEDZZZ!" excuse.  Sorry, but in the real world retailers are in control of what they order.  And there is no possible way they would allow any company to stuff their stores with unneeded product for 3 quarters in a row.  They would go out of business, eventually.

Immortal said:
psrock said:
Immortal said:
psrock said:

Think about it: Playstation : loser : low expectation from investors : Sony protecting

                          : LCD : Brings Sony money: high expectation from investors : Sony don't care to protect.

By your logic, Sony should be making sure the LCD division doesn't show any sign trouble, but someow had no problem saying they were not going to meet expectation.


And all your numbers are wrong.

Not exactly; PS3 Sony needs to protect, investors will go on a rampage if such a product continues to do under expectations and will ask for the product to be scrapped, which will be an even bigger mess, LCD Sony doesn't need to because the product has been doing well and investors like the product. It doesn't matter whether or not they had high expectations; if the product's doing well, they won't care to do much about it being slightly off target.

Also, I presume you mean my numbers regarding the $10 billion loss from PS3? The best sources I could find indicate that PS1/2 combined to form $9-10 billion profit and that the PS brand is currently in the red.

$10b PS3 = <$0

PS3 = <-$10b

I will ignore the numbers as you are just making things up.

So if the PS3 sells 14.5 million for fiscal year, investors will ask Sony to scrap the PS3?  the biggest year oF the PS3? Seriously?

I am? Fair enough, I guess. My source is another poster on this site. Care to tell me what the real numbers are then? I assume you know of them since you seem certain that my figures are incorrect.

Also, obviously, investors won't ask for the PS3 to be scrapped just like that, but they may get rather frustrated and some may sell stock. The chance of this is high enough for Sony to play it safe and wait for a better oppurtunity to adjust their expectations.

How old are you? I would be genuinely surprised if you're older than 13, well unless you have some kind of mental disability in which case I apologize in advance.

ImJustBayuum said:
ElGranCabeza said:
fighter said:
Wagram said:
psrock said:

They are selling better somewhere not Japan or US i guess.

EMEAA is a huge territory. Honestly Sony hitting the gutter was probably the best thing for them. They are kicking so much ass now. Best 3rd place ever and has an AMAZING category of games on the PS3 now. God the games next year alone could give ya the shakes.

Are you saying 2011 will be the best year of the PS3 ?

Honestly that sounds pretty similar to what was said about 2008/9/10 being the best years of the PS3 (btw when did it, according to you, "hit the gutter" ?).

Are you being ironic or is it really what you think ?

I don't know whether or not you're being sarcastic but Sony shipped more in '09 than they did in '08, they shipped more in '08 than they did in '07, and, if their projection holds, they'll have shipped more in 10 than they did in '09, so when people said the year prior to it happening that "2008/09/10 will the PS3 best year ever", they were right.

Channel Stuffing more likely this year...I mean the gap between the PS3 and 360 in the November NPD was huge


people are still hanging to tht excuse