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I.... actually can't wait for the 72 hours to be up. 

It's much needed. 

 Tag (Courtesy of Fkusumot) "If I'm posting in this thread then it's probally a spam thread."                               

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Wonktonodi said:
Linkzmax said:


Now, on the percentage thing, hat was saying it was a fail math joke, not math fail. As in he tried to make a math joke, and that was my thought as well at the time it was posted, but it failed to get any laughs. The fact that he didn't respond to zexen's clarification that it added up to 100% as it should actually backs this up: no lulz and explaining a joke is well less than useful. Still, a joke isn't a contribution either, unless there was an underling implication that hat disagreed with 'the certainty that there are 5 mafia'.

The "200 posts later" is certainly hyperbole, but it really doesn't make sense given the posts were fairly close to each other, both in number and in time. I can't imagine why hat would try to create the idea of a significant gap like that.

I'd disagree with you about there being a huge difference between nordlead's response on the number of mafia last round and zexen's this time around. Yes, nordlead gave a range while zexen gave an exact number, but both are responses that in all likely-hood give the actual number. It's only a connection if you are scum,(since you asked how many there are) since Heph was first to bring up the number of scum last round. Even then it's a stretch to say zexen must be scum because nordlead was last time. In all it's a somewhat interesting observation, but pretty meaningless in my opinion.

And I think you have points in the third link that they deserved a response from hat. Some of it is trivial, and some self-defense, but overall at the very least it should have prompted a "nice try, but you're still scum."

Oh, what's your take on Gnizmo now that prof is dead?
As for his vote, I think he meant that of the people he listed as being suspects, Stefl has a vote while you and radish have none.


Back to you and hat. All of this is really only valid if you're a townie, but a revenge vote(despite all the reasoning you may have, it can still appear to be revenge) doesn't make sense because it could just be another townie that is suspicious of you. I do admit that much of what hat says about you(parroting, a big post that doesn't say much, etc.) seems to be true. I just don't think it's enough at the moment to agree that you're scum, meaning the others I'm on to raise bigger flags.

If he's a townie, since he sees you as scum, it isn't very surprising that he's pretty much writing you off. On the hand, if that's the case, he should be trying much harder to convince others that you are scum. I wouldn't be that shocked if it turns out you're both on the mafia team.

Even if it's a math fail joke it was confusing and disracting at best and could be harmful at worst.

The only reason I could see him trying to make there be more of a gap was to distance himself from the discussion that he was in the heart of.

You say you disagree with me yet you also agree that it is meaningless and little can be concluded from it. But do you agree that the point of the post was to make zex look bad for his answer?

Hat's hardly said much even since he came back.  To think he said how quiet I got after he voted for me.

I see that as a possability for his vote.  Yet that would mean he is ingroning several other people in town who are looking suspcious. He should have been much more clear. Maybe he'll answer your post. I do think his bizzaro mafia comment seemed a bit odd since the town is quiet and theprof is gone plus there wasn't a huge amount of people after him anyway.  Had he had as many votes as SAK i could see it but otherwise not so much. 

Funny how my vote is a revenge vote when he voted for me after I HOS him.  That to me was revenge my vote was just because his reaction to my HOS was way too scumy.  I think you have some things a bit backwards though the this can only ring true if I'm townie.  He posted what he posted and you agree with some of it I'm not putting out bad math jokes or lies about when I post to convince.  Just going by posts he made and found a pattern.

If he's town he should keep an open enough mind to listen to things and discuss thing like you do, talk them out. Jumping to a conclusion based of a few things then ignoring everything else reminds me of a kid covering his ears shoutting I'm not listening.  It seems like a poor way to play as town.

You know, hatmoza is moss probably going to be modkilled soon, unless he decides to post. 

This will... this will pretty much answer your entire point, depending on what he comes up as.  

 Tag (Courtesy of Fkusumot) "If I'm posting in this thread then it's probally a spam thread."                               

Linkzmax said:
hatmoza said:

Only 120 posts in my week absence?

I'll get back into this when I catch up. Also, this game is going to be dead now that prof's gone. I have no idea why the mafia would target him. That  was a retarded move if you ask me.

I'll ask you, why was it a retarded move? Since you're implying you aren't, if you were mafia then who would you have targeted instead?

Well personally because I hate seeing heavy contributors eliminated early in mafia games. A trait I developed while hosting the last game. I think I even mentioned it in the losers thread. I know that's not a direct answer to your question, but that post was meant to insult the mafia players whoever they are. I guess I could have used a better word than retarded but it was reflecting my frustration at the time.

If I were mafia, nordlead of course.

I actually skimmed ahead and read your little talk with Wonk. Don't worry. I'm not suspicious of you because  of that, but I do want to ask: Don't you find it strange that ever since my assault weeks ago on him, he's been bent on trying to make me seem bad by what seems to be revenge on me for making him look bad? (by bad I mean calling him a parrot and active lurker).

I'm not the best person at leading lynches but I know when I'm fighting a lost battle so I gave up on lynching him and I ignored him a lot after his break down (which I still believe to be a mark of a newb mafia player: revenge voting/accusing etc). Go back and skim over the game and witness for yourself how disturbed he was from me. How desperate he was to come after me with what I honestly believe to be bologna accusations, accusations full of desperation, accusations that lead to very little responses to the point were they were almost ignored when the game was active. And those who did refer to us said things like " oh I'm kinda suspicious of Wonk now" ( I believe Gnizmo and FF) and you know why 2 veteran players agreed that he was suspicious? Not because of my accusations, but because of the way he responded. 

Now, to mention why I finally have a reason to suspect you other then a gut feeling:

I find it interesting that you said earlier in the game that you believed us to be two town members bickering. Then recently said that you wouldn't be surprised if we were 2 mafia players.

Nothing solid, and I'm not gonna go after you because of it, but it seems that you were trying to remove suspicion from us (and again this is a theory) as scum b/w me and Wonk. A common tactic scum try to do indirectly especially first day as they try to prevent to put suspicion on fellow mafia players until they really have to.

And since I know I'm not scum, I have this crazy feeling that you were trying to defend Wonk. Now that we're in day 3 (or is it 4?) You say you wouldn't be surprised if we were both scum. Almost as if  you're trying to rinse your hands with any co-operative associations with Wonk ...

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

nen-suer said:

Since you asked. I'm pretty sure every single player posted during day two, it was pretty active at first. And even once it got slow towards the end, all but maybe 4(that's an estimate, I'm not going to actually go back and check) players still popped in and said something here or there.

Now onto your thinking that MG and SAK conspired during the night to set you up for a lynch today. Here you were sure Wonk and ST were mafia for siding against you. I'm getting the feeling that you're a bit paranoid. There's a line between not trusting anyone, and believing just about everyone is teaming up against you.

You said: "Its funny how he & MG suddenly chose to go after me today like they decided to do so  during the night
today they moved to the top of my list.....even the killing methods fit there play style."  Can you explain the bolded for me. I had a small glance at MG as mafia last round, where he wanted to go after good players(as did everyone) but also those that were onto him.(I don't think that's the case here really) I have no idea how SAK thinks as mafia.

Linkzmax said:

The "200 posts later" is certainly hyperbole, but it really doesn't make sense given the posts were fairly close to each other, both in number and in time. I can't imagine why hat would try to create the idea of a significant gap like that.


And I think you have points in the third link that they deserved a response from hat. Some of it is trivial, and some self-defense, but overall at the very least it should have prompted a "nice try, but you're still scum."

exaggerating? I'm pretty sure the post count between my argument with zex and that post was well over a hundred posts. 

I believe I answered all of his questions fairly. They included stuff like the "math fail joke" and "me and nordlead always do this" they're quite long responses before I got sick of the same questions and realized my lynch wagon on Wonk wasn't going anywhere.

I'll remember, or try to remember to pull them up. And as you said, most of those questions are trivial anyway, a sign of grasping at straws.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

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TruckOSaurus said:

Well I'm back... first I'd like to apologize to noname and all players for being absent since about Dec. 23rd and for being an hypocrit too ( I thought I could sneak in some Mafia playing time during my busy Christmas on the road but turns out I couldn't do it.

@noname: I don't think we should end the game. Things should pick up now that we're done overeating and drinking.

Same, Since my trip to Chicago I only logged on VGC 2 or 3 times for a few minutes! I was too busy enjoying myself.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

Wonktonodi said:

1) Even if it's a math fail joke it was confusing and disracting at best and could be harmful at worst.

The only reason I could see him trying to make there be more of a gap was to distance himself from the discussion that he was in the heart of.

2) You say you disagree with me yet you also agree that it is meaningless and little can be concluded from it. But do you agree that the point of the post was to make zex look bad for his answer?

3) Hat's hardly said much even since he came back.  To think he said how quiet I got after he voted for me.

I see that as a possability for his vote.  Yet that would mean he is ingroning several other people in town who are looking suspcious. He should have been much more clear. Maybe he'll answer your post. I do think his bizzaro mafia comment seemed a bit odd since the town is quiet and theprof is gone plus there wasn't a huge amount of people after him anyway.  Had he had as many votes as SAK i could see it but otherwise not so much. 

4) Funny how my vote is a revenge vote when he voted for me after I HOS him.  That to me was revenge my vote was just because his reaction to my HOS was way too scumy.  I think you have some things a bit backwards though the this can only ring true if I'm townie.  He posted what he posted and you agree with some of it I'm not putting out bad math jokes or lies about when I post to convince.  Just going by posts he made and found a pattern.

5) If he's town he should keep an open enough mind to listen to things and discuss thing like you do, talk them out. Jumping to a conclusion based of a few things then ignoring everything else reminds me of a kid covering his ears shoutting I'm not listening.  It seems like a poor way to play as town.

1) That may have been the result, but I doubt it was the intent. You can continue to push it if you like, I'm just personally not seeing that as evidence.

2) I think it was an observation that a similar thing happened last round, when hat was mod and therefore knew the alignment of everyone while they were posting. IF it was an attempt to paint zex in a bad light then I believe it was a very poor job.

3) hat wasn't really back, he was offline for the last 4 days. It seems he's back now, so we'll see if quiet or active is the way things will turn.

4) Yes I could see his vote as one of revenge for the HoS also. The thing is voting back after that just comes across as 'I'm not scum. You must be!' Either way it's up to others to take a look at the situation and decide which(or both/neither) is actually scum. At the moment I'm more inclined to believe you're both townies, but that could be because I'm too focused on others.

5) It's also possible he's trying to bait others into voting for you for basically nothing, as in exposing scum. But at this point I think some real discussion would be best. To be frank though, I think you're tunneling a bit yourself. You have mentioned very little outside of hat in the last two weeks. Even if you have 1 scum pegged, there are others.

hatmoza said:

1) Well personally because I hate seeing heavy contributors eliminated early in mafia games. A trait I developed while hosting the last game. I think I even mentioned it in the losers thread. I know that's not a direct answer to your question, but that post was meant to insult the mafia players whoever they are. I guess I could have used a better word than retarded but it was reflecting my frustration at the time.

If I were mafia, nordlead of course.

2) I actually skimmed ahead and read your little talk with Wonk. Don't worry. I'm not suspicious of you because  of that, but I do want to ask: Don't you find it strange that ever since my assault weeks ago on him, he's been bent on trying to make me seem bad by what seems to be revenge on me for making him look bad? (by bad I mean calling him a parrot and active lurker).

3) I'm not the best person at leading lynches but I know when I'm fighting a lost battle so I gave up on lynching him and I ignored him a lot after his break down (which I still believe to be a mark of a newb mafia player: revenge voting/accusing etc). Go back and skim over the game and witness for yourself how disturbed he was from me. How desperate he was to come after me with what I honestly believe to be bologna accusations, accusations full of desperation, accusations that lead to very little responses to the point were they were almost ignored when the game was active. And those who did refer to us said things like " oh I'm kinda suspicious of Wonk now" ( I believe Gnizmo and FF) and you know why 2 veteran players agreed that he was suspicious? Not because of my accusations, but because of the way he responded. 

4) Now, to mention why I finally have a reason to suspect you other then a gut feeling:

I find it interesting that you said earlier in the game that you believed us to be two town members bickering. Then recently said that you wouldn't be surprised if we were 2 mafia players.

Nothing solid, and I'm not gonna go after you because of it, but it seems that you were trying to remove suspicion from us (and again this is a theory) as scum b/w me and Wonk. A common tactic scum try to do indirectly especially first day as they try to prevent to put suspicion on fellow mafia players until they really have to.

And since I know I'm not scum, I have this crazy feeling that you were trying to defend Wonk. Now that we're in day 3 (or is it 4?) You say you wouldn't be surprised if we were both scum. Almost as if  you're trying to rinse your hands with any co-operative associations with Wonk ...

1) Agreed. I said the same as well. prof is probably the last person I'd target regardless of my alignment, simply because he helps keep things moving.

2) I do find it a bit strange. As I said in one of my recent posts, it feels like Wonk is tunneling.

3) Like I mentioned, I did find several things trivial. Those points that I thought were at least valid I commented on, and most can be explained in a non anti-town way. So I can see exactly how some others(and I think Vette was one as well) had flags raised in Wonk's direction. I just think it could be a newb townie latching onto someone they got a feeling is scum and then clouding everything into evidence. Since Wonk was scum last time, I just don't know his town play, but this round seems quite different from then. Sure he could be a more experienced mafia, but the same play from last round would fit right in with all the inactivity lately.

4) Ah that is, as j0 would put it, interesting. I'll actually explain why I say that though: I still believe you're both townies. If only one is scum I did lean more towards you being the mafiosi, but I would have to look back on why I was more suspicious of you. You've mostly dropped off my radar with the developments of day two.(It's day three btw) Lastly, it's almost like you're saying the same thing of me and Wonk that I did of you two; the method is different but we're both open to the idea that two scummates have revealed some relationship. To be clear though, if either of you is actually lynched and flips scum, I wouldn't go jumping on the other.

I was actually was getting the feeling that I've been defending you lately. So I guess 4th parties could see the very same about the two of us.


As for the 200 posts thing. It does seem like you're talking about the original argument over the numbers(page 1 by 100) and this one(page 4 by 100). You did have some posts on page 2 relating to the numbers, but I'd now agree that it wasn't an exaggeration. I was going by Wonk's point that you responded(to the original point) two posts later. So I apologize for that and though I didn't think much of it since it didn't make sense to do, it's absolutely stricken as any kind of evidence. The argument itself could still be up for debate, but so much has happened since then that there has to be more for a convincing case.

hatmoza said:
Linkzmax said:

The "200 posts later" is certainly hyperbole, but it really doesn't make sense given the posts were fairly close to each other, both in number and in time. I can't imagine why hat would try to create the idea of a significant gap like that.


And I think you have points in the third link that they deserved a response from hat. Some of it is trivial, and some self-defense, but overall at the very least it should have prompted a "nice try, but you're still scum."

exaggerating? I'm pretty sure the post count between my argument with zex and that post was well over a hundred posts. 

I believe I answered all of his questions fairly. They included stuff like the "math fail joke" and "me and nordlead always do this" they're quite long responses before I got sick of the same questions and realized my lynch wagon on Wonk wasn't going anywhere.

I'll remember, or try to remember to pull them up. And as you said, most of those questions are trivial anyway, a sign of grasping at straws.

It was 2 posts latter that you first responed to zex with the numbers with pleanty more after so hardly the 200 you said before or the 100 you say now. If comenting on how you distance yourself from something with information that false and then even when called out on it continue to say such things then you and I have very different notions of grasping at straws.



The following players have been modkilled:

Metalgear94 (Mafia)

Vetteman94 (Townie)

Silver-Tiger (Townie)


There are several other players who are "on the bubble," so to speak, but I'd like to minimize the casualties at the moment, and I know some of the absent have legitimate reasons for their absences.  Nonetheless, if you haven't posted in several days, or if you've contributed little more than a one-liner in the past 72 hours, I urgently request that you please increase your participation.  And in order to alleviate any confusion, modkills will continue to be handed out as necessary, not merely every 72 hours.

Edit:  At the moment, I'm thinking this Sunday night would be a good barometer to flush out more modkills.  There are five players in particular who may end up getting modkilled then, although I'm hoping no more kills will be necessary.