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So... no one PM'd me that they'd like the game to end, and two folks have said here they'd like it to continue, but in spite of all that this year's averaging out to about ten posts per real day, a fifth of which are by me.  This is true notwithstanding the presence of seventeen (17) active players, all but one of whom has logged on recently. 


I write all this to explain why theRepublic and I have decided to change the rules a bit.  Starting in 72 hours (Friday, 6 PM Pacific time), we will begin handing out modkills like they're roofies at a rave.  This should lower the voting bar, and thus end this game sometime before Summer.

In order to avoid getting modkilled, players must maintain a good faith effort at playing the game.  I think we can all agree this is a low bar to set: we're not asking that you devote your life to the game, or that you make at least X number of posts per day.  Instead, we ask that you play the game.  Lurking, parroting, and going off-topic don't count as playing, but pretty much everything else does.  Note that zexen is immune to this rule for the next two weeks, for obvious reasons, although he can still be lynched/murdered/etc.

I'd also like to emphasize "maintain." The first modkills will start in 72 hours, but if we get a sense that folks are slacking off after that time we won't hesitate to modkill.  There will not be any other warning or fanfare beyond this post.


I know some people here think it's okay for them to lurk because they don't have any particular ideas, or because everything they want to say has already been said.  I'd like to inform those folks that that mindset is complete and utter bullshit; as an individual human I can guarantee that there is some original thought lurking in your skull, and I can promise you that your participation will contribute to the game, even if you feel otherwise. 

But, assuming you are, in fact, the most unoriginal, slow, boring person on the planet, and that EVERYTHING you want to say has already been said, verbatim, several times over, remember that you still have the ability, nay, the duty to lobby others' votes!  Look to see who's voting differently than you are, and do what you can to sway them to your side.  Or find someone who thinks differently, and debate him!  Really, the options here are endless.  So, no excuses folks: you signed up to play because you thought you'd have fun playing, so give it a go and see if you're right!

This concludes our peptalk/announcement/warning.  I hope everyone enjoys the rest of the game, and that we won't have to modkill anyone else.  But we will if we must.

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Oh, and it goes without saying, but if you would also like an out right now, please let us know, and we will oblige.

radishhead said:
Linkzmax said:

radishhead said:

Watch out what you say - I just admitted that I don't understand what's going on a few posts up, and now it's being manipulated into making me look like Mafia.

Actually, I might as well make a vote on that, for, as well as other things, jumping on a pretty trivial post and turning it into something else. 

Vote: SAK

I want to thank j0 first of all because I was waiting for someone else to comment on this before I did. I was hopeful that it might be foolish scum getting in on the action, but that was apparently too much to wish for.

Here's the post I assume you're refering to:
Kantor and j0 are right. Kantor at least has the excuse that he just replaced into the game, while you've been around since the start. J0 is correct that I never said you were Mafia. Furthermore, I never even said that anything you've done has been suspicious. I'd have to agree that you are being quite defensive for no reason. It's certainly possible that you're a mafiosi, but I was more implying that you're not being a very good townie if that is in fact your alignment. Forgive me if that is rude, I simply don't think you have been helpful to town.

You once again reinforce my point that you're not paying attention though. Not for coming to the wrong conclusion, but for thinking it was SAK that mentioned you.

I do applaud your effort at doing a little free-thinking though instead of following others' trails. Please do explain what you mean by "as well as other things." The fact that you don't even seem to remember when it's me that is saying stuff makes me wonder exactly what case you have.

Nah, the "other things" were going to be if I was voting for SAK, and since everyone is aware of that situation, I decided to make it simpler. I guess in my 2nd post, I should have mentioned that. I voted for you purely for the mini-rant that followed one of my posts xD However, I will look through previous posts, and see if I find anything exciting.

I can't tell if this was a joke vote or not rereading 5 times now...

If its serious, it comes across as a revenge vote, even though linkz didn't even threaten you.


Bottom feeders ftw!


New rules noted.

I've been catching up with a shit-load of Algebra two work. I'll try to post when I'm all caught up. 

I've been working for h ours and I'm still not done. I have two packets to complete, in one hour if I want to get 6 hours of sleep. Graaaaah

 Tag (Courtesy of Fkusumot) "If I'm posting in this thread then it's probally a spam thread."                               

This game has been going for a while, so I agree with the new rules.

I'll try and see which way the remaining players that haven't voted yet will vote when I return from school

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Gnizmo said:

So I disappear for like a week and people stop attacking me? I feel like I am in Bizarro Mafia.

Hum, this game is dragging out way too damn long. Personally I am always in favor of hard time limits for days, so I really love the idea now. The holidays are settling down and people should be able to return at this point.

All the same Stefl has managed to catch my eyes with his weird logic, and Radish for signing on board with those "potals" things or whatever Linkz calls them as well as just showing himself to be generally lazy in his hunting. Wonk has done nothing to allay my suspicions of him. I'll go with Stefl for now since he has the most votes, and I want this game to start moving for better or worse.

Vote: Stefl

Well it was pretty much theprof attacking you so you shouldn't be that surprized.  Also almost no one is posting so there is hardly anyone attacking or being attacked.

With the rule changes people should return soon or will be modkilled.

Although Stefl might have had some odd logic or odly worded logic SAK is still a strong candidate for scum and shouldn't be overlooked.

Potals can be a helpful tool although the big thing they show is participation so they won't help much over the last few weeks.  They can also show how a person views other people and that too can be helpful in figuring out the alignment of the person making the potals. 

I don't really care about people being suspicious of me.  However I do notice that almost no one has comented on any of the points I've made about hat and instead just mention their suspcions of me now you are on that short list.  It may not seem like much but with you and others not commenting on my posts at all and just commenting on me is making my very suspicous of all of you.  I doubt you'd all be scum but it does make me wonder.

What do you mean most votes?  He only had one as well as several other people.


c03n3nj0 said:
hatmoza said:

Only 120 posts in my week absence?

I'll get back into this when I catch up. Also, this game is going to be dead now that prof's gone. I have no idea why the mafia would target him. That  was a retarded move if you ask me.

Didn't the mafia target all the talkative players last round? I'm not sure. 

It has happened previous rounds, though. A lot of times the mafia won. 

Yes and last round theprof was the first one killed. 

What are your thoughts on HAT?

applause.gif is very fitting for the new rules. I'd hate to see modkills happen, but hopefully this way activity will rise and the game will end either way. Also, it's nice that it doesn't force deadlines. Not that I mind them, but that's simply how you intended it from the start.

What do you mean by "I'll try and see which way the remaining players that haven't voted yet will vote when I return from school?" Are you going to try and guess who each player will vote for?

Also, come up with anything else on me yet? I'm really curious if you have because nobody's really said anything about me since day one.

@Truck:(Welcome back)
Perhaps I'm misunderstanding "ride out the game," but noting the above I think I'd also fit the description you fall into. Even if I don't, then I'm sure a few others do.

When I inquired, j0 also said that part of the reasoning was because scottie didn't turn up scum. I actually find that odd, but I believe I've already made the fact I'm suspicious of j0 clear. I don't feel the need to explain why I find it odd at this point, though perhaps I will before the day is over. I'm actually hopeful someone else will see why though.

@Gnizmo:(Welcome back)
I'm sure you've noticed, but prof did back off a bit before your absence started and then of course was killed night two. I did have some minor questioning with you, but I'd say otherwise you could be one of those that are 'riding out the game with few suspicions cast upon them.' Additionally, so many people have been inactive lately that it's nearly pointless to choose one at random of the bunch. It is what it is, and that's why you haven't been attacked recently.

With your vote on Stefl, is the "weird logic" you're referring to the stuff I pointed out or something else?

Wonktonodi said:

Wow, I didn't think it took me that long to reply to the latest posts, but obviously I missed both of yours. It is quite late and I've been tired. Thank you for the reminder that I need to comment on your points of hat. Well I don't have to necessarily, but with the town as it is I've been trying to be extra active and commenting on almost everything. I certainly do agree the points should be looked at by others, so I'll be happy to.. in the morning.

Linkzmax said:
Wonktonodi said:

Wow, I didn't think it took me that long to reply to the latest posts, but obviously I missed both of yours. It is quite late and I've been tired. Thank you for the reminder that I need to comment on your points of hat. Well I don't have to necessarily, but with the town as it is I've been trying to be extra active and commenting on almost everything. I certainly do agree the points should be looked at by others, so I'll be happy to.. in the morning.

thank you much