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Damn these long posts!

 Tag (Courtesy of Fkusumot) "If I'm posting in this thread then it's probally a spam thread."                               

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theprof00 said:

sry for double post-

-and for you to say that you aren't playing differently at all...well, that just makes it even more of a case against you. There is no doubt in my mind that last game taught you something, yet you do not acknowledge any change.

You assume an air of persecution, when in reality, it is your own mistakes that have you led to the gallows.

Also, playing it safe is scummy. Town are expected to make mistakes.

In your case, you aren't playing it safe, you are simply commenting that some things are or are not safe. You make no real contribution outside of describing the scenery, and hesitating.

As I said earlier in the game, we don't have enough information to make anything but observations. I don't like making observations, because they're founded without proper evidence, and there is normally a lot of meta-game theories involved, which I personally don't believe work, because every Mafia game is different and each player would respond differently to a situation. This is why I've been keeping fairly quiet during these early stages of the game - I'd hate for this to turn into my "no-lynch" situation last game, but I'm just going to mention that I play like this often, and the reason that I was posting a lot in the last game in the first couple of days was because I had so much suspicion piled on me that it'd be suicide to not answer every statement and question that was aimed at me. Obviously, I'll be willing to do that in this situation too. 

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nen-suer said:

Looks to me you just invinting things to suit ur agenda.

I tend to vote no lynch on first days unless there is very good reason for a lynch (and that's rarely happens)

And i hate voting and unvoting so i only vote when i think i will most likely stick to that vote.

My vote was after Gow got mod killed and showed up town (duh) so another mislynch would have a significant impact

on the town.

At that point no lynch was the only avilable option.

FoS Proff

for ignoring facts and trying to shift the focus away from ST and keep it on me

(guess i'm the one you guys agreed to ago after, but i wont go without a fight)

what am I inventing?

Why do you hate voting and unvoting?

Actually, given that gow was an extra player anyway, and that adding another mafia for his extra spot would be unbalanced, gow was a free lynch. Following that up with the distribution of townie to scum, having an odd number of townies is the best time to lynch on day 1.

(this is interesting seeing as how you went out and said that the number of scum had no impact on decisions. Here it most certainly does)

No lynch was not the only available option. There were only 3 votes for no lynch. It hardly had any significance.

Tell me what facts I am ignoring, please.

And you shouldn't believe for a minute that another mafia and I would team up to take down one townie when it would implicate both of us.

If you truly, honestly believe you are being persecuted by mafia, then it is probably ST...but I also don't like that trucks is on STs ass.

I don't know STs alignment, and I take what he says with a grain of salt. I am only looking at your own play.

radishhead said:

As I said earlier in the game, we don't have enough information to make anything but observations. I don't like making observations, because they're founded without proper evidence, and there is normally a lot of meta-game theories involved, which I personally don't believe work, because every Mafia game is different and each player would respond differently to a situation. This is why I've been keeping fairly quiet during these early stages of the game - I'd hate for this to turn into my "no-lynch" situation last game, but I'm just going to mention that I play like this often, and the reason that I was posting a lot in the last game in the first couple of days was because I had so much suspicion piled on me that it'd be suicide to not answer every statement and question that was aimed at me. Obviously, I'll be willing to do that in this situation too. 

What do you consider to be proper evidence?

What more can we have except observations. That is how you vote and lynch. You look at stuff and make a decision.

Meta game theories exist because they work. The top two, the two that work a majority of the time is the lurkers lynch and liars lynch.

c03n3nj0 said:



Damn these long posts!

damn these useless posts!

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Silver-Tiger said:
TruckOSaurus said:

So offense is the best defense it seems.

Your vote looks like a diversion to me. If nen-suer's reason for voting No Lynch is weak than yours is no better.

He didn't see anyone overly suspicious so instead of going for a shot in the dark he votes No Lynch... what's wrong with that? Is voting No Lynch because you don't think you'll get a majority on anyone a better reason? You could've have voted for someone to at least show that person you had your eye on him if you really believed that someone deserved to be lynched on Day One.

All your actions up to now feel like scum going through the motions to appear town, like your following the steps of "Pretending to be Town For Dummies"

Vote: Silver-Tiger

1 - I didn't need to defend myself until now, so your point is moot.

2- And you know what, you could be even right about me not having a better reasoning for the no lynch vote. But I'm contributing to the general discussion, at least I'm trying to do so. I haven't seen single post of nen-suer that I would call worth to the discussion. That's why I'm so suspicious of nen, combined with his weird discussion of the mafia count.

3 - And your last sentence is so baseless, I won't even react to it.

4 - Speaking of reacting, why the sudden need of defending nen? Don't you think he can defend himself? I know you're on nen's side regardning the mafia count thing, but still...

1- Yes you needed to defend from the observations made by dtewi about your change of heart on Day One.

2 - I'll have to check back the thread tonight to see how much nen-suer brought to the discussion.

3 - Let me explain my last sentence: You seem to be making all "townie" moves but without any commitment behind them. You say you wanted a Day One lynch but never voted for anyone. Then you voted for No Lynch as the bandwagon was going.

4- I wasn't actually defending nen-suer more than I was attacking you for voting for someone because you didn't like their No Lynch justification.

Signature goes here!

theprof00 said:
nen-suer said:

Looks to me you just invinting things to suit ur agenda.

I tend to vote no lynch on first days unless there is very good reason for a lynch (and that's rarely happens)

And i hate voting and unvoting so i only vote when i think i will most likely stick to that vote.

My vote was after Gow got mod killed and showed up town (duh) so another mislynch would have a significant impact

on the town.

At that point no lynch was the only avilable option.

FoS Proff

for ignoring facts and trying to shift the focus away from ST and keep it on me

(guess i'm the one you guys agreed to ago after, but i wont go without a fight)

what am I inventing?

"prime bandwagon location " give me a break. I voted right after noname posted gow identy and few players followed stating the same reason "yet" i'm bandwaging!!

Why do you hate voting and unvoting?

I dont like it. makes me feel like your toying plus its makes it harder for the mod to count votes

Actually, given that gow was an extra player anyway, and that adding another mafia for his extra spot would be unbalanced, gow was a free lynch. Following that up with the distribution of townie to scum, having an odd number of townies is the best time to lynch on day 1.

(this is interesting seeing as how you went out and said that the number of scum had no impact on decisions. Here it most certainly does)

What? Mod kills isn't something you factor in you analysis, of course when a townie get mod killed

it changes everything. Getting another pro-town killed day1 is just....

No lynch was not the only available option. There were only 3 votes for no lynch. It hardly had any significance.

The possibility of 2 townies dead is not significant ?!!

Tell me what facts I am ignoring, please.

That how i always play, but you make it as if the first time. Plus igoring players who didnt even post toda

And you shouldn't believe for a minute that another mafia and I would team up to take down one townie when it would implicate both of us.

Your the kind of player that does that

If you truly, honestly believe you are being persecuted by mafia, then it is probably ST...but I also don't like that trucks is on STs ass.

I don't know STs alignment, and I take what he says with a grain of salt. I am only looking at your own play.

What play?!! You didn't give any proof. you voted me because you "felt like it" just like you did to hatmoza before me!

Vote to Localize — SEGA and Konami Polls

Vote Today To Help Get A Konami & SEGA Game Localized.This Will Only Work If Lots Of People Vote.

Click on the Image to Head to the Voting Page (A vote for Yakuza is a vote to save gaming)

I'm also requestin that someone make a POTALS list.

A POTALS list is a list of every post summarized under 4 categories. This is easily done witha  pen and paper but requires some analysis on your part. Save the posts that stand out and make a decision based on what you think their alignment is. Obviously, you cannot do this for everyone since some people have barely posted, but it's good to have some kind of idea where people stand contribution-wise.

I will be making my own and comparing it. Tonight I may be away from a computer so I might not be able to post for another 24 hours or so.

The 4 categories are as follows:

contributions/non-contributions/mistakes/possible slips

feel free to leave out introductory posts as well.

total these up and make a small graph like this

Name - C - NC - M - PS

Truck - 1- 2 -0- 0
Hatmoza 12 - 4 -1 - 1

In the case of a possible slip, save the post and include it at the end.

At the conclusion, find the highest ratios of contribution/total posts, NC/total posts etc and find the top among those people.

Like I said, I am working on one myself, but it's hard to find time seeing as how I'm at my gf's family's house and don't want to appear rude to them.

thank you.

theprof00 said:

What do you consider to be proper evidence?

What more can we have except observations. That is how you vote and lynch. You look at stuff and make a decision.

Meta game theories exist because they work. The top two, the two that work a majority of the time is the lurkers lynch and liars lynch.

Gut feelings is not an evidance....i mean how can you defend yourself against that ?!

Facts, Lies, unusual behavior and contradictions if you cant base your finding on at least one of these then

what you got is not a "proper evidence".

Vote to Localize — SEGA and Konami Polls

Vote Today To Help Get A Konami & SEGA Game Localized.This Will Only Work If Lots Of People Vote.

Click on the Image to Head to the Voting Page (A vote for Yakuza is a vote to save gaming)

theprof00 said:
nen-suer said:

Looks to me you just invinting things to suit ur agenda.

I tend to vote no lynch on first days unless there is very good reason for a lynch (and that's rarely happens)

And i hate voting and unvoting so i only vote when i think i will most likely stick to that vote.

My vote was after Gow got mod killed and showed up town (duh) so another mislynch would have a significant impact

on the town.

At that point no lynch was the only avilable option.

FoS Proff

for ignoring facts and trying to shift the focus away from ST and keep it on me

(guess i'm the one you guys agreed to ago after, but i wont go without a fight)

what am I inventing?

1)"prime bandwagon location " give me a break. I voted right after noname posted gow identy and few players followed stating the same reason "yet" i'm bandwaging!!

Why do you hate voting and unvoting?

2) I dont like it. makes me feel like your toying plus its makes it harder for the mod to count votes

Actually, given that gow was an extra player anyway, and that adding another mafia for his extra spot would be unbalanced, gow was a free lynch. Following that up with the distribution of townie to scum, having an odd number of townies is the best time to lynch on day 1.

(this is interesting seeing as how you went out and said that the number of scum had no impact on decisions. Here it most certainly does)

3) What? Mod kills isn't something you factor in you analysis, of course when a townie get mod killed

it changes everything. Getting another pro-town killed day1 is just....

No lynch was not the only available option. There were only 3 votes for no lynch. It hardly had any significance.

(4) The possibility of 2 townies dead is not significant ?!!

Tell me what facts I am ignoring, please.

(5) That how i always play, but you make it as if the first time. Plus igoring players who didnt even post toda

And you shouldn't believe for a minute that another mafia and I would team up to take down one townie when it would implicate both of us.

(6) Your the kind of player that does that

If you truly, honestly believe you are being persecuted by mafia, then it is probably ST...but I also don't like that trucks is on STs ass.

I don't know STs alignment, and I take what he says with a grain of salt. I am only looking at your own play.

(7)What play?!! You didn't give any proof. you voted me because you "felt like it" just like you did to hatmoza before me!

(1)prime bandwagon span is this. It starts at the fourth vote (because that is a prime bandwagon spot...this is where a bandwagon really starts to pick up momentum) and ends at the tipping point vote (which is the vote that almost seals the rest of the votes coming in).

You are in that area along with ST, Radish, and zexen. Considering a no lynch, these are the spots that are most meant to "appear" pro-town. Yours was the only one that really acknowledged that it was too risky to try another lynch. Other players had different reasons. Yours simply stands out.

(2) so you don't like it because it makes you look like you're toying, or because you *feel* like you're toying? In any case, why would you be so worried about that? This makes me think that you don't want to draw suspicion to yourself.

Additionally, there are two mods to count votes. Voting and unvoting should not be a problem for them.

(3) Don't really understand what you mean here. There are 21 players. There were originally 20. It wouldn't make sense for the mods to add another scum simply based on an extra player being added. There are 3 townies to every scum, it would be completely imbalanced. So, even though GoW was modkilled, it doesn't affect anything. Before GoW was modkilled, we were at a very very good standing to survive a mislynch, thereby giving additional reason to lynch on day 1. After GoW died, the chances weren't that much worse. In an entirely equal 3-1 ratio, town can afford to lynch on day 1. If they don't, the interaction between mafia kills and lynches means that the game ends when mafia kills at night rather than when town mislynches the final day. In either scenario, town misses out on an extra lynch. If you don't understand, read my "mafia rules and hosting" thread for a more detailed explanation of how the numbers work out.

(4) Right. It isn't significant. One of the townies was an extra player who doesn't factor in to odds at all, and the other is a normal day 1 lynch where town has the best chances to lynch without impairment.

(5) I do? Please show me where I make you look like that. I find it hard to believe that that was a fact I was ignoring. More likely, it is you simply demonizing me with the argument that 'I always play like this'.

(6) If you mean that I am unpredictable, then you are correct in that. There's nothing I can really say against that reasoning, but I'm glad you brought it up.

(7) Your play consists of your argument that the number of players to scum is insignificant, your voting pattern, and your "safe" play. These are all tells in my opinion.