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Linkzmax said:

zexen_lowe said:

Wait, you can't be serious, you're really even analyzing a possibilty of 7 mafia? That's...what a waste of time.


So we wouldn't see any more day because we'd lose before the start of Day 7

Hence, the conclusion of my post is that not lynching today doesn't give us any advantage, hence, it's convenient to lynch someone today.

That's a good thing you can get by analyzing the number of mafia

Emphasizing the bolded because I do NOT want to show you that the exact same thing would happen if there's 7 mafia. Extending an extra day has absolutely nothing to do with the number of mafia, but merely the town as a whole being odd or even numbered.

But it does tell us how many days/nights we can expect

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IMU's schedule won't let him play after all, so I'm planning on replacing him ASAP.  I don't anticipate this being a problem, since he hasn't played yet, but if anyone has any strenuous objections I am willing to hear them.

theprof00 said:


well I thought stefl's post was relevant. There WAS bad discussion, and so, there might be scum just letting us lash out at each other and staying silent. That's a normal scum reaction.

It's good to know these things, and hard to keep track of when there are 20 other people to watch.

I felt that Stefl's post voiced my own concern. Mafia might be watching us fighting amongst each other.

The response by Gniz seemed to me more like "why should they post, TOWNIES are clueless"


Huh... about me posting... I don't remember posting a list of people who were inactive, but I said people who are not posting very much should post more...

noname2200 said:

IMU's schedule won't let him play after all, so I'm planning on replacing him ASAP.  I don't anticipate this being a problem, since he hasn't played yet, but if anyone has any strenuous objections I am willing to hear them.

nah it's okay...

zexen_lowe said:

 But it does tell us how many days/nights we can expect

That's never been your argument before now though. You and nen were arguing over whether the number of mafia should affect our actions day one. nen is correct, it shouldn't. I think you are correct that there are 5 mafia, but I don't take it as fact and can't rule out the possibility that there is a different amount or other factors.

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noname2200 said:

IMU's schedule won't let him play after all, so I'm planning on replacing him ASAP.  I don't anticipate this being a problem, since he hasn't played yet, but if anyone has any strenuous objections I am willing to hear them.


Linkzmax said:
noname2200 said:

IMU's schedule won't let him play after all, so I'm planning on replacing him ASAP.  I don't anticipate this being a problem, since he hasn't played yet, but if anyone has any strenuous objections I am willing to hear them.


I've already asked him, with makingmusic also getting a bite at the apple.  I think music will decline though, while dtewi should be alright with it.

Hephaestos said:

in any case, this point is a bit facetious itself, if you want to pursue him on this, you can. I just felt that it was a dead end for both of you to hammer each other on this. (and although i fosed you, you're not the type to do slips easily, so no point in letting it go)

This is a good way to read the majority of my posts. The silence right now is explained by people not being as free as they thought (hence my relative silence compared to earlier games), being the first day still and people posting for the sake of saying they posted typically being scume (yes that guy [MG94? will check later] is on my list ), and generally nothing to pull you into the thread. Day 3 or so (calendar, not game) is when you should start looking to see who is not really participating and might as well be lynched (mod killed maybe?) if ya ask me.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

I remember prof explaining his play style a couple games ago - constantly pressuring ranodm people to look for someone to slip up and be mafia (IIRC)

Like in his first game, the problem with that is that it causes confusion within the town, as he's going after random people and everybody's going WTF. He did say he was going to tone it down (which he has, since then) but it seems it's still causing a bit of confusion. 

@ noname, no problem whatsoever. 

I'd also like to mention that I probably won't be around the computer much around Christmas time/new years, I figured that was no problem as it was only a couple of days. 

So uh, yeah, be expecting that, everybody. 

 Tag (Courtesy of Fkusumot) "If I'm posting in this thread then it's probally a spam thread."                               

Off topic -

What the hell. 

I just noticed I had "probably" misspelled in my sig for over a year now. 

 Tag (Courtesy of Fkusumot) "If I'm posting in this thread then it's probally a spam thread."