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Linkzmax said:

Vote: nen-suer

If anyone was being saved with the scottie lynch day two it was nen.

I still strongly disagree with this.  Scottie wasn't getting many votes untill nen's numbers had really died down while both his an SAKS had grown about equally to the point where they were 6 to 6.  When ff did his jump. 

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Wonktonodi said:
Linkzmax said:

Vote: nen-suer

If anyone was being saved with the scottie lynch day two it was nen.

I still strongly disagree with this.  Scottie wasn't getting many votes untill nen's numbers had really died down while both his an SAKS had grown about equally to the point where they were 6 to 6.  When ff did his jump. 

see at this point nen was down and never had votes again 

3 people had more votes than nen at that point.  So hardly nen being saved by us lynching scottie nen was over and done with at this point.

Linkzmax said:
hatmoza said:
scottie said:

Don't know why my post disappeared but here's a brief form of it.

That was pretty quick of you to change your vote when under slight pressure. Defending nen particularly was the most interesting. I think it can be to our advantage in lynching you to compare your alignment with those you suspect and those you defend.

I don't know how new you are to mafia but I"m considering you a newb, and I think successfully lynching a newb scum could largely benefit the town because of the genuine mistakes that are prone to hurt their scum buddies if lynched.

I had been thinking the same myself about some of the people I'd place a vote on. Unfortunately, it's only helpful if he flips scum and if we can discern what's the truth from what is lies. Additionally, scottie has only defended nen, somewhat attacked MG and put a baseless(to me) vote on ST just now. The vote indirectly defends Hat as well, but overall I don't think that says much. 

I believe SAK, j0, or yourself would be far more informative for that purpose. I only mention you as you've had more interactions compared to the other two, though I think the only suspicious behavior I recall is buddying up to Gniz. You and Wonk are the next two I want to check out, similar to my check of prof/Gniz.

SAK I think would be far more telling if he turned up scum, but rereading his posts I get the feeling he's just a bad townie. The biggest things that irk me about him at the moment are the random image and A fight to the death? in addition to the already pointed out fact that he wasn't paying attention at all.(IMU and Soleron being replaced)

As for j0, it's pretty much just a feeling that most of the posts have very little substance. But that's something I'd be on radish and MG about as well. The other points have been said by others, so there's no need to repeat them. There is one thing that hasn't been mentioned; however, it's just a choice of a word and I think that'd be really nit-picky to be the tipping factor for a vote.

Vote: SuperAdrianK (SAK)
I really hope he's scum, but if it is a mislynch then at least it won't be cutting out one of the better townies. And if he is scum, he's given some opinions on nen, zex, hat, mg, prof, gniz, ST, and wonk. Notably, I'd be less suspicious of nen, ST, wonk, and to a lesser degree MG. I'd be more suspicious of zex and hat. prof and gniz are a bit of a toss-up, since they're paired together. Anyway, it's all just speculation at this point.

Plus linkz there are still 4 players alive on your list of players that a lynch of SAK would reveal.  You can add FF as well since he had voted for nen SAK and scottie that day.

Yes with MG coming up scum it might make you a little less suspicious of him but scum often interact like that to make themselves seem on oposing teams.  MG and Stefl did it this game even to a point where stefl got too defensive. 

Well considering that with this post I'll have 9 of the last 10 and only linkz is online, I'll stop posting untill tomorrow sorry linnkz if you do reply to anything i've brought up it will have to wait till tomorrow.

Wonktonodi said:
Wonktonodi said:
Linkzmax said:

Vote: nen-suer

If anyone was being saved with the scottie lynch day two it was nen.

I still strongly disagree with this.  Scottie wasn't getting many votes untill nen's numbers had really died down while both his an SAKS had grown about equally to the point where they were 6 to 6.  When ff did his jump. 

see at this point nen was down and never had votes again 

3 people had more votes than nen at that point.  So hardly nen being saved by us lynching scottie nen was over and done with at this point.

How again did the scottie lynch even begin? MG(scum) called him out before SAK was even on the radar. Oh, well actually SAK was on MG's radar(as well as my own for his weird comment with sitting ducks and blind sheep) in the middle of the first day.

I just don't find it likely that:
MG calls SAK out, then rather than the scumteam telling SAK to step up his participation, MG fingers a non-active player to cover for SAK.(Plus I still stand behind my opinion that MG was lurking more than SAK anyway) Finally, Stefl turns around after 4 of SAK's scumbuddies rushed to his rescue and pushes to get a lynch of SAK the next day.
It makes far more sense to me that SAK is town. That holds true whether or not nen is scum.

Also, your entire argument that SAK is scum revolves around FF and hat also being scum. You had mentioned before that you lost a post with a bunch of links relating them all, I'd be happy to see that case elaborated on.


As for your 2nd to most recent post, are you suggesting SAK is a good lynch because of the information gained if he does flip scum? I am pretty certain that everyone else(excluding radish of course) would offer far more than SAK.

And to your latest. Yeah, I'm done for the night too. Maybe for a day or so at that. It's really time to hear from others as you said above.

Around the Network
Wonktonodi said:

nen and j0 with some of your recenty posts back and forth being comenting in the quote it takes much more effort to follow.  If you could sumerize your arguments against one another or look at arguments for other players and not just each other it would be helpful.  Plus it would be nice to hear your thoughts on SAK, myself and any other player really.

Sorry for not posting yesterday (bad cold)


J0: Avoided answering Linkz about the cop role claiming, but tried to poke holes on my answer (mafia tactic 1)

now that i think about it...i remember  TOS siding with me and i think maybe thats why he got killed.


This also looked scummy to me. Its like saying "hey am not mafia because i backed him up and mafia don't do that"

He was online but didnt FoS me until stefl lynch started moving.

Tried to make it as if there is a cop that is not stepping forward for some reason (i think he was trying to role claim cop

but chickened out under the pressure and didnt)


SAK: He was after me since forever simply becouse i was suspected before (safer lynch) he MG started going after

me and MG turned scum. He's my 2nd on the list after j0


will post my thoughts on the others after a short while.

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Wonk: From suspicious to the one who seem the most pro-town to me, adding the great contribtion he is making

i don't think i'll vote him for the time being.

Linkz: Up until today i trusted him almost completely and with stefl turning up as mafia i was 100% sure he's town.

But him going after me and siding with j0 & SAK and ignoring anything against them and using any small things

against me began to bother me.

I'm also bothered by the fact that stefl didn't put up any fight against his lynch...that made me for a while think that stefl lost interest the game and Linkz decided to sacrifice him to make his grip on the town obsolete.

Even i who was on his good side suddenly became his target the moment i went after j0.

Its a crazy thought i know and i'm a little lightheaded from my cold medicine...... i just felt like sharing lol.

HAT & FF: both playing it safe, hard to get a good reading from.

The only thing i get do is group them together.

ZEX: He want SAK dead and i share the same feelings, but he's linking my fate to SAK's.

i believe SAK is scum and ZEX of course isn't selling his friend just to get  one from the town (specially if he lynch his friend first) that why i think ZEX is townie (an obsessed townie lol)

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Vote Today To Help Get A Konami & SEGA Game Localized.This Will Only Work If Lots Of People Vote.

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nen-suer said:

Wonk: From suspicious to the one who seem the most pro-town to me, adding the great contribtion he is making

i don't think i'll vote him for the time being.

Linkz: Up until today i trusted him almost completely and with stefl turning up as mafia i was 100% sure he's town.

But him going after me and siding with j0 & SAK and ignoring anything against them and using any small things

against me began to bother me.

I'm also bothered by the fact that stefl didn't put up any fight against his lynch...that made me for a while think that stefl lost interest the game and Linkz decided to sacrifice him to make his grip on the town obsolete.

Even i who was on his good side suddenly became his target the moment i went after j0.

Its a crazy thought i know and i'm a little lightheaded from my cold medicine...... i just felt like sharing lol.

HAT & FF: both playing it safe, hard to get a good reading from.

The only thing i get do is group them together.

ZEX: He want SAK dead and i share the same feelings, but he's linking my fate to SAK's.

i believe SAK is scum and ZEX of course isn't selling his friend just to get  one from the town (specially if he lynch his friend first) that why i think ZEX is townie (an obsessed townie lol)


Watch out now, you've called Wonk a great contributor just like Stefl and FF had previously.

Just because j0 also voted for you doesn't mean I've sided with him. Have you not noticed that I'd been going after him since day three and I've still been on him today for things that don't make sense?

With SAK my thinking is he is town and mafia never saved him from the gallows by using scottie, but he actually stumbled himself into the picture and they knew he could be set up as a mislynch target later down the line.

You're going to have to explain what you mean by "using any small things against [you]," because so far my entire case has been that MG started a scottie lynch just to get attention off of you. I'm quite tempted to switch my vote to zexen; however, because he's being far too quiet and won't explain the connection from SAK to you.

Speaking of zexen, it's quite telling that you find me suspicious for 'sacrificing' Stefl and now going after you, but zexen is an obsessed townie for going after SAK, who for all you know may or may not be scum, with intentions of going after you tomorrow.


Final-Fan said:

Question for the mod:  Please remind me, if the deadline is reached, what is necessary for a lynch to occur? 
A.  Whoever has the most votes
B.  Majority of votes cast (i.e. if 7 votes were cast, 4 of them would have to be against the target)
C.  Standard majority

A. Whoever has the most votes, but there are no double-lynches, so a tie results in a no-lynch.

Current votes (5 required to lynch):

[2, L-3] J0: NEN, FF

[2, L-3] WONK: HAT, RAD

[2, L-3] SAK: ZEX, WONK

[0, L-5] ZEX: (FF)

[2, L-3] NEN: J0, LINK

Day ends in 51 hours.