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In that post MG makes his point about the vote on scottie for lurking. Bringing forward a point like this could be dangerous if some of his fellow scum were also lurkers, so I'm guessing the Mafia members were active enough that they wouldn't be singled out if the town went on a "kill the lurkers" rampage.

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MG's last post (unless I missed some). This fits what I've been saying about the Mafia not wanting to cast suspicions on someone new today and going with the more lynchable candidates. With that in mind, I'm more inclined to believe that nen is town being set up.

Signature goes here!

c03n3nj0 said:

hatmoza said:

Now that MG wasn't on it[The list of suspects: Truck, SAK, Stefl, and j0] there's 2 possibilities:

1- Me and J0's theory about 2plus mafias on the proflist still stands and prof's death was indeed because he was threatening.

2- no one on the proflist is scum (something only mafia would know) and this is a dangerous setup by the mafia for us to go after people on the list ... which we are already doing.

You know, if we with # 2, then that lowers the pool for possible mafia a bit. 

If we also take off you and linkz (because linkz has been contributing, and because you just brought this list up again) then we would have 8 players left, with half of them being mafia, 'cause there's possibly four. At that point is thinning it out of innocent looking people until you have a nice number close to four. 

After pulling a stunt like the one in #2, then the mafia would be people trying to lay low. What's the point of trying to cast suspicion on other players and then being suspicious yourself, y'know? 

That would put nen, FF, heph and maybe nord under suspicion. Also because they're so quiet, especially coming from them. 

The only problem with everything I just voted for TruckO. So.... I think there's a chance #1 could be true. 

Omitted most of the pyramid, see for the post in it's originality.

Alrighty, there's sooo much wrong with this post.

First, since you're on the list if you're mafia of course you'd want to write it off. Even if you weren't on the list, as mafia you could just be covering for a scumbuddy that is on the list. If you are a townie, there's no way you can be sure everybody on the list isn't scum.

It's also troubling to me that you seem pretty confident to rule out myself and hat as townies. I may have contributed a ton and still not given hat(or Wonk) much to try to pin on me, but you still don't have a reason to trust me. And hat for bringing up the list!? If he's mafia he could easily be using it to push mislynches or save scum.

Lastly, who did you mean instead of heph? Since he's been dead since night one. Nord hasn't said anything at all for quite a long time, but he's been sick. Still he's probably one of the players noname is eyeing for a modkill. I'd also say FF and nen have done more than radish, Gniz, or Kant. So really I can't agree with your list at all even if I agreed with everything you did to narrow things down.

TruckOSaurus said:

Your last four posts in order:

1) I explained it once before to j0. You actually thought it too. "Bussing" is scum throwing another "under the bus." I still think SAK is mighty suspicious, but I do lean towards SAK being set-up more than MG distancing himself from SAK.

2) The problem here is it's known scum that said that. It's quite possible that MG wanted us to go after people on prof's list because they are all townies. My intuition tells me that is the case, but I was also mighty suspicious of everyone on the list as well.

3) The thing is, as I pointed out, MG was lurking heavily himself at that point. It would've been a bit risky, but hardly anyone else jumped on him for that,(and radish even defended him) so it's feasible another scum was lurking too. 

4) As I said in my recap, it's just like SAK. I could copy and paste my response to 1) and replace SAK with nen and that's how I feel. Neither is clearly town in my eyes, but I'm unlikely to vote for either today unless something more comes up.

Linkzmax said:
c03n3nj0 said:

hatmoza said:

Now that MG wasn't on it[The list of suspects: Truck, SAK, Stefl, and j0] there's 2 possibilities:

1- Me and J0's theory about 2plus mafias on the proflist still stands and prof's death was indeed because he was threatening.

2- no one on the proflist is scum (something only mafia would know) and this is a dangerous setup by the mafia for us to go after people on the list ... which we are already doing.

You know, if we with # 2, then that lowers the pool for possible mafia a bit. 

If we also take off you and linkz (because linkz has been contributing, and because you just brought this list up again) then we would have 8 players left, with half of them being mafia, 'cause there's possibly four. At that point is thinning it out of innocent looking people until you have a nice number close to four. 

After pulling a stunt like the one in #2, then the mafia would be people trying to lay low. What's the point of trying to cast suspicion on other players and then being suspicious yourself, y'know? 

That would put nen, FF, heph and maybe nord under suspicion. Also because they're so quiet, especially coming from them. 

The only problem with everything I just voted for TruckO. So.... I think there's a chance #1 could be true. 

Omitted most of the pyramid, see for the post in it's originality.

Alrighty, there's sooo much wrong with this post.

First, since you're on the list if you're mafia of course you'd want to write it off. Even if you weren't on the list, as mafia you could just be covering for a scumbuddy that is on the list. If you are a townie, there's no way you can be sure everybody on the list isn't scum.

It's also troubling to me that you seem pretty confident to rule out myself and hat as townies. I may have contributed a ton and still not given hat(or Wonk) much to try to pin on me, but you still don't have a reason to trust me. And hat for bringing up the list!? If he's mafia he could easily be using it to push mislynches or save scum.

Lastly, who did you mean instead of heph? Since he's been dead since night one. Nord hasn't said anything at all for quite a long time, but he's been sick. Still he's probably one of the players noname is eyeing for a modkill. I'd also say FF and nen have done more than radish, Gniz, or Kant. So really I can't agree with your list at all even if I agreed with everything you did to narrow things down.

A few other things wrong with his post.

Why would scum be quiet if they killed prof with no one he listed as scum. Staying quiet gets attention as well as saying things and if they had postsed before and stopped now it would look bad.

You spend so much of the post saying how it could be the second option and who the suspects could be yet you then just brush it all off with the last line and you use your vote for truks as a reason it could still be the other option instead of saying why you still believe option one makes more sence or that you think the evidence againts truks is too great to ignore saying what it is.

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A gift of life? Thanks :)

I did look through Linkz other posts in the end, and, as embarrassing as it is, I have no reason to believe that he's Mafia.

Unvote: Linkzmax

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TruckOSaurus said:

This has to be a first, with Silver-Tiger gone (and a townie), I have no strong scum read on anyone. There's also the fact that a few players seem to be on the verge on a modkill either because they don't post or because they requested it (SAK and Gnizmo).

I guess I've got some rereading to do.

You do have a point. but I'm not sure if that qualify as bussing.

MG isn't an influential poster & SAK wont receive any heat form a post like that specially when it didn't add

any new info that would endanger SAK .

Thats MG style of self preservation (posts 1 with no risks ) using his friend like that isn't strange at all.

That was unnecessary and i was wrong about ST so a set-up scenario is possible.


Also i agree with Linkz & FF that we should let this day last as much as neeeded to get a lynch without a time limit.

The game is moving and the mod kills do give us things to work with and we don't want to make anymore mistakes

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The main problem is that we're all too good at mafia now - there's no way of telling the town and the mafia apart. So much so, that when an inexperienced player arrives (Scottie), he gets lynched immediately because there's nothing else to work with.

I think that we need to think of some sort of exciting new innovation for future Mafia games. Maybe multiple mafia families? New roles, or something like the DBZ game? Something to spice it up a bit.

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Linkzmax said:
TruckOSaurus said:

Your last four posts in order:

1) I explained it once before to j0. You actually thought it too. "Bussing" is scum throwing another "under the bus." I still think SAK is mighty suspicious, but I do lean towards SAK being set-up more than MG distancing himself from SAK.

2) The problem here is it's known scum that said that. It's quite possible that MG wanted us to go after people on prof's list because they are all townies. My intuition tells me that is the case, but I was also mighty suspicious of everyone on the list as well.

3) The thing is, as I pointed out, MG was lurking heavily himself at that point. It would've been a bit risky, but hardly anyone else jumped on him for that,(and radish even defended him) so it's feasible another scum was lurking too. 

4) As I said in my recap, it's just like SAK. I could copy and paste my response to 1) and replace SAK with nen and that's how I feel. Neither is clearly town in my eyes, but I'm unlikely to vote for either today unless something more comes up.

About 1 & 4, I just want to say that I'm not writing them off as guaranteed townies but unless they do something else incriminating they have fallen low on my list.

Signature goes here!

Linkzmax said:
TruckOSaurus said:

I explained it once before to j0. You actually thought it too. "Bussing" is scum throwing another "under the bus."

Well, not that there's anything wrong with your term, but considering that there is a "Bus Driver" role that has been in several previous games, whose action was univerally referred to as "bussing", you can expect people to be confused when you use it until you've explained it at least ten times.  I guess the question is whether you'd rather do that than alter your vocabulary. 

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
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My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
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The old smileys: ; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for , let me know!
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I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom!