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Seece said:

Balance board had 3 games that supported it come out in 2010.

35 in total, something Kinect will surpass very soon. What's more is, the vast majority of those will be KINECT only, meaning the game was bought solely for Kinect, 99% of Punch Out sales (assuming here, so shoot me) were bought for Wii, not the balance board.

You're realllllly stretching your argument, nobody is saying Kinect isn't an addon, they're just saying it's going to follow a model closer to a console, like the wii. Something you can denie till your blue in the face but come back in 2012 and you'll have been proved wrong.

This is fun. What you really want to say is,  it is really following the model of the motion controller which is still not the Wii, as Kinect is a controller by nature, right.

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11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)
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Carl2291 said:
Metallicube said:

Seriously.. If I got banned based on the statements I made in this topic, then it's time for me to find a new site to visit. That would just be absolutely ridiculous.

Depending on the mod that sees it... You could get unlucky.

I know I've been banned for much, much less.

as it should be.

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)
psrock said:
Seece said:

Balance board had 3 games that supported it come out in 2010.

35 in total, something Kinect will surpass very soon. What's more is, the vast majority of those will be KINECT only, meaning the game was bought solely for Kinect, 99% of Punch Out sales (assuming here, so shoot me) were bought for Wii, not the balance board.

You're realllllly stretching your argument, nobody is saying Kinect isn't an addon, they're just saying it's going to follow a model closer to a console, like the wii. Something you can denie till your blue in the face but come back in 2012 and you'll have been proved wrong.

This is fun. What you really want to say is,  it is really following the model of the motion controller which is still not the Wii, as Kinect is a controller by nature, right.

Motion controller is the Wii ...



ethomaz said:


GT5 shows to some how to make a sexy and fantastics legs... at least in Europe.

4 PAGES and anyone noted GT5 adjusted first week UP AGAIN.

2,191,588 - UP 56,043

That's the second adjustment... wating more.

Excellent.....'insert the simpsons png here"

and looks like GT5 sales have hit some nerves around here...makes for a fun read tho

who was that guy who said it will do less than 4mil LT? :P oh the arguments he made non stop about it

and there are many many more winners on SW front this week in the EMEAA

FIFA 11 (PS3)
EA Sports
11 173,578 2,744,464
Gran Turismo (PSP)
Sony Computer Entertainment
63 39,770 932,621
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (PS3)
Sony Computer Entertainment
61 31,929 1,913,087
God of War III (PS3)
Sony Computer Entertainment
39 28,649 1,133,041

GTPSP will hit 1mill mark soon

UC2 will hit 2mil in EMEAA soon

FIFA11 on ps3 is on it's way to do 3-4mil in EMEAA in PS3 ALONE as well


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For All News/Info related to the PlayStation Vita, Come and join us in the Official PSV Thread!

Carl2291 said:
Metallicube said:

Seriously.. If I got banned based on the statements I made in this topic, then it's time for me to find a new site to visit. That would just be absolutely ridiculous.

Depending on the mod that sees it... You could get unlucky.

I know I've been banned for much, much less.

Well, I've appealed most of your bans to mods, because they have been unfair in my eyes. Saying Kinect is a one trick pony though is standard trolling, and he has history of course.


Around the Network
Seece said:
psrock said:
Seece said:

Balance board had 3 games that supported it come out in 2010.

35 in total, something Kinect will surpass very soon. What's more is, the vast majority of those will be KINECT only, meaning the game was bought solely for Kinect, 99% of Punch Out sales (assuming here, so shoot me) were bought for Wii, not the balance board.

You're realllllly stretching your argument, nobody is saying Kinect isn't an addon, they're just saying it's going to follow a model closer to a console, like the wii. Something you can denie till your blue in the face but come back in 2012 and you'll have been proved wrong.

This is fun. What you really want to say is,  it is really following the model of the motion controller which is still not the Wii, as Kinect is a controller by nature, right.

Motion controller is the Wii ...

Kinect is the 360

Move is the PS3

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)
Seece said:
LivingMetal said:
Seece said:
LivingMetal said:

But forums and message boards I'm aware of normally do not condone trolling and the continual encouragement of trolling once that trolling has been initiated.  So if we can continue to discuss Metallicubes's point, then he wasn't trolling as you originally accused him of.  Logical?

No? Where did I say stealth trolling was punishable, people get away with it all the time. "not enough evidence"

Stealth trolling is still trolling.  The intent is there regardless of the action.  So it's equally as bad.  If not, it would not have been an issue.  Or maybe the real issue was someone reasonably pointing out a fair comparison between WiiFit and Kinect Adventures.  But then there was this "think next time and don't jump straight into trolling" comment amongst other similar ones.  Nite.

Yes I know that??? It's still not bannable here though unless the poster has a history, do keep up.

Hey Seece.  You ever played the Xbox Ninja Gaiden?  If so, remember Alma?  Hope completely CHEAP she was and how frustrating that fight was?  How, no matter how well you combined your learned skills, she would simply change the rules and keep slapping you down?  Eventually I gave up and decided to try her another day.  I did and it went better.  

Well that's where you are right now in this thread.  You're fighting the good fight but it just wasn't meant to be.  They don't want to talk about Kinect in a positive way, for reasons that are probably as simple as they are complex.  And for every point you bring, they will counterpoint with something that sounds rational to their glass-half-empty point of view (and that's assuming they're NOT stealth trolling).  

But hey, if you enjoy swimming upstream, knock yourself out and have fun.

OT: Kinect's a hit.  Looking forward to more compelling software.

Seece said:
Carl2291 said:
Metallicube said:

Seriously.. If I got banned based on the statements I made in this topic, then it's time for me to find a new site to visit. That would just be absolutely ridiculous.

Depending on the mod that sees it... You could get unlucky.

I know I've been banned for much, much less.

Well, I've appealed most of your bans to mods, because they have been unfair in my eyes. Saying Kinect is a one trick pony though is standard trolling, and he has history of course.

Oh please, saying I think kinect is a one trick pony cannot possibily be bannable. I've seen people say things about all three consoles far worse than that.. And on top of that, this isn't even a console, it's an add on for god's sake! The 360 itself I own and actually quite like.

I just meant that it will be the type of thing that only has a few types of games that will work well with it. I also believe the same thing is true with the balance board. Funny how that seems to be ok with you though...

Metallicube said:
Seece said:
Carl2291 said:
Metallicube said:

Seriously.. If I got banned based on the statements I made in this topic, then it's time for me to find a new site to visit. That would just be absolutely ridiculous.

Depending on the mod that sees it... You could get unlucky.

I know I've been banned for much, much less.

Well, I've appealed most of your bans to mods, because they have been unfair in my eyes. Saying Kinect is a one trick pony though is standard trolling, and he has history of course.

Oh please, saying I think kinect is a one trick pony cannot possibily be bannable. I've seen people say things about all three consoles far worse than that.. And on top of that, this isn't even a console, it's an add on for god's sake! The 360 itself I own and actually quite like.

I just meant that it will be the type of thing that only has a few types of games that will work well with it. I also believe the same thing is true with the balance board. Funny how that seems to be ok with you though...

Kinect is also showing how it's diverse, unlike the Balance board in it's 3 year existance, there is evidence to call balance board a one trick pony, the same cannot be said for Kinect. Heck, the hacks alone that will be implemented into future games show it's not one trick pony.


Darth Tigris said:
Seece said:

Yes I know that??? It's still not bannable here though unless the poster has a history, do keep up.

Hey Seece.  You ever played the Xbox Ninja Gaiden?  If so, remember Alma?  Hope completely CHEAP she was and how frustrating that fight was?  How, no matter how well you combined your learned skills, she would simply change the rules and keep slapping you down?  Eventually I gave up and decided to try her another day.  I did and it went better.  

Well that's where you are right now in this thread.  You're fighting the good fight but it just wasn't meant to be.  They don't want to talk about Kinect in a positive way, for reasons that are probably as simple as they are complex.  And for every point you bring, they will counterpoint with something that sounds rational to their glass-half-empty point of view (and that's assuming they're NOT stealth trolling).  

But hey, if you enjoy swimming upstream, knock yourself out and have fun.

OT: Kinect's a hit.  Looking forward to more compelling software.

Yeah, it's nice to reminise sometimes and look back at how some totally clueless people got it so wrong though ^^

There are already some true gems in toastboys "Kinect will sell 20 million units" thread xD