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Sales Discussion - EMEAA UP! - View Post

Darth Tigris said:
Seece said:

Yes I know that??? It's still not bannable here though unless the poster has a history, do keep up.

Hey Seece.  You ever played the Xbox Ninja Gaiden?  If so, remember Alma?  Hope completely CHEAP she was and how frustrating that fight was?  How, no matter how well you combined your learned skills, she would simply change the rules and keep slapping you down?  Eventually I gave up and decided to try her another day.  I did and it went better.  

Well that's where you are right now in this thread.  You're fighting the good fight but it just wasn't meant to be.  They don't want to talk about Kinect in a positive way, for reasons that are probably as simple as they are complex.  And for every point you bring, they will counterpoint with something that sounds rational to their glass-half-empty point of view (and that's assuming they're NOT stealth trolling).  

But hey, if you enjoy swimming upstream, knock yourself out and have fun.

OT: Kinect's a hit.  Looking forward to more compelling software.

Yeah, it's nice to reminise sometimes and look back at how some totally clueless people got it so wrong though ^^

There are already some true gems in toastboys "Kinect will sell 20 million units" thread xD