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Sales Discussion - EMEAA UP! - View Post

Seece said:
psrock said:
Seece said:

Balance board had 3 games that supported it come out in 2010.

35 in total, something Kinect will surpass very soon. What's more is, the vast majority of those will be KINECT only, meaning the game was bought solely for Kinect, 99% of Punch Out sales (assuming here, so shoot me) were bought for Wii, not the balance board.

You're realllllly stretching your argument, nobody is saying Kinect isn't an addon, they're just saying it's going to follow a model closer to a console, like the wii. Something you can denie till your blue in the face but come back in 2012 and you'll have been proved wrong.

This is fun. What you really want to say is,  it is really following the model of the motion controller which is still not the Wii, as Kinect is a controller by nature, right.

Motion controller is the Wii ...

Kinect is the 360

Move is the PS3

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)