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well,with this week Gears of War 2 will over 6m

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Seece said:
LivingMetal said:
Seece said:

There's nothing defensive about it, it's debating trolly points. Nothing wrong with that 0_o

Kinect will get it's fair share of shovelware, but it will come out with gems you can't even imagin, just like the Wii did. You'll only believe this when you see it though, so I'm not gonna bother arguing that point if you disagree.

So we are allowed to troll on these boards and get away with it...?

Wow you really havn't been here long ...

This place would be more peacful if the answer was no, lets put it that way.

But forums and message boards I'm aware of normally do not condone trolling and the continual encouragement of trolling once that trolling has been initiated.  So if we can continue to discuss Metallicubes's point, then he wasn't trolling as you originally accused him of.  Logical?

Carl2291 said:
Pavolink said:

More or less than Move / Kinect?

A lot more than both I'd say.

Although it did get trolled a whole lot. More than both Move AND Kinect.

We need to troll something new. Wii is starting to get boring, IGN, well, not. That isn´t funy anymore.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile

Metallicube said:
Seece said:
Metallicube said:

Ooh, you're trolling the Balance Board! Reported! ;).

Seriously though. And I've believed this from the getgo.. Kinect to me seems like the type of device that will have a few REALLY fun titles, and a WHOLE lot of duds. Now I could be way off base with that assumption, that's just my prediction based off what I've seen from the tech. I'm talking games that use JUST the Kinect, hybrid games could be a different story. But so far, my prediction doesn't seem too far off. I just don't see very many genres working well with that device.

I just don't get why people get so defensive about this add on. Were people ever this defensive about the Balance Board?

There's nothing defensive about it, it's debating trolly points. Nothing wrong with that 0_o

Kinect will get it's fair share of shovelware, but it will come out with gems you can't even imagin, just like the Wii did. You'll only believe this when you see it though, so I'm not gonna bother arguing that point if you disagree.

Well whatever, I just don't see the big deal in what I've said. If people made similar statements about the Wii for isntance, as long as it was backed up and had some reasonable arguments, I may not agree with them, but I certainly wouldn't call them trolling..

I do agree Kinect will have some big sellers. However, one thing it has going against it is it has a small userbase. By releasing a game on the device, you are limiting yourself to the number of users that can buy your game. With the Wii you have an instant base of 80 million users. With the Kinect, not only do you need to own a 360, which itself has a base of 48 million, but out of those 48 million you're talking only a small % who own both the console AND the device.

I think it would have been much smarter for MS if they released the Kinect as an enitrely separate console, but instead it is just an add on, that is fracturing the market of the 360 userbase. And for that reason alone, I don't think we'll be seeing games with Wii-like success, I'm talking 10 million type success. MS will have a hard time selling major numbers with games that aren't bundled like Kinect Adventures.

Yeah well, I don't think 10 million game like success was ever on anyones minds. AND HA @ that guy that just said I was reaching. Look at the bolded!

What Kinect DOES seem to have that Wii doesn't, is 3rd party support en mass. This will help. Dance Central will sell more than Rock Band 3 on 360, giving Harmonix a big incentive to make 2. Kinect Sports will be Rares biggest game this gen, and could reach 1.8-2.0 by the end of this year alone.

Third partys are happy, no, VERY happy to have a 5 million seller on the 360, heck a 3 million seller and a sequel is all but confirmed. The same will aply to Kinect games, and you know why? Because MS won't dominate on Kinect SW.

But now we're going into possibilties on why 3rd partys perfer HD and that's just a big long messy convo.


Pavolink said:

We need to troll something new. Wii is starting to get boring, IGN, well, not. That isn´t funy anymore.

I nominate darthdevidem01. Should be an easy target for easy trolling!


Around the Network
LivingMetal said:
Seece said:
LivingMetal said:
Seece said:

There's nothing defensive about it, it's debating trolly points. Nothing wrong with that 0_o

Kinect will get it's fair share of shovelware, but it will come out with gems you can't even imagin, just like the Wii did. You'll only believe this when you see it though, so I'm not gonna bother arguing that point if you disagree.

So we are allowed to troll on these boards and get away with it...?

Wow you really havn't been here long ...

This place would be more peacful if the answer was no, lets put it that way.

But forums and message boards I'm aware of normally do not condone trolling and the continual encouragement of trolling once that trolling has been initiated.  So if we can continue to discuss Metallicubes's point, then he wasn't trolling as you originally accused him of.  Logical?

No? Where did I say stealth trolling was punishable, people get away with it all the time. "not enough evidence"


Balance board on!  Balance board pause!

I LOVE paying for Xbox Live! I also love that my love for it pisses off so many people.

Carl2291 said:
Pavolink said:

We need to troll something new. Wii is starting to get boring, IGN, well, not. That isn´t funy anymore.

I nominate darthdevidem01. Should be an easy target for easy trolling!

Even Bobby Kotick is getting bor .... wtf am I saying!



Wii, 360, PS3


Wiifit, Kinect, Move

Games that support these addons


Kinect Sports, Dance Central, Kinect Advantures ..........There's more


Sports Champions.....there's more



Punch-Out, EA Sports Active, Rock 'N Roll Climber, Nutrition Matters, We Ski & Snowboard....... There's more



 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)
Carl2291 said:
Pavolink said:

We need to troll something new. Wii is starting to get boring, IGN, well, not. That isn´t funy anymore.

I nominate darthdevidem01. Should be an easy target for easy trolling!

Then we need powerfuls trolling cannons against FFXIII.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile