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Notorius.A.i.G said:

I don't understand why GT5 didn't have any ads on it's launch week though.

Due to the game being delayed, no free ad slots around the new launch date as they were already sold?  Though you'd think that Sony would already have some of those slots for other games(including post release ads for GT5).

Around the Network
Boutros said:

Did someone just compare a DS game to a PS3/360 game?

When that person is atma... It surprises you?


RageBot said:
CGI-Quality said:

Let's take a close look at GT5's current sales: 3.44mill. That's with 2 full weeks left of data in 2010. It's also without Japan or America's numbers. It'll probably clear 4 million next week (give or take) and be either just above or right at 5 when the year is over. Remember the Christmas week will probably give it a boost in EMEAA (albeit, a tiny one).

Also, if GT5 is indeed anywhere between 30-40k in Japan, it won't be too far behind GT4 for the same week. You also don't consider the likely possibility of future bundling.

Why are you arguing with atma?

You know he won't listen to anything logical you're going to say.

No, unlike you Ragebot I can listen to others logical arguments. You see it's not because I'm not a PS3 hardcore fan like you that my points arent valid. At least I have the guts to explain my predictions with a breakdown of sales like I did. Where's yours? 

CGI-Quality said:
RageBot said:
CGI-Quality said:

Let's take a close look at GT5's current sales: 3.44mill. That's with 2 full weeks left of data in 2010. It's also without Japan or America's numbers. It'll probably clear 4 million next week (give or take) and be either just above or right at 5 when the year is over. Remember the Christmas week will probably give it a boost in EMEAA (albeit, a tiny one).

Also, if GT5 is indeed anywhere between 30-40k in Japan, it won't be too far behind GT4 for the same week. You also don't consider the likely possibility of future bundling.

Why are you arguing with atma?

You know he won't listen to anything logical you're going to say.

I would usually write him off the same way. However, I'm beginning to feel like if people are more informed, or at least pointed in the right direction, then maybe they'll debate more reasonably in the future.

Yeah sure...7M LTD is totally unresonnable. Oh well you guys are something.

Carl2291 said:
atma998 said:

Dragon Quest IX is selling better than games like Forza 3, Uncharted 2 or God of War 3. Incredible!

Yeah it really is incredible how Nintendo turned a Dragon Quest game into a Dressing Up Simulator.


Yey Bunny Ears! Ooh lah lahh!

Words can't describe how bad Jedward are .... o_o and are those American accents at the start ... *facepalm*

I like how they say "conect" though


Around the Network
Carl2291 said:
Boutros said:

Did someone just compare a DS game to a PS3/360 game?

When that person is atma... It surprises you?

Last time I checked Dragon Quest games didnt have those kind of legs but hey I suppose I must instead talk about how ''amazing'' is FFXIII selling right? That way maybe I would be taken more seriously by all of you. lol

Carl2291 said:
Boutros said:

Did someone just compare a DS game to a PS3/360 game?

When that person is atma... It surprises you?

Nah I like to use rhetorical questions to laugh of people :P

Boutros said:
Carl2291 said:
Boutros said:

Did someone just compare a DS game to a PS3/360 game?

When that person is atma... It surprises you?

Nah I like to use rhetorical questions to laugh of people :P

That would explain why your avatar is a clown...

atma998 said:

Last time I checked Dragon Quest games didnt have those kind of legs but hey I suppose I must instead talk about how ''amazing'' is FFXIII selling right? That way maybe I would be taken more seriously by all of you. lol

Last time I checked Dragon Quest games weren't advertised as dressing up sims.

Maybe Square Enix should take note. Final Fantasy XV should get exclusive bunny ears when you preorder it.


CGI-Quality said:
atma998 said:
CGI-Quality said:
RageBot said:
CGI-Quality said:

Let's take a close look at GT5's current sales: 3.44mill. That's with 2 full weeks left of data in 2010. It's also without Japan or America's numbers. It'll probably clear 4 million next week (give or take) and be either just above or right at 5 when the year is over. Remember the Christmas week will probably give it a boost in EMEAA (albeit, a tiny one).

Also, if GT5 is indeed anywhere between 30-40k in Japan, it won't be too far behind GT4 for the same week. You also don't consider the likely possibility of future bundling.

Why are you arguing with atma?

You know he won't listen to anything logical you're going to say.

I would usually write him off the same way. However, I'm beginning to feel like if people are more informed, or at least pointed in the right direction, then maybe they'll debate more reasonably in the future.

Yeah sure...7M LTD is totally unresonnable. Oh well you guys are something.

I'm not saying that your prediction of 7 million isn't reasonable (although I personally find it too low). I'm saying that just because you aren't exactly on the same page as me (in terms of agreeing/disagreeing), I won't just write your argument off as invalid.

Well you have your points, I got mine. Can we just agree that it is a little bit too soon to predict 9 million of sales as of now like I did in my first post?