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Forums - General Discussion - Best HD TV for under £1000

whatever you choose, consider it to be an investment. Ask yourself "will I be happy with my purchase 5-6 years from now? Will the picture still look really good by then?" You don't want to get something because it was a couple of GBP cheaper, but then its crap after 2 or 3 years.


I'm no expert on HD, so I would recommend what that other guy said, look at reviews and go to av enthusiast forums. Hopefully an enthusiat forum that is devoid of fanboys


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Speaking of brands and fanboyism:

For LCD TVs, brand is not much of an issue.

As I previously stated, three panel manufacturers make 90% of all panels, so buying a Sony does not mean you get a "Sony" panel.

If you are not a brand whore, I would recommend you look at the following:

- panel grade / class (this determines the kind of panel defect warranty you get)

- overall features, e.g. color calibration, resolution, built-in scaler (mine has a Faroudja built in), PIP, etc

- Warranty on both the TV itself and the panel. They tend to differ.

If you can get the same same grade / class panel, with the same overall features, and the same warranty, you'd do well with a lesser-name brand, as by paying for a big-name brand you are doing just that - paying for the name.

Keep that in mind: My panel is zero-defect, has good features and a three-year warranty, but since it's not a "brand-whore" model, I bought it for less than 1/2 the price of a comparable "brand-whore" model.

Plasma TVs have had trouble over the years. LCDs have dont a very good job on keeping their quality over the years. (look at a old LCD monitor)

The only reason I say what I say about the Samsung/Sony TVs. Is because they look the best, and they are the best.

I think the color accuracy, the contrast (the visible, not numbers)... and other stuff that I feel makes a TV look better. The Samsung/Sony 40inch screens are bright too.

The reason I say Samsung/Sony, is they both have the same screen I think, and the sony has a slightly superior video chip. (put them side by side, and you will see what I mean) 

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!

Right now I just have my monitor, which i got for around 300 bucks. Its LCD and it supports 720p, and I hope to use it for the next like 5 years. Right now I live in an apartment with no cable or anything so it wouldn't make sense for me to invest a whole bunch of money into a huge TV and not have anything digital/HD to watch :-/



your mother


First of all saying that [brand] is the best is wrong.

I didnt recommend Sony or Samsung as a brand, but i mentioned two actual models. In my opinion they are rarther good for their price.

Your mother, you are talking about your mythical excellent panel for <12 of a "brand-whore" price.

So what panel do you have ? It's absolutely impossible to buy a TV without defects for a such price.



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I am reffering to the 40inch LCDs.

The 32inch samsung LCDs look just as good as the 40's as well.

Not all samsung TVs are amazing. 

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!

"First of all saying that [brand] is the best is wrong."

Nobody said that.

"I didnt recommend Sony or Samsung as a brand, but i mentioned two actual models."

Good for you. I recommended reading up and becoming knowledgable in the subject so that one could become a smart consumer and really know what they are getting. Nothing wrong with that, is there?

"In my opinion they are rarther good for their price."

They might be. There may also be better value elsewhere.

"Your mother, you are talking about your mythical excellent panel for <12 of a "brand-whore" price.So what panel do you have ?"

It's mythical! It doesn't exist! 

"It's absolutely impossible to buy a TV without defects for a such price."

Sure, since it's mythical, right? I'll just continue enjoying my mythical TV while you continue paying brand-whore prices with yours.

It's a good thing I did my homework before buying into the flat panel craze, unlike others... 

Yep, a recommendation to become knowledgable in the subject is wise.

Furthermore, its better to see a picture of the chosen panel with your own eyes(broadcast,dvd,games) before buying.

But "brand" doesnt cost >50%.

For example 32" Samsung R71B <=1000$ or 40" Sony W2000 <= 2400$.

I'd be happy to buy something better for <500$ or <1200$. Models please.


Model: LNT4042H
Our Price:$1,529.97
SRP: $1,699.99
Save: $170.02

See Details



Model: KDL40V2500
Our Price:$2,249.97
SRP: $2,499.99
Save: $250.02
See Details



Model: KDL40S2010
Our Price:$1,599.20
SRP: $1,999.99
Save: $400.79

See Details


 This one is mine. I bought it from this store as well. It was on killer sale tho.

Model: LNT4061F
Our Price:$2,069.97
SRP: $2,299.99
Save: $230.02
Add to Cart

There you have it, All the LCD HDTV's 32-40inch that I would reccomend. Anything else, the image quality is so much worse. (be very careful when looking at TVs as many stores have a video processor that makes the cheap TVs look as good as the sony/samsung. If all the TVs look VERY similar and some are slightly brighter than others, other than that their the same. Turn your head, as that is NOT what the cheap ones will look like when you get home. (I have a 720p magnavox that looked great at wal-mart. Brought it home, and it didnt look so great... thought it was just the lighting. Year later I bought my samsung... My magnavox SUCKS. SUCKS. SUCKS... SUCKS.

Yet, at wal-mart today, the same model magnavox, next to the 32inch samsung... they look identical. at HHGregg (where those links are) They look totally diffrent. The Magnavox looks washed out, and the Samsung has such rich colors. 

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!