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Forums - General Discussion - FIFA World Cup 2018 & 2022 host nations announced.

zgamer5 said:
JazzyJeez said:
zgamer5 said:
JazzyJeez said:
numonex said:
JazzyJeez said:
numonex said:

Qatar and Russia can easily deploy their military/police to maintain law and order if things got out of control. Threat of football hooligans is reduced in half when the English team fails to qualify for the World Cup.

England  is over run with football hooligans and law and order would be very hard to maintain. English football hooligans cause all the trouble at the World Cup events and they cause trouble at every single football match. Football hooligans run around Beer can in one hand and house brick or roof tile in the other hand. English hooligans are drunken disorderly thugs and a threat to the community. Any drunken English fan from any socio-economic class or ethnicity is capable of a being a public enemy number one and a football hooligan.

Imagine a World Cup in the heartland of football hooligans? The reputation of the game would be tarnished by hosting a World Cup in England.

Do you flip a coin and decide which country you support when you write your tripe? Barmy barmy army eh?

England was a lame duck/dummy bid nation who never stood a chance of winning the votes from the FIFA officials. The FIFA officials did not support England. Russia and Qatar have both never hosted the WC before and it is good for the game to host it in a unique nation/region. 

In that case expect I'll expect to see countries like Greenland & Mongolia putting in bids next time, guarranteed win.

mongolia ant do that, and come on greenland! dont be silly. russia isnt a world power but it has the ability of hosting a world cup, the same thing with qatar.

Do you actually think I was being serious? I'm just making a point how silly that a country should host the world cup based on the fact its unique or never hosted before, it should be a factor but it shouldn't be a major one.

I personally think Russia will pull it off and make it a very good tournament, but Qatar hosting is a joke taken to the extreme, who gives a toss if it gives the locals a chance to see a world cup, do what most football loving countries and get off your backside and follow the team.

why cant qatar make it a good tournament? its hot, its going to be cold in russia, qatar is a rich country with a very good infrastructure and a rising economy, your just saying its a joke because your biased. whats the difference btw every world cup, other then results its how the situation is handeld, and qatar can handle it.

Yeah that's right I think the way I do because I'm biased, if it ain't in good old blighty I don't give a shit and me travelling to 3 world cups was all just a dream, I love football and if a country can provide a good tournament and finances allow I'll go. 

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The English are annoyed they lost the 2018 WC to Russia and calling it out as corruption and biased against them. More like sour grapes and time to cry bitter tears in your cups of tea.

The Americans are just as annoyed they lost the 2022 WC to Qatar. More like sour grapes and time to drown your sorrows with a bottle of Bourbon. 

There is nothing worse than losing out to a cold bitter rival. 

numonex said:


The English are annoyed they lost the 2018 WC to Russia and calling it out as corruption and biased against them. More like sour grapes and time to cry bitter tears in your cups of tea.

The Americans are just as annoyed they lost the 2022 WC to Qatar. More like sour grapes and time to drown your sorrows with a bottle of Bourbon. 

There is nothing worse than losing out to a cold bitter rival. 


Another one of your pearls of wisdom drafted from toilet paper? You know you've converted me, I think western goverments should censor free speech.

JazzyJeez said:
zgamer5 said:
JazzyJeez said:
zgamer5 said:
JazzyJeez said:
numonex said:
JazzyJeez said:
numonex said:

Qatar and Russia can easily deploy their military/police to maintain law and order if things got out of control. Threat of football hooligans is reduced in half when the English team fails to qualify for the World Cup.

England  is over run with football hooligans and law and order would be very hard to maintain. English football hooligans cause all the trouble at the World Cup events and they cause trouble at every single football match. Football hooligans run around Beer can in one hand and house brick or roof tile in the other hand. English hooligans are drunken disorderly thugs and a threat to the community. Any drunken English fan from any socio-economic class or ethnicity is capable of a being a public enemy number one and a football hooligan.

Imagine a World Cup in the heartland of football hooligans? The reputation of the game would be tarnished by hosting a World Cup in England.

Do you flip a coin and decide which country you support when you write your tripe? Barmy barmy army eh?

England was a lame duck/dummy bid nation who never stood a chance of winning the votes from the FIFA officials. The FIFA officials did not support England. Russia and Qatar have both never hosted the WC before and it is good for the game to host it in a unique nation/region. 

In that case expect I'll expect to see countries like Greenland & Mongolia putting in bids next time, guarranteed win.

mongolia ant do that, and come on greenland! dont be silly. russia isnt a world power but it has the ability of hosting a world cup, the same thing with qatar.

Do you actually think I was being serious? I'm just making a point how silly that a country should host the world cup based on the fact its unique or never hosted before, it should be a factor but it shouldn't be a major one.

I personally think Russia will pull it off and make it a very good tournament, but Qatar hosting is a joke taken to the extreme, who gives a toss if it gives the locals a chance to see a world cup, do what most football loving countries and get off your backside and follow the team.

why cant qatar make it a good tournament? its hot, its going to be cold in russia, qatar is a rich country with a very good infrastructure and a rising economy, your just saying its a joke because your biased. whats the difference btw every world cup, other then results its how the situation is handeld, and qatar can handle it.

Yeah that's right I think the way I do because I'm biased, if it ain't in good old blighty I don't give a shit and me travelling to 3 world cups was all just a dream, I love football and if a country can provide a good tournament and finances allow I'll go.

then why did you call qatar a joke? theirs no reason why it cant bring a good tournaments, the country has a good infrastructure and it has a very small population for its size.

Being in 3rd place never felt so good

non-gravity said: said:

We are talking about the gulf here. One of the richiest regions on earth and people are MAAAD about football but not the arabic football because it sucks. Qatar won't disappoint, all hail Qatar!

Hail Qatar! and Frank de Boer who was paid to be ambassador to Qatar 2022

It was Ronald!!! ;)


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

Around the Network
zgamer5 said:
JazzyJeez said:
zgamer5 said:
JazzyJeez said:
zgamer5 said:
JazzyJeez said:
numonex said:
JazzyJeez said:
numonex said:

Qatar and Russia can easily deploy their military/police to maintain law and order if things got out of control. Threat of football hooligans is reduced in half when the English team fails to qualify for the World Cup.

England  is over run with football hooligans and law and order would be very hard to maintain. English football hooligans cause all the trouble at the World Cup events and they cause trouble at every single football match. Football hooligans run around Beer can in one hand and house brick or roof tile in the other hand. English hooligans are drunken disorderly thugs and a threat to the community. Any drunken English fan from any socio-economic class or ethnicity is capable of a being a public enemy number one and a football hooligan.

Imagine a World Cup in the heartland of football hooligans? The reputation of the game would be tarnished by hosting a World Cup in England.

Do you flip a coin and decide which country you support when you write your tripe? Barmy barmy army eh?

England was a lame duck/dummy bid nation who never stood a chance of winning the votes from the FIFA officials. The FIFA officials did not support England. Russia and Qatar have both never hosted the WC before and it is good for the game to host it in a unique nation/region. 

In that case expect I'll expect to see countries like Greenland & Mongolia putting in bids next time, guarranteed win.

mongolia ant do that, and come on greenland! dont be silly. russia isnt a world power but it has the ability of hosting a world cup, the same thing with qatar.

Do you actually think I was being serious? I'm just making a point how silly that a country should host the world cup based on the fact its unique or never hosted before, it should be a factor but it shouldn't be a major one.

I personally think Russia will pull it off and make it a very good tournament, but Qatar hosting is a joke taken to the extreme, who gives a toss if it gives the locals a chance to see a world cup, do what most football loving countries and get off your backside and follow the team.

why cant qatar make it a good tournament? its hot, its going to be cold in russia, qatar is a rich country with a very good infrastructure and a rising economy, your just saying its a joke because your biased. whats the difference btw every world cup, other then results its how the situation is handeld, and qatar can handle it.

Yeah that's right I think the way I do because I'm biased, if it ain't in good old blighty I don't give a shit and me travelling to 3 world cups was all just a dream, I love football and if a country can provide a good tournament and finances allow I'll go.

then why did you call qatar a joke? theirs no reason why it cant bring a good tournaments, the country has a good infrastructure and it has a very small population for its size.

I called it joke in respect of the other bidders, not the fact Qatar couldn't host a world cup or a good one, but if you think it'll be a better world cup in Qatar rather than the US than I'll agree to disagree.

JazzyJeez said:
zgamer5 said:
JazzyJeez said:
zgamer5 said:
JazzyJeez said:
zgamer5 said:
JazzyJeez said:
numonex said:
JazzyJeez said:
numonex said:

Qatar and Russia can easily deploy their military/police to maintain law and order if things got out of control. Threat of football hooligans is reduced in half when the English team fails to qualify for the World Cup.

England  is over run with football hooligans and law and order would be very hard to maintain. English football hooligans cause all the trouble at the World Cup events and they cause trouble at every single football match. Football hooligans run around Beer can in one hand and house brick or roof tile in the other hand. English hooligans are drunken disorderly thugs and a threat to the community. Any drunken English fan from any socio-economic class or ethnicity is capable of a being a public enemy number one and a football hooligan.

Imagine a World Cup in the heartland of football hooligans? The reputation of the game would be tarnished by hosting a World Cup in England.

Do you flip a coin and decide which country you support when you write your tripe? Barmy barmy army eh?

England was a lame duck/dummy bid nation who never stood a chance of winning the votes from the FIFA officials. The FIFA officials did not support England. Russia and Qatar have both never hosted the WC before and it is good for the game to host it in a unique nation/region. 

In that case expect I'll expect to see countries like Greenland & Mongolia putting in bids next time, guarranteed win.

mongolia ant do that, and come on greenland! dont be silly. russia isnt a world power but it has the ability of hosting a world cup, the same thing with qatar.

Do you actually think I was being serious? I'm just making a point how silly that a country should host the world cup based on the fact its unique or never hosted before, it should be a factor but it shouldn't be a major one.

I personally think Russia will pull it off and make it a very good tournament, but Qatar hosting is a joke taken to the extreme, who gives a toss if it gives the locals a chance to see a world cup, do what most football loving countries and get off your backside and follow the team.

why cant qatar make it a good tournament? its hot, its going to be cold in russia, qatar is a rich country with a very good infrastructure and a rising economy, your just saying its a joke because your biased. whats the difference btw every world cup, other then results its how the situation is handeld, and qatar can handle it.

Yeah that's right I think the way I do because I'm biased, if it ain't in good old blighty I don't give a shit and me travelling to 3 world cups was all just a dream, I love football and if a country can provide a good tournament and finances allow I'll go.

then why did you call qatar a joke? theirs no reason why it cant bring a good tournaments, the country has a good infrastructure and it has a very small population for its size.

I called it joke in respect of the other bidders, not the fact Qatar couldn't host a world cup or a good one, but if you think it'll be a better world cup in Qatar rather than the US than I'll agree to disagree.

ok oh,  i agree with you it would be a better world cup in the us. possibly the sole reason fifa choose qatar was because the us hosted it 20 years ago .

Being in 3rd place never felt so good

I will finally admit the truth instead of the nonsense.

America and England were clearly robbed. They had the stadiums and the infrastructure. But the open cheque book and meeting FIFAs demands for a 100% tax free WC and all profits going directly to FIFA were top priorities of securing the WC bids. If you deal with a devil like Sepp Blatter you have to literally sell out your soul. 

zgamer5 said:

ok oh,  i agree with you it would be a better world cup in the us. possibly the sole reason fifa choose qatar was because the us hosted it 20 years ago .

It's definately a factor, lets be trueful it may be called a world cup but the US having the world series for baseball doesn't make it so, its predominantly a european sport thats the reason why the infrastructure & stadiums is already their for these sort of events.  In anycase I look forward to that WC just to watch England play shite, gotta love em.

Damm i was hoping for England then it maybe would have been my first World cup trip.