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Forums - General Discussion - Wikileaks + US diplomacy = biggest "diplomatic" storm ever incoming !

Mr Khan said:

Apparently the file he's threatening to dump if something happens to him or his company contains really sensitive stuff, like names of active spies. He's hoping that'll keep the assassins off his back


EDIT: and now the Swedish arrest warrant has finally reached the hands of Scotland Yard. The hunt is on.

He's in Britain, right now?

He's trying to avoid arrest and he came to the UK, of all places?

Around the Network
SamuelRSmith said:
Mr Khan said:

Apparently the file he's threatening to dump if something happens to him or his company contains really sensitive stuff, like names of active spies. He's hoping that'll keep the assassins off his back


EDIT: and now the Swedish arrest warrant has finally reached the hands of Scotland Yard. The hunt is on.

He's in Britain, right now?

He's trying to avoid arrest and he came to the UK, of all places?

Yeah, he's been hiding in Britain. His best bet'll be to get on the Chunnel and escape to France, that'll buy him some bureaucratic time, then flee to Switzerland under refugee status. He could make a halfway decent case for refugee status if he gets someone in power to believe he's been unfairly persecuted

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

shio said:
Kasz216 said:

Switzerland would make sense too... what with it's achieving Universal sufferage for women in 1990.

For someone who's supposed to be all about honesty and free spread of information and wanting politicians to stand for their crimes...  he sure seems to be running pretty hard from a crime he says he didn't do.

Dude seems seriously paranoid.  I think he should hand over the website to the other founders.  I noticed his lawyer said they noted how people as "High up in the Us as Sara Palin has called for his assassanation."

So... as high up as a reality TV show star who has less of a chance of being elected president then Snooki.  I mean she's not in government.

Not sure Swiss Asylum will work, what with their funds being frozen by the Swiss.

So having sex with a condom is a crime to run from?! After all, it's not like the swedish government is filled with liars and US-led idiots....

Assange and Assange's lawyer has agreed several times to to talk and meet with the people in charge of the case, yet the swedish guys have always declined.

Because the police should really question suspected rapists on the suspected rapists plan.  If he agreed to talk and meet with them... he would.   There is literally no change in doing so now then there would of been back then.  My guess is he wanted to conduct a phone interview, or have the police come to him.  Which would be a no, no obviously.  They wouldn't have a warrant out unless he wouldn't go to him.   He could literally not have a warrant out if he went to them.

As for the charges, you don't know what they are.  You are just believing his once and probably soon to be again Swedish lawyer on that being the charge.  The offical charge reads "Rape, Molestation and unlawful coercian."

What point would the US even have in getting the swiss to pursue him?  So he could be sent to the US and be cleared of all charges while simlataniously making the US government look 100 times worse for orchestrating the whole thing in the first place?

I don't think Obama is that dumb.  Or are you buying the "it's to assassnate him" line... which would...

A. Be the worst and most obvious assassnation ever.

B. Be completely useless because there are a lot of other people who own wikileaks.

C. Be even more completely useless because well... it's not like it'd be that hard for someone else to make their own wikileaks site.


I approve most of these leaks, but like a user already said, showing the strategic locations of the U.S.A. is just stupid, naive and useless. Nobody cares about that except for terrorists. In a sense, I can see now what the U.S.A. authorities meant by these leaks "risking lives". And I'm not even American.

Wikileaks shouldn't be so retarded about what to show and what to keep for security purposes. Journalism freedom ends and should end the moment it endangers the security of others.

TheLivingShadow said:

I approve most of these leaks, but like a user already said, showing the strategic locations of the U.S.A. is just stupid, naive and useless. Nobody cares about that except for terrorists. In a sense, I can see now what the U.S.A. authorities meant by these leaks "risking lives". And I'm not even American.

Wikileaks shouldn't be so retarded about what to show and what to keep for security purposes. Journalism freedom ends and should end the moment it endangers the security of others.

Well I wouldn't say nobody cares.  I find it interesting that an Insulin factory in Australia is super important to the US national security.  Still, could of did without it since it's a pretty silly thing to publish.

Haven't heard anything since then.  Anyone read anything good?

Around the Network

He got caught btw...

Edit: Oh not caught he turned himself in?


Arrested in England. 

Mr Stephens said his client was keen to learn more about the allegations and anxious to clear his name.

He said: "It's about time we got to the end of the day and we got some truth, justice and rule of law.

"Julian Assange has been the one in hot pursuit to vindicate himself to clear his good name."

 I tombi123 said:

Arrested in England. 

Mr Stephens said his client was keen to learn more about the allegations and anxious to clear his name.

He said: "It's about time we got to the end of the day and we got some truth, justice and rule of law.

"Julian Assange has been the one in hot pursuit to vindicate himself to clear his good name."

Took him long enough.  It's been a large distraction when there are plenty of other founders that could take over. I bet his flight plan just fell through.  Honestly the news reporst STILL sound like he's trying to organize it so he doesn't have to leave the country.

Kasz216 said:
 I tombi123 said:

Arrested in England. 

Mr Stephens said his client was keen to learn more about the allegations and anxious to clear his name.

He said: "It's about time we got to the end of the day and we got some truth, justice and rule of law.

"Julian Assange has been the one in hot pursuit to vindicate himself to clear his good name."

Took him long enough.  It's been a large distraction when there are plenty of other founders that could take over. I bet his flight plan just fell through.  Honestly the news reporst STILL sound like he's trying to organize it so he doesn't have to leave the country.

What flight plan? He's been sitting in UK the entire time, one of the most pro-US countries in the world. I doubt Assange's intention was to hide or flee.

shio said:
Kasz216 said:
 I tombi123 said:

Arrested in England. 

Mr Stephens said his client was keen to learn more about the allegations and anxious to clear his name.

He said: "It's about time we got to the end of the day and we got some truth, justice and rule of law.

"Julian Assange has been the one in hot pursuit to vindicate himself to clear his good name."

Took him long enough.  It's been a large distraction when there are plenty of other founders that could take over. I bet his flight plan just fell through.  Honestly the news reporst STILL sound like he's trying to organize it so he doesn't have to leave the country.

What flight plan? He's been sitting in UK the entire time, one of the most pro-US countries in the world. I doubt Assange's intention was to hide or flee.

Outside of his plan to flee to swizerland which Khan posted above?   Plus, the fact that he's been in hiding this whole time... making them get a warrant in the first place?  Telephone interview isn't going to work for the police.