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Kantor: Knows that he is on a baseless bandwagon and yet lacks the motivation to find a better target. Additionally, he refuses to unvote, knowing that he could be wrong. Additionally, he's been avoiding the accusations put against him, and has made some contradicting, or at least, indirect posts. For example, later in the thread he called my earlier FoS of him "silly", and explained how it didn't bother him at all etc etc. However, looking back at the FoS portion of the thread, I voted him on the next post, wherein he exploded and voted me in return. If he really didn't think anything of my FoS, then where did this explosion come from? You all know my opinion of Kantor's game so far, so I won't continue on this.

Lacks the motivation to find a better target?

I found a better target not too soon afterwards. And at that point, I changed my vote.

Why are you picking on me for not unvoting radish (which I eventually did), when seven other people actually haven't?

Now, the whole FoS and Vote issue.

A finger of suspicion means nothing of any consequence. It's basically just "Watch yourself. You've done or said something stupid". If I were scum, that would be worrying. But I'm not. So it wasn't.

A vote is completely different. A vote can lead to death by lynching. As we can see before us, a bandwagon isn't actually that difficult to form. Now, as a townie, I don't mind dying for a good cause, but being lynched on Day One for no concrete or sensible reason isn't one of them.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

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Wonktonodi said:

Notice who he gives the highest chance of being a townie too is none other than gow.  Two of the people most eager for a lynching.  I've bolded and underlined what I agree with.  That plus trying to use limited statistics to try and prove something ( a lie in another form is still a lie)  Has got me to change my vote


Vote  theprof00

Its rather funny that TruckO and gow are two of the players that never seem suspicious to me, that may be because of their playstyle. They are just those people that somehow always have that scummy taste to me but since they play that way if they are town or mafia I somehow always get the feeling they are pro town... I never hope to have one of those as Mafia when I am not (Actually I think that TruckO and I where always on the same team when I played).

I've read through all the posts, and I'm definitely impressed by the amount of analysis that has gone on while I'm asleep :P

I'm annoyed that over half of my posts are considered "grey area", of which they are not particularly of content or lack of. I think this is mainly because the majority of my posts thus far have just been me trying to defend myself- I haven't had much time to actually make any questions or accusations myself. This could actually be a Mafia plan to render one of the townies useless? I don't know - I'm trying my best xD

Day 1 is definitely one of the most useful days - no matter who gets lynched - whether it be me, Prof, HS... anyone -we get a lot of useful information to continue the game with. I am therefore going to take the risk of causing even more controversy by suggesting that I wish that we lynch someone today. We've had so much information coming through, that it'd seem like we're wasting it if we end up on a No Lynch.

I'm awaiting the inevitable interrogation following this statement. 

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nordlead said:

If we don't lynch someone we might as well have started with night 1 and had the scum night kill someone. That way we wouldn't at least waste hours typing complete nonsense and garbage.

HoS: Homer_Simpson

So you guys pick on me for being aggressive about a day 1 lynch, yet we see this guy HoSing someone who says hes just not ready to lynch someone just yet. Being vocal about it from the very beginning or hit and run comments like this - Whats more scummy ? You decide.

Final-Fan said:

With all due respect, I think nordlead is greatly overestimating the importance of actually having a body at our feet as we go into Night 1. 

The town definitely needs to have real conversation, and that does mean provoking responses out of people and trying to lynch people.  If someone actually gets lynched in that process, fine; but if we do enough of that and they all get out from under it, that's fine too.  The important part of the Day 1 lynch process is the conversation, not the corpse. 

He could've easily quoted nordlead and had a direct convo with him. Yet, final-fan talks of him in 3rd person to disagree with him so it wouldn't look like 2 mafia  intentionally distancing themselves ?

Final-Fan said:

It's been a long time since nordlead played, but I vaguely think that's consistent with his earlier stance, so no FoS. 

Again, talking of nordlead in 3rd person, although this time, its much more acceptable, given he's not talking about what nordlead has said directly, but describing his play style/stance on day 1 lynches.

Final-Fan said:

So we throw someone under the bus and just hope they're scum? 

Vote:  GodOfWar_3ever

Final-fan misinterprets my desire of lynching day 1 into asking for a random lynch, and the very next post...

nordlead said:
GodOfWar_3ever said:

Vetteman94 said:

I dont think he needs to frame you to make you sound scummy,  you are doing a pretty good job yourself.

Why thank you  

hahahahaha. This reminds me of a game I played in but I can't figure out which one it was. Essentially a scum sold themselves out on day one with one of the first posts in the game.

vote GodOfWar_3ever

nordlead depicts my sarcasm to slipping up. LMAO...

If I'd have known any better, these scumbags were trying to carefully orchestrate my lynch. 

Final-fan randomly lynches me, contradicting with his "I want discussion, and possibly a lynch if something productive comes out of it" stance, nord tries to act like I may have slipped up although I was being sarcastic, while radishhead, hephaestos and vetteman express their suspicion towards me.

These sly scumbags were trying to get me lynched. Thankfully, none of you guys took the bait.

Final-Fan said:

Not really.  That would only be true if you interpret my post as
"Vote for someone?  OK, vote you."

But it could easily be a sarcastic vote: 
"Vote for someone?  Well then I'll vote for YOU, ho ho.  How about that?"

And what it actually  was was a sarcastic way of making a real vote, based on the aggressiveness which I FoSed him for earlier along with his channeling that aggressiveness into pushing for a lynch of someone, anyone.  Which I thought would be inferrable by anyone who paid attention to the exchange between me and him. 

FoS theprof00

Where is this exchange he speaks of ? I haven't really had a direct conversation with him, other than the retarded dogs vs cats thing OR responded to his FoS at that time.

nordlead said:

I object to adding a new person to the game. While it doesn't seem obvious at first, it doesn't play out fair.

1) it doesn't make sense to add him as mafia, so the town won't likely vote him

2) he can't be the doctor/cop because we already have them so the scum won't night kill him

If everyone wants to add him then I vote for a complete restart.

Pretty much everyone had given their take on the whole radishhead situation at that time....amidst that chaos, hatmoza requests to add a new player into the game. nordlead doesn't seem to be interested in the radishhead debacle, yet he comments on adding j0 to the game.

nordlead said:

Making it clear that you won't day 1 lynch means you will not lynch day 1. After quite strongly claiming that you won't you get proven to be caught in a lie now trying to backtrack by making it seem like you only sorta won't lynch on day 1 unless someone says "i'm mafia" (which never happens, even in my previous link mario didn't come out and say it).

Here is a stance I take. I vote people caught in lies regardless of alignment due to it just being poor play (pro-town should never lie and especially not caught in one). Lies are the tools of the devil (uh... scum ). I voted gow because he made a dumb statement that reminded me of mario, but this is another matter.

unvote: godofwar_3ever
vote: radishhead

nordlead is the 2nd person to vote for radishhead. Out of curiosity, lets see what final fan's first post after nordlead's vote on radish is -

Final-Fan said:

I have to disagree, prof.  His DEFENSE is that he exaggerates "waffling" into "certainty" when he talks to us.  That is unacceptable. 

radish:  see above.  Either you are telling the truth and deserve to be lynched (maybe it will teach you a lesson), or you are lying and REALLY deserve to be lynched. 

Vote radishhead.

Radishhead "deserves to be lynched" according to F-F. I've had a change in mind. I say he deserves to stay alive today. We lynch him tomorrow. Today we lynch either one of these clowns for the scummy read they give me...

But thats not all -

Final-Fan said:

No, radishhead, actually when two completely separate communities react to your play style by screaming LYNCH then you're doing something wrong. 

As for "I didn't lie I only exaggerated" your exaggeration is to the point that it might as well be a lie.  "I am totally against a first day lynch, as always; well OK I used to lynch first day; well actually it's just that I don't want to lynch someone without a really good reason, and I wildly exaggerate when I say things."

"Obviously, if the situation changes before the end of the day, I'll vote for someone"
(NOTE:  The italicized quote was not part of the exchange with noname that put the pressure on you.  It shows that you flatly contradict yourself even within this thread.)
"I've never lynched on the first day"
"I've made it clear in all the games that I've played here that I don't lynch on Day 1"
"It's not my fault that I don't like GOW very much :(
     "Ironically, I think the reason that I voted for him was because he was trying to get a 1st day lynch"
(NOTE:  Note that when your words are proven to be wrong, the first thing you say isn't 'haha sorry I was exaggerating' but rather making excuses -- 'that was a one time thing because I hate GOW and he was trying to do a 1st day lynch'.)
"it's just my way of telling people that I've got all bases covered"
(NOTE:  Second example of being proven wrong; more excuses.)
"I've never made a contradiction in a Mafia game before. It's all about how you interpret what I say"
"It wasn't a lie though, because in all my mafia games I've made it clear that I don't 1st day lynch, but I also make it clear that I will lynch people if the situation changes."
"Maybe you're a Mafia who is intimidated by the careful thinking that I could bring to the game"
(NOTE:  hahaha ahahaNO.  "Careful thought" and "blatant self-contradiction for no reason" are mutually exclusive.) 

NEW:  "I'm annoyed that some people have seen through my disguise - I actually have no preference either way, but  I make it look like I do so that I can't be blamed for a mislynch on the first day."

This is so scummy it's just ... super scummy! 

Seriously radish, you need to learn to not do that and if necessary we'll hang it out of you.  Starting today.  FINISH HIM! 

While I don't think radishhead is town (I have a stinking feeling that he may be playing badly), Final-fan is impatient to get him killed...whats with the "Finish him !" ?

As you can see, final-fan thinks that radishhead deserves to die even if he was town cause he is playing badly...I think this is a precaution to say "Oh well....he was just playing bad" if he turns up town.

And then he says this again -

Final-Fan said:
theprof00 said:
please someone unvote radish

I'm sympathetic, but radish just really deserves to die.  I think we have a decent Day 1 under our belts and you can always get back on his nuts tomorrow. 

Again...radishhead deserves to die......He also preps up to blame radish for his poor play if he ends up town..

Final-Fan said:

If radish does flip scum my top suspects are prof and kantor.  If not ... well, whatever. 

Yet again he preps up for the "radishhead was playing badly even though he was town" excuse after he gets lynched (assuming that radish is town...)

Conclusion -

Every time I read one of nordlead's posts, I get a scummy read...but thats not substantial enough for a lynch I guess....But final-fan on the other hand... his constant reminders on how radish deserves to die makes me suspicious enough to vote for him... but first, I gotta analyse noname's posts...

post analysis, if noname seems more scummier, I will vote for his lynch.

However, I'd like to point this out -

If radishhead is innocent, then final fan is most definitely scum.

I never realised how hard Final-Fan was trying to get me lynched. Thanks for the analysis GOW - I'm thinking that voting FF could give us a lot of useful information, but I'm not willing to do that just yet.

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GodOfWar_3ever said:

Homer_Simpson said:

I would purfer not to vote just yet

a mislynch is just a whisker away

this really is the cats meow

A bunch of cat references. Afraid of lynch cause of the fear of a mislynch.

my replies are in italics, so you can see which they are :) this one was just a joke post tbh, there was not much going on and I dont like joke voting as it just wastes time

Homer_Simpson said:

meh, my view remains that day one lynches should only occur if we have a good suspect, I oppose random lynches (or lynches based on poor or faulty reasoning)


well, I would argue its common sense tbh...

Homer_Simpson said:

167 new posts...-_-

*begins reading*

This is a long time after his previous post.... I'm just saying.

and? I post when im online and have something to say, im trying to post and scumhunt more this game as I know I was far too inactive in recent rounds, I want to correct this by being much better this round

Homer_Simpson said:
theprof00 said:

you want to day one lynch him?

And he's suspicious because he doesn't want a day one lynch? Fyi: neither does vette and several others.

What is so different about radish?

while I think some of Radishs posts are a bit odd, the whole "everyone is out to get me" thing does seem a tad desperate, but I dont know that alone is enough to lynch him on tbh.

I am about to quote a couple of the bandwagoners, essentially the ones who seem to have given the least reasoning for doing so, which is almost always a scum tell

followed by -

Homer_Simpson said:
Wonktonodi said:

So after a nice reprive of getting off work two hours early I see there is a bit of a mob forming to take out radishhead.  Although I have other susspicions; at this hour mob mentality seems much easier.

VOTE: Radishhead

Goodnight or day and see you after I get home from work tomorrow.

"mob mentality seems easier"

personally I think this reeks of a mafia wanting to get rid of someone they know isnt scum and who cant even be arsed to give a decent reason, just bandwagoning.


Homer_Simpson said:
Kantor said:

It seems to me as though Radish currently holds the most suspicion because he doesn't want to Day One Lynch.

And so, we want to Day One Lynch him.

There's a beautiful poetic symmetry there.

Vote:  radishhead.

this doesnt even hide that its a fairly baseless bandwagon vote, again I have to query these kind of votes, to me it seems the perfect scum tactic, join a bandwagon that seems to have taken hold on loose evidence and hope you get the person lynched before people can question what is going on...

I must say I like Homer's somewhat new approach to this game...a step up from his previous games...I couldn't tell that he was town in the last game cause he sounded so damn suspicious...this is a step up..or so I thought atm..

like I say above, im taking this new approach because people have called me out for being inactive before and I want to rectify this by being more active and  usefell from now on

Homer_Simpson said:
theprof00 said:
Final-Fan said:

If radish does flip scum my top suspects are prof and kantor.  If not ... well, whatever. 

That's totally baseless. When I was on mafia I lynched my fellow scum! I'm totally willing to throw my fellow scum under the bus in order to make myself look pro-town. Even my scum mates were complaining about me.

As per your other comment above, last game when I was on truck's ass, he was totally willing to night kill me in order to make it look like the mafia had framed him.

hmm, I think your point is fair, but the way you have made it seems a little over defensive to me, almost like you are trying to hard...

but what he is saying is true...scum are more than happy to lynch their team mates to look innocent.

However, prof's post makes no sense cause kantor has voted for prof...he is the one who hasn't. Maybe prof is not voting radish so that if he turns up scum, he can say that "I didn't even vote for him!, scum usually vote for their team mates if they're getting lynched!"....

Reverse psychology FTW ?

I know what he is saying is true, I did not deny that, I commented on the defensive nature of the post

Homer_Simpson said:
Stefl1504 said:
theprof00 said:
Final-Fan said:

If radish does flip scum my top suspects are prof and kantor.  If not ... well, whatever. 

That's totally baseless. When I was on mafia I lynched my fellow scum! I'm totally willing to throw my fellow scum under the bus in order to make myself look pro-town. Even my scum mates were complaining about me.

As per your other comment above, last game when I was on truck's ass, he was totally willing to night kill me in order to make it look like the mafia had framed him.

Acctualy some time ago when I won with Mafia I did the same... Mafia do lynch themselves in order to get an advantage..

hmm, and if theProf was being over defensive in that, you just backed him up but without trying to look like you were too much so, intriguing...

If you say so...

well, think about it, its an easy way to help other people who you may be working with, just casually back up there point, but without wanting to draw attention to it by openly attacking the person who flagged the comement or something

Homer_Simpson said:
Stefl1504 said:

Acctualy I think the sly scum won't bandwagon without base... it often shows how scummy they maybe are if they are trying to do this... well

but Radishs last post really tempts me to vote for him, just giving up is so... well actually its not that scummy and I can feel with him since my first Mafia game ended similarly on day 2^^

and its because that attitude is being put about (probably by scum themselves) that they can get away with bandwagoning...

How can people get away with mindless bandwagoning ? Kantor is under heat for that very reason, no ?

they cant, that was my point, some people seemed to be suggesting that bandwagoning was okay, frankly I dont think it is, we should justify our votes otherwise it makes it easier for scum to just join our bandwagons and cause possible misslynches

Homer_Simpson said:
Kantor said:
Homer_Simpson said:
Kantor said:

It seems to me as though Radish currently holds the most suspicion because he doesn't want to Day One Lynch.

And so, we want to Day One Lynch him.

There's a beautiful poetic symmetry there.

Vote:  radishhead.

this doesnt even hide that its a fairly baseless bandwagon vote, again I have to query these kind of votes, to me it seems the perfect scum tactic, join a bandwagon that seems to have taken hold on loose evidence and hope you get the person lynched before people can question what is going on...

It's an extremely baseless bandwagon vote. It just has more base than any other bandwagon vote.

Besides, in MINHA, we killed two mafiosi with baseless bandwagon votes.

so basically the logic is that of a blind man in a room firing a gun off in any direction that feels good to him?

the fact we got lucky in previous rounds is no evidence of anything for this round though...

While Kantor's vote screams "BANDWAGON, BITCH !" its not like radishhead doesn't sound scummy...

While there is an obvious risk in the lynching of radish, I don't think we're blind men firing in random directions...we're more like kinda observant people seeing that someone has contradicted himself and shooting at him.

I guess, but it was kinda in reply to his vague justifications of his vote/bandwagon

Homer_Simpson said:

vote Kantor

trying to control the town toward a lynch with nowhere near enough reasoning behind it, he reeks of scum to me and he is trying to play the town and I have no intention of letting him do so.

Everything else you posted so far were acceptable, imo. You had somewhat changed your approach to the game. But this right here just killed it.

This is absolutely false....if Kantor was bandwagoning as you've said, then how the hell is he also "controlling the town" towards a lynch ? 

well, I will admit I had misread a bit for this one, idk, its just the feeling I got at the time, that some of his posts were causing that to happen, I dont think they are so much, but I have plenty of other reasons to be suspicous of Kantor

Its more possible that he reduced the chances of radish getting lynched. I thought you said that voting for someone without much evidence is not something you were willing to do. You also said that while radish was suspicious, you don't have much going on to vote for him.

Yet you vote for Kantor using a crazy ass reason which is simply not true.

There is far more reasons pointing out that radish is more likely to be scum (or playing very badly) than Kantor.

please read all my posts, I do give other reasons for my vote...

Homer_Simpson said:
dtewi said:
Homer_Simpson said:

vote Kantor

trying to control the town toward a lynch with nowhere near enough reasoning behind it, he reeks of scum to me and he is trying to play the town and I have no intention of letting him do so.

You're really fucking trying to appear pro-town.

I don't even know what you're talking about. What lynch is he controlling? Prof? Prof has about a 0% chance of dying today.

I think he is trying to indirectly influence people toward a lynch of Radish, while I agree that some of Radishes behavour is off, its hardly to the point where one can justify bandwagoning him toward being lynched.

Radish was well on his way to a lynch even before Kantor voted for him. There were 6 more votes on him at the time he did. If you agree that radish has been acting weird, then why is it weird to lynch him for that reason.

I can say that you and prof are trying to get kantor lynched. Its true, even though Kantor has been suspicious. You two are infact LEADING a lynch against Kantor, while you claim that Kantor is leading a lynch against radish when he simply bandwagoned.

I can easily accuse you of bandwagoning on kantor using a nonsensical reason after prof's vote on kantor. What would you say about that ?

bullshit, I gave my reasons, Kantor made several suspect posts which I pointed out, I barely even took note of theProfs vote on him, in fact I queried theProfs behavour at one point

Homer_Simpson said:
Kantor said:
Homer_Simpson said:

vote Kantor

trying to control the town toward a lynch with nowhere near enough reasoning behind it, he reeks of scum to me and he is trying to play the town and I have no intention of letting him do so.

Ha, trying to control the town towards a lynch indeed.

Was I the one who started the lynch train on radish?

Have I even told anyone to vote for radish?

I mean, prof is always like this, but you.


Vote: Homer_Simpson

no, but you joined the bandwagon so lazily, and some of your posts to me seem like an indirect to way to convince people of your vote (even though the reasoning is poor), the fact you then voted for me as a revenge vote, really only hightens my feeling that you are scum.

3ever's notes - If someone bandwagons lazily, how can he convince others to vote ? Hell, how can saying "Its ironic we're lynching someone who doesn't want to lynch on day one" make people lynch that person ?

because people lurk or are scum, they will be very happy to just vote for the person who is under pressure at any given time in order to either avoid actively scumhunting or to push for a mislynch


Kantor - I couldn't care less about your silly FoS. Were I a mafioso, would I really start shivering in my boots at an FoS when somebody else was on L-3? The time at which I finished reading through the thread was the time after you posted your Finger of Suspicion. Coincidence, nothing more."

I really find it suspicious when people talk about what they would do if they were scum, to me it just seems like a double bluff

3ever's notes - Are you speaking from experience ? :p

from observation and stuff from previous mafia games, yes

"Please excuse my exaggeration."

why? one of the reasons people gave for voting for Radish was just that, his "exageration and bending of the truth"

3ever's notes - His exaggeration was about the # of bandwagons. Radish's is about his refusal to vote on day one.One is more serious than the other.

hmm, both can influence the game though, not to mention it shows his hypocrisy

"When you voted for me, that was cause for concern."

that just sounds like a backtrack and an excuse...

3ever's notes - Actually, the way you voted for him is most definitely a cause for concern. But I agree that he shouldn't have revenge voted cause he had done that already with the prof.

not if you pay attention to what ive said

"It's an extremely baseless bandwagon vote. It just has more base than any other bandwagon vote."

and this eliminates its suspiciousness how exactly?

3ever's notes - It doesn't. Just like radishhead saying that we saw through his disguise of pretending to have a strict "No Day 1 Lynch" policy when he didn't. Why say this to Kantor and not radish ?

And why are you so defensive about radish ?

im not defensive about him? he is probably my no.2 suspect after Kantor in fact, I noted my suspicion of him on a few occasions too...if anyone is defending somone, its you defending kantor with this long post

add to this your inconsitent behvour toward other players and voting earlier on, your actions all reek of scum to me.

3ever's notes - If by other players, you mean "prof", yeah. He hadn't voted for anyone else before radish.

Your actions started pretty well, and is now beginning to reek of scum to me. :p

your reasons for suspecting me are not that great imo, you were right to call me on the misreading of Kantors influence, but other than that I dont think I have done anything off

My notes in the post above and in the post above :p

Homer_Simpson said:
TruckOSaurus said:
Homer_Simpson said:

vote Kantor

trying to control the town toward a lynch with nowhere near enough reasoning behind it, he reeks of scum to me and he is trying to play the town and I have no intention of letting him do so.

Your reasons to vote for Kantor don't fit his actions at all. They'd fit prof better actually since he has been pushing strongly for a lynch (then changed his mind when the lynch was imminent :P).

Seems to me you're trying to divert attention away from radishhead... is he your scum buddy?

I have already mentioned that I have an eye on some of the things both theProf and radishead have this stage though, Kantor seems a much more suspect player, it really doesnt help his cause that you and I think it was dtewi were keen to attack me for voting for him

Kantor does sound suspicious...but there are others who've been even worse in this round...most notably, radishhead. I think they were attacking you because your reasons for voting for kantor were incredibly poor.

All in all, you've started to read scum to me. But I'm giving you the benifit of the doubt for now. As it simply could've been you not thinking straight...

radishead has been suspicous as I have said, but Kantor's behavour seems more scummy to me, which is why I voted him, my reasons were far from poor...

see italics

After (Ctrl Plus F)ing noname2200 and checking out his posts, I'm getting a good read on him...I think I mainly suspected him for voting for trucks ridiculously and against character..But having read it again, its obvious that it was a joke. Sorry about that noname.

Theres not much to analyse about heph, except the fact that he hasn't posted as much as he normally does. Also he makes these kinda "hephaestos style" posts when he is pro-town...haven't seen anything of that yet...maybe I over-reacted and think he's scum purely based on my argument with him....I don't know what to say really. He's one for later. 

I'm not even gonna bother analyzing prof's posts cause he'll always sound scummy to me...even if he's pro-town.
I'll just say that he was extremely paranoid about kantor early on.

Also, dtewi's almost presidential campaign like  "Vote for Radish" posts are extremely weird. He said something along those lines in 3 or 4 of his posts.

I'm gonna analyse vetteman's or wonktonodi's posts if I have time

theprof00 said:

I'm going to steal this from linkz for now.

This post will be entitled "potals" for Post totals.


FYI: these names are listed according to appearance.

gray=gray area posts. Not exactly a contribution, not exactly blather, somewhere in between.
NonCon= non contributions. These are jokes, or introductions.
Mistakes= these are generally failures of logic. For example, nord called gow out for saying something similar to a mafia who outed themselves in another game on day one. However, I believe that his thought was a complete misunderstanding. someone accused gow of being scummy and gow said "thank you". Gow WANTS to be scummy, because that means he isn't going to get killed.
poslip= possible slips. Nothing huge. simple possibility.

name Cont gray NonCon Mistake poslip totals
link 6 1 4 0 0 11
ff 3 5 7 2 1 18
mg 3 0 3 0 0 6
wonk 6 1 3 0 0 10
gow 11 0 6 0 0 17
rad 5 21 10 4 0 40
prof 38 20 13 2 0 73
homer 7 1 2 3 0 13
heph 8 4 11 1 1 25
nord 7 3 1 1 1 13
tos 3 2 4 2 1 12
vette 10 1 0 2 0 13
stefl 3 3 1 0 0 7
dsis 4 0 3 0 0 7
noname 17 3 4 0 0 24
dtewi 11 6 2 0 0 18
kantor 2 4 6 1 1 14



contributions: theprof (38), noname (17), dtewi (11), gow (11)
gray area posts: radish (21), prof (20), dtewi (6)
non-contributions: prof (13), radish (11), heph (10)
posts: prof(73), radish (40), heph (25), noname (24)


Highest contribution ratio:  Vette (77%), noname (71%), dtewi (61%)
Lowest: rad (13%), kantor (14%), ff (17%),

lowest  gray ratio: (lower is better): dsis/gow/mg (0%), homer/vette (8%), link (9%)
highest: radish (53%), dtewi (33%), ff (28%), prof (27%)

Lowest NonCon ratio: Vette (0%), nord (8%), stefl (14%)
Highest: Mg (50%) , Heph (44%), kantor/dsis (43%)

so Stefl, MetalGear and Dsister all have 6/7 posts, only half of which are contributions?

sounds like all three of them need to post more and hopefully contribute aswel

GodOfWar_3ever said:

After (Ctrl Plus F)ing noname2200 and checking out his posts, I'm getting a good read on him...I think I mainly suspected him for voting for trucks ridiculously and against character..But having read it again, its obvious that it was a joke. Sorry about that noname.

Theres not much to analyse about heph, except the fact that he hasn't posted as much as he normally does. Also he makes these kinda "hephaestos style" posts when he is pro-town...haven't seen anything of that yet...maybe I over-reacted and think he's scum purely based on my argument with him....I don't know what to say really. He's one for later. 

I'm not even gonna bother analyzing prof's posts cause he'll always sound scummy to me...even if he's pro-town.
I'll just say that he was extremely paranoid about kantor early on.

Also, dtewi's almost presidential campaign like  "Vote for Radish" posts are extremely weird. He said something along those lines in 3 or 4 of his posts.

I'm gonna analyse vetteman's or wonktonodi's posts if I have time

I agree on dtewi, he seems disturbingly over confident about Radish being scum, im almost tempted at this point to say we should lynch Radish, its looking more and more like a win-win scenario for us;

Radish is pro-town - we lynch him and it becomes clear that those who were over confident of his being scum are likely scum themselves influencing a lynch, gives us at least two obvious targets for lynching tomorrow (Dtewi and Final Fan), as well as others who's bandwagoning on him calls there judgement into question like Kantor...

Radish is scum - we lynched a scum, suspicion eases a little on those that seemed assured of his scuminess

either way we are likely to find at least one scum out

unvote Kantor

vote Radish

as outlined here, even if he is pro town, it means we have obvious suspects which is good for us

but for goodness sake Radish, if you have a power role, CLAIM NOW BEFORE YOU DIE!

the only way this works out badly is he if is like the cop or doctor or something imo

(just as a note, I will unvote Radish is he doesnt have a chance to reply to this, he deserves that chance in case he does have a role)

Homer_Simpson said:
GodOfWar_3ever said:

well, I will admit I had misread a bit for this one, idk, its just the feeling I got at the time, that some of his posts were causing that to happen, I dont think they are so much, but I have plenty of other reasons to be suspicous of Kantor

please read all my posts, I do give other reasons for my vote...

bullshit, I gave my reasons, Kantor made several suspect posts which I pointed out, I barely even took note of theProfs vote on him, in fact I queried theProfs behavour at one point

see italics

Bloded - I quoted every single one of your posts in this thread. 

What were your reasons ? I'm sure you can explain again..