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Forums - General Discussion - VGChartz! I need your ADVICE on WOMEN!

Ask her out on another date. Worse comes to worse, she says no.

Just do something simple like dinner or some type of lunch date. Surely, she'll get your intention at that point.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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Mr Khan said:
NiKKoM said:

Need more information... cause what you find slightly off may be normal for others..

I guess i have higher expectations for phone conversations than for regular ones, phone conversations should flow more cohesively to me because otherwise why are you on the phone at all?


There was just a bit of drag there, leaving the vague impression that i had overstayed my welcome.

Neh man.. don't worry about it.. phone calls aren't that important yet.. they are for maintaining a relation not for getting one.. you can't see what the other is doing.. I watch some TV/cook dinner/play a game/doing laundry while my gf is calling me.. I continue to do stuff that I do while she talks about this and that cause in the end she will tell me the same story face to face when I see her.. I don't think you and her don't know eachother well enough yet to have meaningless hours spend on the phone talking about... everything... so don't worry about that..

Anyway in this stage of the game called love eye contact is waaay more important than a phonecall.. don't ask her to go on dinner for 2 with a phonecall! 1-on-1 and make eyecontact when you ask her!


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

NiKKoM said:
Mr Khan said:
NiKKoM said:

Need more information... cause what you find slightly off may be normal for others..

I guess i have higher expectations for phone conversations than for regular ones, phone conversations should flow more cohesively to me because otherwise why are you on the phone at all?


There was just a bit of drag there, leaving the vague impression that i had overstayed my welcome.

Neh man.. don't worry about it.. phone calls aren't that important yet.. they are for maintaining a relation not for getting one.. you can't see what the other is doing.. I watch some TV/cook dinner/play a game/doing laundry while my gf is calling me.. I continue to do stuff that I do while she talks about this and that cause in the end she will tell me the same story face to face when I see her.. I don't think you and her don't know eachother well enough yet to have meaningless hours spend on the phone talking about... everything... so don't worry about that..

Anyway in this stage of the game called love eye contact is waaay more important than a phonecall.. don't ask her to go on dinner for 2 with a phonecall! 1-on-1 and make eyecontact when you ask her!

Ah, good advice, as i was going to do just that (that is to say call her tomorrow for dinner on Monday, since as far as i know, neither of us have anything to do this Monday)

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

I did it... sorta.


I wanted to set a date for Monday because i leave midday Tuesday and wanted to get this out of the way before Thanksgiving, but she has early grades due apparently so she really has to crush to get the next three weeks' worth of gradeable materials done, so she rejected that date but didn't reject *a* date, just sometime after Thanksgiving.

Which will give me three weeks total to date her before we're rather irretrievably separated, but that should work neatly: no long-term pressure

Plus gives me a solid week to figure out a location. I'm thinking Italian

The important thing to condense out of this is that she said yes, so now i can breathe again, and finally focus on the weekend

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

To update the situation (and bump the thread), this is what i just got in my inbox (GC is the abbreviated form of where we work)


I checked my schedule, and the only time I can find where I might be able to do something on December 4 (or the fifth) in the afternoon. It would depend on when the GC girls do their girls' day out. Movie, possibly?


Sounds vaguely suspicious, though i'm reasonably certain she's not lying to me (out of character for her). I would prefer dinner. I'm not going to respond immediately either way given that i don't wish to appear over-eager, so i have time to solicit more advice

Possibly do the movie, then try to expand it afterward? (if not with dinner, with ice cream or something)

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

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You've been this stressed out over a relationship that couldn't last longer than a month no matter what

Ask Mel Gibson. Apparently he knows what women want.

Khuutra said:


You've been this stressed out over a relationship that couldn't last longer than a month no matter what

My severe lack of experience has led to my general stress, as has the fact that time is working against me


Really should've acted sooner in hindsight, but initially i didn't do anything because i figured it couldn't go anywhere, whereas now that i want something out of it, i grow all the more desperate to make it work in the time presented

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Mr Khan said:
Khuutra said:


You've been this stressed out over a relationship that couldn't last longer than a month no matter what

My severe lack of experience has led to my general stress, as has the fact that time is working against me

Really should've acted sooner in hindsight, but initially i didn't do anything because i figured it couldn't go anywhere, whereas now that i want something out of it, i grow all the more desperate to make it work in the time presented

What exactly do you want to get out of this?

Khuutra said:
Mr Khan said:
Khuutra said:


You've been this stressed out over a relationship that couldn't last longer than a month no matter what

My severe lack of experience has led to my general stress, as has the fact that time is working against me

Really should've acted sooner in hindsight, but initially i didn't do anything because i figured it couldn't go anywhere, whereas now that i want something out of it, i grow all the more desperate to make it work in the time presented

What exactly do you want to get out of this?

I can see at least three resons why he is doing this...