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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft Suing Motorola Over Xbox 360 Tech

whatever said:
Antabus said:
whatever said:
Antabus said:
NiKKoM said:
Antabus said:
alekth said:

Motorola made a "promise"? Seriously, aren't those things decided in written form and approved by both sides?

Yeah and that is why there is a court case.

I should sue the girl who  promised to marry me in kindergarten...

So you think that a written contract between 2 companies is as binding as a promise in kindergarten? Nice.

When talking about something as nebulous as a "promise", it shouldn't be any more binding than a kindergarten promise.

Did you even bother to read this part:

"Microsoft is asking the courts to determine a more reasonable royalty rate for the use of the technology, along with compensation for Motorola's alleged breach of contract."

Did you even bother to read this part:

A suit has been filed in a Federal Court in Seattle by Microsoft, alleging Motorola "broke its promise" in regards to patent licensing by charging "royalties that are excessive and discriminatory" for the technology included in the Xbox 360.

If something is not on a contract, you won't be sued for breach of contract.

I think that there is a clause on pricing which is worded so that both parties are disagreeing on it.

Around the Network
hobbit said:
Alby_da_Wolf said:

Yep, a contract and a promise aren't the same, if we add that the "promise" is to apply "reasonable" pricing, we get a wide degree of subjectivity. I can't see MS getting money back, but a compromise between the two parties for the future is very likely. If totally losing and without reaching a compromise, MS could be forced to prematurely kill its console again, although this time maybe it could let it live its whole minimum planned life as main console, but give up letting it live further, after next gen release, as entry level model, as royalties for 3rd parties techs would become excessive to price it low enough for its new role.

verbal conrtracts can be legally binding; what makes you think that they don't have a written contract anyway? Just because some idiot wrote promise instead of agreement?


Nsanity said:

Not everything inside the Xbox 360 was designed by Microsoft; the console's wi-fi capabilities and some its video codecs are licensed from Motorola. And are now the subject of a court battle between the two companies.

A suit has been filed in a Federal Court in Seattle by Microsoft, alleging Motorola "broke its promise" in regards to patent licensing by charging "royalties that are excessive and discriminatory" for the technology included in the Xbox 360.

In other words, that Motorola charged Microsoft a lot more for the licensing than they have other companies.

The specific tech in question is related to the Xbox 360's ability to connect to a network wirelessly over WLAN, as well as its ability to display videos running in the H.264/MPEG-4 AVC codec.

Microsoft is asking the courts to determine a more reasonable royalty rate for the use of the technology, along with compensation for Motorola's alleged breach of contract.

bold: Lol.

Really? Windows Media Player 12 (or is it 11?) can play the H.264 codec and they had Motorola put the tech inside the new Xbox S for them? Really? Fail Microsoft.

As for the WLAN, should've went with linksys.