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Forums - Gaming Discussion - My afternoon with Kinect (impressions)

themanwithnoname said:
jarrod said:
nightsurge said:
jarrod said:
nightsurge said:
jarrod said:

Ugh, everything I hear on Kinect sounds awful.  But goddamn... I NEED Project Draco, Steel Battalion, etc. :/

You mean everything you hear from PS fans.

All the MS fans seem to love it as well as the casual audience that is playing/buying it.

No, everything I hear in general.  Lag, recognition, shovelware, space... the space issue is a total deal breaker for my setup, so unless that changes I won't have much choice but to forego Kinect. Hopefully all those cool sounding JP games have pad based alternative control schemes. :/

Shovelware is the same on Move and Wii.  Kinect's line-up is actually ranking above Move's on Meta so far.

Also, the recognition issues was only to do with Kinect ID features.  The motion tracking for games always works (at least for me and anyone that has tried it at my place it has) provided you have the space and no infrared device interfering.  Kinect ID (the feature that matches you with your avatar) only has issues with lots of sun light or poor lighting conditions because it relies heavily on the RGB camera for facial recognition.

Even just looking at launch lineups, I felt Wii was like a thousand times better (Zelda TP, Excite Truck, Monkey Ball 3, Trauma Center, shit loads of Virtual Console classics) and even Move has some retrofits that interest me (RE5, Time Crisis RS).  As of now, there's literally no Kinect games I'm interested in even trying, metacritic or no.  I mean everyone has shovelware, but Kinect feels like the first launch where... well, there's nothing BUT shovelware.  That's going to change in the future though, which is why I sincerely hope MS can fix at least the "space problem" before then. :/

I wasn't interested in the Wii's launch lineup, but I'm not going to sit here and call it shovelware because of that.

Not defending Jarrod at all since I think he's 100% wrong on the "theres nothing But shovelware" bit cause Dance Central and Kinect Sports are far from it, BUT from game sites to people throwing around their "opinions" on forums and such they've called Wii Sports and Just Dance shovelware, which equates to Kinect Sports and Dance Central on Kinect, I mean people flat out call things like Deca Sports shovelware and then there's one releasing on Kinect.  

Just seems to me there is a double standard and it's a painfully obvious one.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

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themanwithnoname said:

I wasn't interested in the Wii's launch lineup, but I'm not going to sit here and call it shovelware because of that.

Sorry, shovelware isn't the right word... maybe casualware.  Wii Sports or Dance Central can be well made and quality titles, but that sort of stuff generally isn't for me.  And really, that means there's literally NOTHING in Kinect's launch lineup for me... Wii launch at least had some diversity to it, Move even too to a degree.  I don't see that with Kinect though.

jarrod said:
themanwithnoname said:

I wasn't interested in the Wii's launch lineup, but I'm not going to sit here and call it shovelware because of that.

Sorry, shovelware isn't the right word... maybe casualware.  Wii Sports or Dance Central can be well made and quality titles, but that sort of stuff generally isn't for me.  And really, that means there's literally NOTHING in Kinect's launch lineup for me... Wii launch at least had some diversity to it, Move even too to a degree.  I don't see that with Kinect though.

I agree. When Kinect's launch lineup was announced I literally laughed out loud. With Move we already have Time Crisis 4 / Time Crisis Raizing Storm / Deadstorm Pirates and The Shoot, all pretty cool non-casual lightgun shooters, and we got Move controls for RE5 and Heavy Rain. The (then upcoming) Time Crsisis collection was one of the reasons that convinced me to get Move; I hope Sega takes a hint and gives us a House of the Dead collection for Move. Due to the lack of buttons and lag I don't expect to see any of these on Kinect. Can you even point as precisely with Kinect?

I'm not saying I'll never buy Kinect; as soon as the price reaches a more reasonable level (around 50 USD), I suppose it would be a nice party-gimmick to have.

"Well certainly with the Xbox 360, we had some challenges at the launch. Once we identified that we took control of it. We wanted to do it right by our customers. Our customers are very important to us." -Larry "Major Nelson" Hryb (10/2013). Note: RRoD was fixed with the Jasper-revision 3 years after the launch of 360

"People don't pay attention to a lot of the details."-Yusuf Mehdi explaining why Xbone DRM scheme would succeed

"Fortunately we have a product for people who aren't able to get some form of connectivity; it's called Xbox 360,”-Don Mattrick

"The region locking of the 3DS wasn't done for profits on games"-MDMAlliance

PS fan or not, good post.

I'm gonna wait little longer before buying this.  Most likely I will get it, but I need more positive reviews.


Also sorry if I sound overly critical, it's probably cause I am, but not without reason that the thing.  I love motion controls, I love the new mechanics it has started to spawn, I love that developers can't just pump out the same game over and over with little imagination, games filled with flailing typically fail cause they say hey any motion is good motion and tack it on, games that make you get more into the action by doing motion right sell really well be it Wii Sports Resort or Star Wars the Force Unleashed.

Now we've come to a time when everyone is making their own motion controllers and the issues that come up are real, you don't sell better by improving upon existing products you sell better by making something smart and a real step forward but to do so you need to think about all aspects, who is this marketed to, how much will they pay, does this differentiate itself enough, does this work for everyone or the few.  

Both Kinect and Move have failed at a lot of those aspects, from being more expensive, to not making itself different enough, not thinking about the average consumer and if they could use this in their home, and in some cases going backwards.  

People can use anecdotal evidence of their families all day long, I could care less cause who bought them the Kinect well it was their core Xbox fan, the bottom line is what the devices do and how the software can push the devices, if both of those don't appeal to new audiences then the devices failed to market to who they were intended to hit. 

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

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MaxwellGT2000 said:

I've found lag to be fairly consistent from game to game to game, you do the action and the game reacts a moment later, and it's for every game, it's different experiences for each game cause the lag will hurt one game more than the other, Reflex Ridge a game that requires reflexes and timed jumping lag will hurt more than Rally Ball, I brought Reflex Ridge up in the lag portion of my impressions for that specific purpose, its showing off a game that requires quicker timing and you can fuck up through no fault of your own, it will just jump after you physically jump which can lead to problems if you do whats natural which is jumping right before the obstacle.

I remember reading preview after preview that discussed the lag and how the hardware just has a 100ms lag because of how it works, that's going to be that consistent lag you see in every game, just about every review mentions lag in games, the only game this seems different from is Dance Central and you can clearly see the delayed reactions in free style, but again it's the type of game it is that helps them.  

Does that mean it's bad that they're doing their own work arounds? No, hardware has limitations, working around those limitations is just good design, which is why Dance Central is getting good scores and good reactions from people and just about everything else not so much.  

Again, there are no "workarounds" being used for Dance Central.  I already explained this.

Also, the 100ms lag, you do realize, is lower than Halo 3 and Killzone 2 standard controller input lag?

nightsurge said:
MaxwellGT2000 said:

I've found lag to be fairly consistent from game to game to game, you do the action and the game reacts a moment later, and it's for every game, it's different experiences for each game cause the lag will hurt one game more than the other, Reflex Ridge a game that requires reflexes and timed jumping lag will hurt more than Rally Ball, I brought Reflex Ridge up in the lag portion of my impressions for that specific purpose, its showing off a game that requires quicker timing and you can fuck up through no fault of your own, it will just jump after you physically jump which can lead to problems if you do whats natural which is jumping right before the obstacle.

I remember reading preview after preview that discussed the lag and how the hardware just has a 100ms lag because of how it works, that's going to be that consistent lag you see in every game, just about every review mentions lag in games, the only game this seems different from is Dance Central and you can clearly see the delayed reactions in free style, but again it's the type of game it is that helps them.  

Does that mean it's bad that they're doing their own work arounds? No, hardware has limitations, working around those limitations is just good design, which is why Dance Central is getting good scores and good reactions from people and just about everything else not so much.  

Again, there are no "workarounds" being used for Dance Central.  I already explained this.

Also, the 100ms lag, you do realize, is lower than Halo 3 and Killzone 2 standard controller input lag?

I quite frankly don't believe you on Halo 3 I'd like some documentation, I can post video after video showing kinects lag, I couldn't say the same about Halo 3, Killzone 2 on the other hand had input lag, everyone complained about it, it was really noticeable and interfered with gameplay and it had to be patched, that was software causing the lag, not the input device however. 

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

binary solo said:

Interesting review MGT2000. If they want the casual audience with Kinect (which is necessary to drive higher 360 sales) then the the lag issues either need to be rendered irrelevant (Dance Central) or made easy for the player to compensate.

There's lag with Move, but in Sports Champs it's short enough or it's managed by the game such that I subconsciously compensated immediately on first playing the game to the point that I basically don't perceive any lag, despite it definitely being there. One way to aid player compensation while creating the perception that there's no/little lag is to provide visual cues to the player about when an action (jumping/ducking) should be taken. E.g. in Sports Champions in volley ball the game puts a green halo around the ball indicating the optimum time to take your action (dig/set/smash). The green halo appears slightly before you'd naturally take a swing at the ball, hence the game is getting you to compensate for the lag, but your perception in the moment is that there's no lag because you've never missed the ball from timing it wrongly because of the lag.

If Kinect games trigger you to take those actions a split second before you'd take them in a real world setting then lag won't cause any frustration. If those cues aren't given then some people might get frustrated with getting the timing right.


Exactly. as long as the game is leading you when to hit the button, swing the controller or take an action the software can compensate for the lag. This is why you will not notice any lag in Dance Central and Move Volleyball, you follow the game instead of the game trying to follow you. 

 The more the software can predict you moves the less noticeable the lag will be , the more unpredictable (more options in the game) the more noticeable the lag becomes.

Huh. At first I wondered why this wasn't in the Microsoft forum . . . at first.

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.