jarrod said:
Sorry, shovelware isn't the right word... maybe casualware. Wii Sports or Dance Central can be well made and quality titles, but that sort of stuff generally isn't for me. And really, that means there's literally NOTHING in Kinect's launch lineup for me... Wii launch at least had some diversity to it, Move even too to a degree. I don't see that with Kinect though. |
I agree. When Kinect's launch lineup was announced I literally laughed out loud. With Move we already have Time Crisis 4 / Time Crisis Raizing Storm / Deadstorm Pirates and The Shoot, all pretty cool non-casual lightgun shooters, and we got Move controls for RE5 and Heavy Rain. The (then upcoming) Time Crsisis collection was one of the reasons that convinced me to get Move; I hope Sega takes a hint and gives us a House of the Dead collection for Move. Due to the lack of buttons and lag I don't expect to see any of these on Kinect. Can you even point as precisely with Kinect?
I'm not saying I'll never buy Kinect; as soon as the price reaches a more reasonable level (around 50 USD), I suppose it would be a nice party-gimmick to have.
"Well certainly with the Xbox 360, we had some challenges at the launch. Once we identified that we took control of it. We wanted to do it right by our customers. Our customers are very important to us." -Larry "Major Nelson" Hryb (10/2013). Note: RRoD was fixed with the Jasper-revision 3 years after the launch of 360
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"Fortunately we have a product for people who aren't able to get some form of connectivity; it's called Xbox 360,”-Don Mattrick
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