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Forums - General Discussion - VGC Mafia Round 22 Game Thread

Final-Fan said:


You appear to me to have deliberately elicited a PM quote by manipulating someone proven to act as if mentally deficient. 

I will read the rest of the new posts and then make a decision.  At this point my impulse is to modkill YOU and give radish your role.  

Your involvement in this game is incredible. I can't believe you just said that. I never asked for him to quote his PM. I never asked him to edit his post. I never asked for any of it.

I'm a hair away from quitting, myself.

Around the Network
theprof00 said:
theRepublic said:

If this is how you are going to act, then...

Vote: theprof00

Are you voting me because you think I'm mafia, or because you want me dead?

You push too hard republic.

I'm voting for you because you are either a liar, or the only vanilla townie with a name.  The latter also makes it likely that you are just a liar.

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

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Whoa! 100 posts after playing Minecraft lol.

1. someone quoted their pm, he deserves to be modkilled. if it was true.

2. The voting is everywhere, we'll never finish, so we're all going to have to agree on something.

3. Please. Stop. Raging, If. You. Can. being calm can make this end faster and rightfully so.

4. This is taking forever.

5 I'm all for lynching jo or therepublic, jo for the way he entered the game and not knowing what team hes in. Therepublic, well he just gives me bad vibes, and thats not much, but what do we have?

6. Did I say it was taking forever?


Add this to my above post:

And you not wanting to answer questions just makes you look more suspicious.

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

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Switch - Super Mario Maker 2 (2019)
3DS - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (Trilogy) (2005/2014)
Mobile - Yugioh Duel Links (2017)
Mobile - Super Mario Run (2017)
PC - Borderlands 2 (2012)
PC - Deep Rock Galactic (2020)

Oh yeah I forgot.

vote: conj0jo or something like that


Around the Network
Khuutra said:

The PM-quoting is still at your feet; getting you to nameclaim is not even close to the same thing.


How is that asking to quote the PM???

I asked for the defining aspect of our name, the person we served! Even my wording does not use any word from the PM (besides youma and world). heck I wasn't even thinking of them claiming the wording, since prof had the same general as me I tought everyone should! It turns out the answer to my question could have been found on the wiki pages. Not my fault their answers contained part of the PM (which incidentaly is what cleared them, not the general names).

The only one I differed was for Rep who was supposed to be the 4th and last youma, and I was asking for something that had already been used in the tread for that matter. And for him we had both prof and linkz who posted not to answer. Something I caught on to but too late.

Hephaestos said:

ah you're online... mind telling me for whom you, as a youma, want to dominate the world?

Hephaestos said:

As a youma, who do you want to dominate the world for? (since you nameclaimed, i'm asking a specific question).

Hephaestos said:

>_> depends, what general?

Hephaestos said:

the reason I say this is because

1) silver came up with the word conquest (and general)

2) sak came up with clearing the path to.

both Items I had not talked about.

Rep, do you confirm? and to confirm please state your general and what's particular about the sailors ^^


*rolls eyes*

[3,L-7] c03n3nj0: hatmoza, Linkzmax, SuperAdrianK
[2,L-8] theprof00: (Khuutra), MetalGear_94, (TruckOSaurus), (radishhead), (nen-suer), theRepublic
[2,L-8] theRepublic: Kantor, radishhead
[1,L-9] SuperAdrianK: (dtewi), (theRepublic), (theprof00), noname2200, (Khuutra), (Silver-Tiger)
[0]        radishead: (dtewi), (Silver-Tiger), (Khuutra)
[0]        Hephaestos: (theprof00), (Khuutra), (Silver-Tiger)
[0]        Khuutra: (hatmoza), (dtewi)
[0]        nen-suer: (Linkzmax)

[10]      No vote: Hephaestos, theprof00, Khuutra, Homer_Simpson, Silver_Tiger, Kamal, TruckOSaurus, nen-suer, dtewi, c03n3nj0

With 18 of us left in the game it should still take 10 votes for a lynch.

Linkz, why are you voting for j0?

theprof00 said:
radishhead said:
theprof00 said:

Radish, answer this: Are you a servant?

EDIT: you have 3 minutes to answer.

I've got a general who I serve under - I guess that makes me a servant?

What does it say? Just the last few words, if you please.

I can't believe you actually said that. I'm very disappointed in you (you too Hep)

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