Both you and Khuutra failed to realize the second person. In your case I can see that as you're only questioning it now instead of when it was originally proposed as a cop for 2 scum. I immediately picked up on who Heph was talking about, but it's probably a moot point now anyway.
Additional suspicion on Khuutra and dtewi for thinking Homer nameclaimed the same thing as prof. Both mentioned Nephrite but that is the only common piece. Soonafter prof's nameclaim someone mentioned that Cameran is a youma, also the highlight of the conversation as Heph just revealed he is simply "a youma" without a name.
Is the italicized still the case. If not, who and why? Also your claim of being the 5th nameless youma does not bode well for you unless my theory is correct or there are multiple nameless youmas(Is that plural or are youma like fish?) under each general, which actually doesn't sound far-fetched if I think about it.
Khuutra said:
Kantor said:
Khuutra: I honestly don't know. From what I hear, he's always like this in Mafia.

True enough, but I've never lead town when Mafia. I always manageto screw that up.
Do you mean you're leading town now? More importantly, given your knowledge of the series, how many villians had youma?
Hephaestos said:
the reason I say this is because
1) silver came up with the word conquest (and general)
2) sak came up with clearing the path to.
both Items I had not talked about.
On 1) we knew "world conquest" from Final-Fan, and that a youma serves a general thanks to prof's nameclaim. So now I'm not entirely sure on Silver, and going by your "4 'a youma'" theory there was a 2/3 shot of naming a general you don't have too. Forget the words used in the description, it's time for theRepublic and nen-suer to come clean.
2) if that's the exact phrase you have then that's enough for me. SAK is confirmed townie in my eyes.
Oh and it's not so bad that we have confirmed vanillas. Scum has to waste kills instead of hunting power or our group can use information from whoever is left to lynch right. Additionally, PR shouldn't have to investigate anyone from the group which increases the odd of finding scum. This is based on the non-confirmed townies believing us though. To that respect, it would be mafia suicide to group up in the open like this, but I for will gladly take a trip to the gallows or a night kill to confirm the rest of you.
Lastly, I have no problem with your post count, in fact the opposite even though it's a lot to go through. Once I knew you were to be trusted it gave me an extra viewpoint that I might not see, but at the same time I can keep you grounded as I just did with my counterpoint to 1)
Khuutra said:
Also, I would like to encourage people to continue suspecting me, just enough that you won't lynch me
That is exactly how I feel about you. There's nothing to go on yet except a mere feeling. Additionally, you've given me some town vibes so I want to see what you think.
Homer_Simpson said:
I dont need protection, read my post, I will decide what I do at night on random to confuse mafia! haha!
if you guys have a person for me to follow in mind, let me know and if I do so it will be them!
I did read it, but I think the actual name and the hiding part would've been better left unsaid. Your play in this game so far hasn't been the best, but I'm inclined to believe you for now. On the other hand, you're far from confirmed.
MetalGear_94 said:
I thought someone said to stop name claiming
I did, but as it turns out I'm confident it has confirmed another townie, bringing the total to 4 including myself. It also gives a few leads on those late to the party that can be followed up for investigation.
Kamal said:
Nameclaiming right now will only give the mafia a better idea on who the cop is as the chances of them killing cop has increased since everyone is coming out as "fodder"
It's possible, but only if everyone coming forward it truly a vanilla. Right now there is only one option left for general if ST is telling the truth. If we really are limited to 4 "a youma" then we have either scum or a townie fakeclaiming to look vanilla. That is the risk/reward of investigating this matter further with regards to ST, theRepublic, and nen-suer further.
dtewi said:
SuperAdrianK is a prime suspect. Suspicions of him have been eloquently stated for the past 100 or so posts.
He had been, but I'm sure that he was legitimately confused at first which caused him to look suspect. He's now cleared. Unless you doubt myself and Heph, and Kantor possibly if he comes around to accepting us.