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Forums - General Discussion - VGC Mafia Round 22 Game Thread

dtewi said:
theprof00 said:
dtewi said:

I don't see a lie, besides the doctor or another power-role saying he's a vanilla townie, that is beneficial to the town.

I'm not going to take up anymore posts explaining why it's more than just that one example. If you want to look at another point of view, there's always mafiawiki.

I don't want other townies discouraged by the number of posts they have to read. That is the real detriment to town.

I have my opinion, you have yours. :P

Prof, I get what you're saying, but I still think that the town should be very wary of lying, as it could lead to mislynches.

hmm my first game, people that agreed with me were either mafia or hatmoza....

I'm MORE wary of you agreeing with me than anyone lying.

And yes, people shouldn't lie for the wrong reasons.

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theprof00 said:
TruckOSaurus said:

Why are you afraid of discussion?


When I read this, I squinted and re-read it a few times while shaking my head.

I'm not sure what you're up to, but it's suspicious. 

I think my question is very warranted. Both your and his questions I would consider lynch-bait.

It's day one, there's nothing to go on, no information and this sometimes stalls discussion, people don't post because they don't know what to post about. Those questions are merely there to get the conversation going. No one is going to get lynched today because of how they responded to them.

Back at the lying thing... I agree that the examples provided (on both sides of the argument) are simplistic because real game situations are always much more complex. So instead of going by examples, I'll just state my thoughts like this:

When a townie wants to trick scum, he also tricks everyone on his side too.

Signature goes here!

theprof00 said:
dtewi said:
theprof00 said:
dtewi said:

I don't see a lie, besides the doctor or another power-role saying he's a vanilla townie, that is beneficial to the town.

I'm not going to take up anymore posts explaining why it's more than just that one example. If you want to look at another point of view, there's always mafiawiki.

I don't want other townies discouraged by the number of posts they have to read. That is the real detriment to town.

I have my opinion, you have yours. :P

Prof, I get what you're saying, but I still think that the town should be very wary of lying, as it could lead to mislynches.

hmm my first game, people that agreed with me were either mafia or hatmoza....

I'm MORE wary of you agreeing with me than anyone lying.

And yes, people shouldn't lie for the wrong reasons.

I'm not agreeing with you, I'm saying that I can get what you're saying.

But prof, don't you realize townies caught in a lie are likely to get mislynched...?

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

TruckOSaurus said:

It's day one, there's nothing to go on, no information and this sometimes stalls discussion, people don't post because they don't know what to post about. Those questions are merely there to get the conversation going. No one is going to get lynched today because of how they responded to them.

Back at the lying thing... I agree that the examples provided (on both sides of the argument) are simplistic because real game situations are always much more complex. So instead of going by examples, I'll just state my thoughts like this:

When a townie wants to trick scum, he also tricks everyone on his side too.

Oh no, I think that there's some things we can go for a lynch, just not a lot. Though whom to lynch, I cannot be sure.

I do have some suspects, but I think there's hardly enough evidence to lynch them.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you


Yuri!! Yuri!! Yuri!!


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radishhead said:

I hope I wasn't holding everyone up - I wasn't expecting to get my PM until tomorrow :p

I'm following my usual times in this game (all times in GMT)

Weekdays: 0715:0755 - 1700:22:00

Weekends: Most times

Don't feel bad. It took me even longer to get here.

The thread went quiet

Anyways on the lurker question they only hurt the town, so I have no problem lynching them but if it is possible I rather have them modkilled


dtewi said:

I'm not agreeing with you, I'm saying that I can get what you're saying.

But prof, don't you realize townies caught in a lie are likely to get mislynched...?

Do you seriously question my comprehension?

Look here's my point boiled down to a little nuggest of information.

Town should never trust anyone based off of one thing. A townie pretending to be something it is not does not affect the town in any bad way.

Your point rests on your reasoning that a dead townie's words are more reliable when telling the truth. This is simply not realistic. There is no merit in a dead townie's words unless they are a highly informative role.

For example, I've marked you and Truck, and possible SAK as opponents. I'm being completely honest in everything I say. If I died and turned up town, there should be no merit placed in anything I've said. It does not show any guilt in any of the people I was arguing with. The most important information is the dialogue itself; the action and reaction.

Now if I was lying, and I'm actually against lying (weird example, but it's the relevant one) and I was just doing this to see who popped up as opponents, it could do several things IF those people asking the questions were actually mafia trying to lynch-bait people. It could close of an avenue of attack, and it could put them on the defensive. Think about it. If all three of the people I'm suspecting openly are actually scum, that could put a lot of pressure on them. If I were a vanilla role, that would be a good way to waste a night kill.

Now, I know what you're thinking, "but wait, prof, asking those questions is good for conversation. By shutting down that path, you're preventing valuable information from leaking out".

Let me tell you that this conversation we are all having right now is just as important as any line of questioning. Both in what is said and what is not said. Just because I chose to persue a different angle doesn't mean it isn't as relevant. I just don't trust any of you, and being that, I choose to have the ball in MY court. This is important information to me, and it is just as useful, if not moreso, than any simple Q A session.

theprof00 said:
TruckOSaurus said:

Grrr at the Quick Reply box loading correctly every other time.

So I'll be true to my word and throw this First Day chatting topic: Do you believe that townies should ALWAYS tell the truth? Or do you believe certain circumstances excuse a townie lie?

vote: truckOsaurus

This is a blatant flame starter. Trying to get someone lynched behind some warped idea about rules  and how the game works. 

Lies are not a problem because townies shouldn't trust anyone other than themselves anyway. The real victims of a pro-town lie are the mafia, because mafia will generally take townies at their word depending on how the lie is presented. 

Think about it. If I lie and claim something I'm not, it's misleads the mafia because they have to think about that player. "Are they lying", "Totally bluffing", "Let's avoid that player".

Now, a normal town doesn't have to think about stuff like that because town should never take anything at face value. Well there you have it. Lying is important and has its own purposes and usefulness.

FoS: theprof00

He said he was going to bring this up in the sign up thread and he did.  Who is he trying to get lynched here?  I don't see any names.  You are trying to make this seem much more threatening than it is.

Lynch-all-liars may not be an actual rule, but whether you like it or not, it is how this game is played.  People who get caught in lies get lynched.  People who seem like they are lying get lynched.  People who seem the most truthful live.

Lying can get townies lynched, but as Truck said earlier, townies that lie and then die before revealing their lie can really screw up the town's furture search for scum.  The lie may have the town operating with false information, or it may create a place for scum to hide.

Could you come up with specific, limited circumstances where a townie lying would be beneficial?  I'm sure you could.  That doesn't mean I will condone it.  It is a slippery slope and I don't want players going down that path.  During the course of the game, the given circumstances of a situation are not entirely known and could easily make a lie backfire.  Even something seemingly as simple as a doctor claiming to be a vanilla townie could turn into a clusterfuck if a tracker or watcher knows otherwise.

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