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My 45-41 grouped together.


45. Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time (PS3)

It's a pretty good action game on its own right but the Clank time puzzles are what made this game great to me.  The only downside to the puzzles was that there were not very many.  Moving multiple characters at the same time without the benefit of seeing where the future ones may be or the hassle of multitasking.  There was also a good variety of gameplay, between, ratchet, clank, space, large planets and small planets.  The combination of puzzle, platforming, and fighting keeps the game from getting stale.  It also played well to my inexplicable taste for collecting things and is one of the few games I've come close to a platinum trophy on.

44. Final Fantasy VIII (PS)

I initially had trouble with the plot due to the switch between storylines that killed some of my motivation to play, but the story was strong and the battle system was different enough that I kept coming back to this one.  Despite the controversy of the junction system and having to draw magic  I had no major quarrels with the leveling or battle mechanics.  Drawing magic was only as much of a problem as you let it be, if you wanted to not waste time then it became a puzzle of its own to keep just the right amount of magic on hand.  It was also a welcome change to see some of the number inflation common with RPGs taken out as I felt it made it easier to see when your next level was coming.  I particularily liked that there was some connection between your stats and GFs through the junction system as it introduced a new level of complexity to setting up stats other than "make the base stats higher".  Any time a game gives you reason to care about its main mechanic you're in for a treat of a game.

43. Braid (PC)

I'm a sucker for time mechanics in games so a platformer where you can reverse time seemed right up my alley.  What Braid did really well was actually force you to use time reversal whereas other games often give you the ability as a way to correct mistakes.  Figuring out how to use which objects are affected by the reversal to your advantage adds a depth of problem solving complexity to this game that I really enjoyed.  Whether you rush through or go for the full ending there is plenty of charm to keep you entertained.  Add the solid 2D platforming which you can't just blindly run through and you get a high quality experience.

42. Wipeout HD (PS3)

The lower speeds aren't all that incredible, but when you speed up to rapier and then phantom, this game starts to require quick decision making and good planning for success.  The campaign does a good job mixing in modes, and despite a few mistakes making time trials and speed laps too easy, does a good job of gradually ramping up the difficulty.  The graphics are great and the game modes add a bunch of variety not seen in other arcade racers.  In particular, zone mode lets you go beyond the dificult provided by the set speeds until you eventually lose out to how fast you're going.  The main downside is occasionally some of the events seem to involve a fair bit of luck to win.

41. Final Fantasy II (GBA)

The change from the experience leveling of the first game of the series to the attribute leveling created a new experience.  This type of progression seemed more natural, and without spending excessive time or gaming the system, forced you to specialize your characters while still allowing you to decide what each character does.  The number of traditions kept from this game really speaks to the quality they added.  From chocobos and Cid to four person teams (which to this day I miss when stuck with just 3 members) and back rows the increased depth of strategy enriches the gameplay.  This game also added the strong character development which I have come to love from the series.

Primarily an RPG player but have interest in any game that will make me think. 

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darthdevidem01 said:



Crash Bandicoot 3 ahead of Super Mario Bros 3? Omgz t3h blasphemyz!!!

Well THIS was my first 3D platformer (I played Mario 64 later on) and it just blew me away. Its been sooo long since I've played this, I have faint memories of loving a city type level, a lava level a dodgy temple and a level where it felt like we were in Alladin's city. All I know is I loved the game a lot and it used to be in my top 20..but gradually has gone down.

There's not much else to say but as I like to blab I will mention a funny event....the games name is "Crash Bandicoot 3 : Warped" the time we ordered it from some online retailer and  on the day the game got delivered the box art said "Crash Bandicoot 3 : Warped" Dad thought it was some expansion pack for the real Crash Bandicoot we returned it and told them they sent the wrong game....the same thing happened twice till my dad looked online and realized that the games name itself was Crash Bandicoot 3 : Warped.....and get this the online retailer didn't realize we were the ones making the mistake, not the final time they sent the game again they gave us a full refund for sending the wrong product beforehand!!!!!!!!!!!

Fav music:

Dr N Trophy Boss Music

Tiger Boss Music

Crash 3 almost made my list as well. 'Tis a shame that there weren't more dinosaur riding levels. And the bosses should've been more difficult.

My #40: Portal (PC)

Very innovative and very nice game with the right amount of humour. It's actually my favourite Valve game.

2012 - Top 3 [so far]

                                                                             #1                                       #2                                      #3


Fab_GS said:
Heat said:

42. Final Fantasy XIII (PS3) - Okay, get this: XIII was the first Final Fantasy game I have ever played. I found it to be an enjoyable RPG, very clever gameplay mechanics. I didn't really understand the story and can't comment on the linearity since I have nothing to compare it with, but I found it to be a great experience overall. 8.6/10

Are you planning to play the other Final Fantasies?
They're great games that you shouldn't miss.

Of course, how could I not :) Joining VGC has made me realise what I'm missing out on...

I'm sure if I already had they'd have all made my list!

TruckOSaurus said:

#41: Tekken 3 (PS): It should be obvious to everyone by now... I like fighters... a lot. I was introduced to the Tekken franchise by a demo of Tekken 2 on disc that came with my PS. Tekken 3 is a remarkable entry in the franchise it introduced us to some new fighters that became part of my mains (Jin Kazama and Ling Xiaou), the pace was much faster, the endings were funny and somehow I could play 100 matches without ever getting bored.

Love this game, couldn't stop playing the demo where you only get to play as Xiayou and Eddy... A fan of fighters yet this is only your number 41? I can't wait to see what's ahead of it!

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50. World Class Track Meet (NES)

What else is there to say? Way beyond the Wii, bitches.

49. Zen Nihon Puroresu: Ouja No Kon (PS1)

Human is probably best known for their Fire Pro-Wrestling series which is basically one massive copyright violation, but Ouja No Kon was their first (and only, I believe) licensed wrestling game. It masterfully captures the atmosphere and style of All Japan Pro-Wrestling in the '90s. Everything, from the ring entrances and intros to the crowd reactions to the wrestling itself, is pitch perfect. Tournaments like Champion Carnival and the Real World Tag League used to come only once a year, but once I got my hands on this game they came several times a day... and so did I!

48. Dark Sun: Shattered Lands (PC)

Brings the craziness of the Dark Sun setting to life with strategic combat and Bioware style conversations... a good 5 years before Baldur's Gate! Someone should really make a new Dark Sun game. Preferably Bioware. I'd pay a pretty penny to watch a half-giant get it on with a giant praying mantis in the obligatory sex scene.

47. Double Dragon (arcade)

Everything about this game rules so hard: the art style (manly!), the music (inspiring!), the way it kind of makes me feel like a bad ass for elbow smashing my way to a 1CC (even though a monkey could do it)... and is that Lance Storm and Chris Jericho on the poster? Come back to me, Technos! You are sorely missed.

46. Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction (PS2)

So, wait. I get to play as Peter Stormare? And blowing shit up gets me money? Sold! The bleak North Korean setting (complete with propaganda blaring over seemingly ubiquitous loudspeakers) and different factions to endear yourself to/piss off are the icing on the cake. Fun fact: this marks the last time that the LucasArts logo appeared on anything good.

45. BioShock (X360, Delaystation 3)

I might be in the minority, but I think that between a more varied single player campaign and the addition of multiplayer, BioShock 2 is something of an improvement from a gameplay perspective. But for all it has going for it, it just doesn't have the wow factor of the original. The atmosphere is simply incredible, and the numerous audio diaries perfectly explain much of the craziness that's gone down in an entertaining and engaging way. I don't think I'll ever forget my first descent into Rapture. A man chooses... this game as his 45th favorite of all time!

44. Star Fox (SNES)

One of the games that helped maked the SNES my favorite console for many years, and a fine example of rail shooting done oh so right. Also a rather fine example of furries done right; amazingly, they don't seem seedy or creepy in the least. Throw in some of the best music in video game history, the Super FX chip (for which I had a huge boner), and the awesome uselessness of Slippy Toad, and you've got a real winner.

43. Portal (X360)

This may be the single most brilliant game I've ever played. Everything about it belongs. Nothing seems wasted, and it doesn't wear out its welcome. I always respect that. Unfortunately, Portal also gives me a splitting headache after about 20 minutes. I'm told this is motion sickness, and Half-Life 2 is the only other game that does this to me. Too bad. I would have ranked Portal a lot higher if Valve didn't have it in for me. But they do, so I didn't.

42. Braid (XBLA)

Braid's painterly 2D graphics had me excited for it from the word go, but I was still pretty floored by just how good the whole package turned out to be. With its dreamy soundtrack and devilishly clever time warping puzzle-platform gameplay, It  blew away every other XBLA game at the time. Braid also has what is without a doubt my favorite plot twist in video game history, and just the thought of it still drops my jaw. Funny thing is, after I wanked over screenshots but before I actually played the game, I had the misfortune of seeing an interview with the appropriately named Jonathan Blow. He came across as such a twat that I swore off buying his stupid game. Boy, am I glad I have no willpower!

41. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES)

Take a survey to find out which Zelda is the best, and Ocarina of Time is sure to win. There's usually enough deviants in the sample to put Majora's Mask in second place, then Wind Waker, and some slow-in-the-mind will probably even nominate Link's Crossbow Training. But they're all wrong. It's this one.

40. Ultima VI: The False Prophet (PC)

Check out the Avatar's face. If it looks like he's stifling a laugh, that's because he's thinking of all the ridiculous things he can get up to over the course of this game: slaying random villagers and duking it out with the guards, stealing everything that isn't nailed down, trying to talk his way into the pants of everyone he meets, and of course, everyone's all time favorite Ultima activity of trying to kill Lord British. It was GTA long before there was a GTA. Plus there was a story about gargoyles, but I never found out what was up with that, what with all the gypsy prostitutes I had to bang and the hot air balloons that needed riding... it's tough being the savior of Britannia!


40 - Demon's Souls

40. Castlevania Aria of Sorrow (GBA)

360 Games Now Playing   360 Games unopened:  Resonance of Fate  Last 360 Game I Beat: Resident Evil 5

DS Games Now Playing: Dragon Quest VI  DS Games unopened Knights in the Nightmare, Etrian Odyssey III, Okamiden, Dragon Quest IX Last DS Game I beat: Radiant Historia

Wii Games Now Playing  Super Mario Galaxy 2, Arc Rise Fantasia  Wii  Games unopened  Little King's Story, Sonic Colors, Silent Hill Shattered Memories Last Wii Game I beat: Sin & Punishment 2

42. Final Fantasy XIII (PS3)

41. Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle Cars (PSN) - Whaaat? How could I place this above FFXIII? It's actually quite hard trying to measure intense fun against the feeling of completing an epic story-driven game, but on those grounds I'd say SARPBC is a better game. Don't listen to what the critics say about this game, Cars Football = FUN! I've spent hours on split-screen on this game and whether I was playing my brother or one of my friends, the matches were always competitive awesomeness, whilst in the background some of my favourite tunes would be belted out at full volume on a custom playlist. A game that combines three of my loves: cars, football and music - how could it not be in my top 50? 8.6/10

40. inFamous (PS3) - I had to buy this game as soon as I knew the main character was a superhero who had power over electricity and could climb buildings at will. However, the game is nowhere near perfect: the missions were usually dull and repetetive, the graphics were usually well below par for a big PS3 exclusive and the main characters (including Cole) I found to be weak and forgettable at best. Having said that, once I finished the game I felt this strange sense of... something (there's no word for it, I swear!) that I've never felt with a game before and I couldn't wait for inFamous 2. The ending to the story completely blew my mind leading me to believe that this is the perfect example of a game that is better than the sum of its parts. 8.7/10