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42. Final Fantasy XIII (PS3)

41. Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle Cars (PSN) - Whaaat? How could I place this above FFXIII? It's actually quite hard trying to measure intense fun against the feeling of completing an epic story-driven game, but on those grounds I'd say SARPBC is a better game. Don't listen to what the critics say about this game, Cars Football = FUN! I've spent hours on split-screen on this game and whether I was playing my brother or one of my friends, the matches were always competitive awesomeness, whilst in the background some of my favourite tunes would be belted out at full volume on a custom playlist. A game that combines three of my loves: cars, football and music - how could it not be in my top 50? 8.6/10

40. inFamous (PS3) - I had to buy this game as soon as I knew the main character was a superhero who had power over electricity and could climb buildings at will. However, the game is nowhere near perfect: the missions were usually dull and repetetive, the graphics were usually well below par for a big PS3 exclusive and the main characters (including Cole) I found to be weak and forgettable at best. Having said that, once I finished the game I felt this strange sense of... something (there's no word for it, I swear!) that I've never felt with a game before and I couldn't wait for inFamous 2. The ending to the story completely blew my mind leading me to believe that this is the perfect example of a game that is better than the sum of its parts. 8.7/10