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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz Top 50 Games: Discussion Thread!

My #45: 3D Dot Game Heroes

A excellent Zelda clone with its' own charm. Nothing more to say here .

2012 - Top 3 [so far]

                                                                             #1                                       #2                                      #3


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guess where I put FFX-2?

TruckOSaurus said:

#46. Final Fantasy Tactics (PS): I haven't played many strategy RPGs but I played this one a lot. It featured a great array of jobs with interesting abilities for each one of them. The game provided a great challenge (I almost screwed my game over once saving before Belius with a team that maybe wasn't leveled enough to face him). The story was great and trying to get hidden characters and summons added to the experience. As a final word... Orlandu (or Obi Wan Kenobi as I called him) kicked ass!

FFT is One of my favorite TRPGs ever.

Japanese Pop Culture Otaku

ishiki said:

guess where I put FFX-2?

In the top 30?

but I will not tell anybody just yet were I put FFX-2 XD

Japanese Pop Culture Otaku

hikaruchan said:
ishiki said:

guess where I put FFX-2?

In the top 30?

but I will not tell anybody just yet were I put FFX-2 XD


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I'm probably gonna post in this thread every 5 games but ill try to do it daily. I'm not late though. :)

50. WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Party Game$ (gamecube)

Now you may be thinking, "WTF is a stupid port of a gba game doing here. This is supposed to be a list about good quality games." Well, I was dissapointed myself when I rented it too a found out it was just a port, but nintendo pulled a fast one on me and my friends a brought me one of the best home console party games I have ever played. Once you go hear someone yell "Piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzaaaaaaaaaaaaa" at the top of their lungs and then deciding wether to give them 9 or 10 claps for doing it is one of the funnest things i've done with my friends. It sucked that I only had to controllers, but see that yellow sticker on the box. Thank you animal crossing and my cousin that bought four swords. Bam!!!! two more controllers. This game brought weirdness to my house in the funnest way possible and it deserves to be on this list. :)

49.scott pilgrim vs. the world (ps3)

This game is just fun going back to what fun used to be. While new, it still packs a punch of awesomeness in each level. I never read the books or see the movie, but when I saw that an 8-bit style, movie tie in, beat-em-up was coming with music by anamanaguchi. Day. One. Download. Easily the best piece of fresh air in a while. Beat the game solo and was throughly enjoy. Beat the game with my friends and this game was pure joy. Easily the best 8-bit, movie tie in, beat-em-up I ever played (There needs to be more of these games made.) :)

48. Sonic CD (PC)

I'm more surprised at how close this game didn't even make it on this list but I'm so glad it did. I thought that this sonic was just fantastic, esspecially with the time travel mechanic changing the entire level you're in. The real reason I think i like this sonic the most is because of that awesome opening fmv and catchy song "song boom." It also had metal sonic as a bad ass and the race against him is just epic (unlike sonic heroes (ugg cant believe that game came out) .) More Sonic and less everyone else is just what makes this Sonic title great and definately worthy of being on this list. Sonic Booommm Sonic Boomm Sonic Boomm Sonic Booom. :)

47.Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando

To be honest peoples, I didn't play the original before I bought this game (hell I bought up your arsenal before I bought the original.) Though if you really didnt care about the back story the game was ok with that because it says screw youre home world we're taking you to an entire new galaxy in the first 2 minutes. This game was so funny that I would just you all my big explosion guns just to rush and get to the next cutscene. Though when you boil this down to its core game was mainly about 2 things: getting better guns and blowing shit up. and how you ask do you get better guns you say, well I'll tell you"BLOW SHIT UP!!!" this games one of my favorites of the ps2 and definately my favorite in the series.

Tangent: Thank god they changed rachets voice actor from the first game to and oh yea that next game of yours, yea I turned it into a sheep, a black sheep, that explodes, and BLOWS SHIT UPP!!!!!

46. Earthworm Jim (pc)

Talk about a classic character. In the early 90's this was the mascot that represented how weird and awesome a video game mascot can be. Every level was just filled with awesome levels from the junkyard you start in to hell to under the water to an outer space racing an evil chicken. There was always something weird and cool just around every corner. The level design and platorming were just groovy and I cant think of any reason why this game shouldn't be on my list. MMMMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :)

don't waste time

3DS FC 4914-3563-4510

NNID : turtuls

wtf number are we on... I wanna get out of the shitty games

jk :D

45- Devil May Cry (Playstation 2)

44. Shadows Of The Collosus (IF AND ONLY IF YOU PLAY IT ON PC WITH PS3 EMULATOR (Legally ofcourse))

Since this game is heaped with positive praise I will go witht he negatives first. Call me a graphics whore if you will, But if this mini-review is based on the ps2 version alone it does not get on my list. I rented it when it came out. Intriguing concept. Beat like 7 or 8 of the Collosi, good experience. Fantastic Music done by Kow Otani the person who did the music for one of my favorite Anime Haibane Renmei. However this game is held back by technical Flaws like Framerate okay, to really bad framerate. And extremely low framerate in crucial situations and just bugs me while I played it. I'd rather have a dumbed down looking game versus crappy framerate so this was a big stickler. I'd give it an 8.0 As most people played it.

Now for the boss battles, each boss battle was a fantastic experience unlike any other game. I want Zelda to incorporate boss battles like these. The atmosphere is fantastic. Though it pushed my limit of isolation riding around on the horse. At times I wish there was a little more to do. But nonetheless it was a fantastic unique experience. If you have the power to play it on computer I strongly recommend it ups the resolution and plays at 60FPS (You have to have a powerful computer). Also great ending. I don't regard it near as high as many here, but with my modifications I consider it one of the best gaming experiences gaming has to offer a 9.0

I only grade in scales of .5

No. 45 is up!

Mortal Kombat 2

I remember having some sort of computer class back when I was in 6th grade.  I don't remember what the hell we were supposed to be learning, but I remember MK 2 being install on the PCs.  Nothing was better than going to school and for an hour a day playing MK 2.  I never actually owned the game in any form, but I did playit every time I got the chance.  Scorpion and Kung Lao were my favorites.

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