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44. Shadows Of The Collosus (IF AND ONLY IF YOU PLAY IT ON PC WITH PS3 EMULATOR (Legally ofcourse))

Since this game is heaped with positive praise I will go witht he negatives first. Call me a graphics whore if you will, But if this mini-review is based on the ps2 version alone it does not get on my list. I rented it when it came out. Intriguing concept. Beat like 7 or 8 of the Collosi, good experience. Fantastic Music done by Kow Otani the person who did the music for one of my favorite Anime Haibane Renmei. However this game is held back by technical Flaws like Framerate okay, to really bad framerate. And extremely low framerate in crucial situations and just bugs me while I played it. I'd rather have a dumbed down looking game versus crappy framerate so this was a big stickler. I'd give it an 8.0 As most people played it.

Now for the boss battles, each boss battle was a fantastic experience unlike any other game. I want Zelda to incorporate boss battles like these. The atmosphere is fantastic. Though it pushed my limit of isolation riding around on the horse. At times I wish there was a little more to do. But nonetheless it was a fantastic unique experience. If you have the power to play it on computer I strongly recommend it ups the resolution and plays at 60FPS (You have to have a powerful computer). Also great ending. I don't regard it near as high as many here, but with my modifications I consider it one of the best gaming experiences gaming has to offer a 9.0

I only grade in scales of .5