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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz Top 50 Games: Discussion Thread!

darthdevidem01 said:
darthdevidem01 said:
darthdevidem01 said:
darthdevidem01 said:



Yes another FF game, a spin off this time.....well this is the only spin off in the list, now we only have 7 more FF games left in this list

Crisis Core was an awesome game, my favourite FF spin off. It is a prequel to Final Fantasy VII and told us the tale of Zack, who actually became one of my favourite male FF characters. The story of the game was really good, it was awesome to see Sephiroth on "our side", aerith with Zack, Tifa as a young cowgirl, Angeal/Genesis and cloud!! The game was pure fan service.

But thats not all it also had a good battle system that really only had 1 problem, the weird random wave thingy that spun and stopped at random, it could result in a "summon" taking place, the big problem was that this was random so you might not get it when you fight a boss.....yeah its so random we needed loads of randoms in 1 sentence! Apart from that the battle system was quick, and could keep me hooked.

The music included a few original tracks and many FF7 tracks remixed, all in all the composer remixed the tracks really well, but the new ones he crafted were fabulous! The story itself was pretty gripping and had a nice flow, the dialogue could use work but that doesn't bother me too much. Even though I knew how it ended, I was still really touched by the ending!

It was my fav PSP game till 2 games recently impressed me more!


My fav tracks:

Theme Song - Why?!

The Price Of Freedom

FFVIICC is Pure Awesomeness and is must for any RPG Fans best Games of all time list but to me FFVIICC is  not a Spin-off but a Prequel so it is an extension to the original Game rather then a Spin-off like Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII​ were it's a totally different style of Game with some of the original cast.     

and I love both songs to ^^

Japanese Pop Culture Otaku

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darthdevidem01 said:
pariz said:

I can tell you one thing after working my ass to make a top 50 list to which I could have no objections:


I feel I am being not fair all the bloody time.

Yeah I agree

I AM NEVER EVER going insult ANY gaming media's "Top 20 games for _ _ _ _ " ever

I know how hard it is now.....

{goes to troll IGN's top 25 wii games list.....j/k}

I believe that it is OK to critique Professional Media top X number of Games list for Y console within resin though.  

Japanese Pop Culture Otaku

darthdevidem01 said:



Yes another FF game, a spin off this time.....well this is the only spin off in the list, now we only have 7 more FF games left in this list

Crisis Core was an awesome game, my favourite FF spin off. It is a prequel to Final Fantasy VII and told us the tale of Zack, who actually became one of my favourite male FF characters. The story of the game was really good, it was awesome to see Sephiroth on "our side", aerith with Zack, Tifa as a young cowgirl, Angeal/Genesis and cloud!! The game was pure fan service.

But thats not all it also had a good battle system that really only had 1 problem, the weird random wave thingy that spun and stopped at random, it could result in a "summon" taking place, the big problem was that this was random so you might not get it when you fight a boss.....yeah its so random we needed loads of randoms in 1 sentence! Apart from that the battle system was quick, and could keep me hooked.

The music included a few original tracks and many FF7 tracks remixed, all in all the composer remixed the tracks really well, but the new ones he crafted were fabulous! The story itself was pretty gripping and had a nice flow, the dialogue could use work but that doesn't bother me too much. Even though I knew how it ended, I was still really touched by the ending!

It was my fav PSP game till 2 games recently impressed me more!


My fav tracks:

Theme Song - Why?!

The Price Of Freedom

Great choice. I had it at no. 50, but it really is an awesome game. Complete fan service like you said, but a solid spin-off game in there as well.

49. Assasin's Creed II - PS3

This game was another awesome time. I love the setting, the characters, and the vastly improved gameplay over the first. It was really one complete package. One game where I have a hard time believing that some wouldn't have fun playing it.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

I just sent a friend my finished list and pointed out some things that people will liking WTF on. I can't wait.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

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Number 48


There are a number of sections in Half-Life where you are thrown into battle with the US Marines. In one particular sequence you fight them in a warehouse. I remember the first time I played Half-Life - much later on in the game's life than I should have. There were tremendous crates in the warehouse, separating it into a series of smaller squares connected by narrow corridors. There was a single entrance through which the Marines would enter - I thought I could handle that easy. I did, in fact - for all of fifteen seconds, I was an angel of death, and I killed three of them so quickly it was a mercy compared to what could have happened to them in Black Mesa. Then I heard a voice behind me, turned, was shot - the sons of bitches had flanked me! Already panicked I got ready to route them, and then I heard the high-pitched tink tink of a grenade landing at my feet.

That moment, the realization that I was fighting enemies that fought more like humans than any other enemy I'd fought as of late 2003, is why Half-Life is number 48.

So far that's my list.


Best snowboarding game ever and very addicting too. One of the few sport / racing games to make it into my list. Played on the GC.


Well, what can I say about the first Halo? It was innovative, had a great MP and pratically started the whole health recover system most shootres use nowadays. Played on PC.



Another great game by team Ico, would be kind of higher in this list if wasn't for the very low framerate (~20 fps). Despite all it's issues, this title is one of the highlights of gaming. Well done. Played on the Playstation 2.






50.Makai Senki Disgaea 2(PS2)

Makai Senki Disgaea 2 is Hardcore Tactical Role Playing Game (TRPG) from Developer Nippon Ichi Software. The sequel to RPG Cult Classic Makai Senki Disgaea I loved Makai Senki Disgaea when it was released in 2003 The awesome and very complex battle system with over the top special moves was pure Awesomeness and the share craziness of the Story and Characters of the Game was awesome. the music was awesome to this sequal just added to this formula with enhancements to the battle system and other small improvements. The story was again crazy awesome. and yes I just mentioned the word awesome like dozen times this game is just that awesome.           

Disgaea 2 Intro

Etna Rock


Japanese Pop Culture Otaku

Ugh, I still can't decide between my top 3. I constantly keep swapping the number 1 spot.

I think I'll play them all again from start to finish, and if I still can't make the decision after that, I'll just let a Magic 8-Ball decide. 

My #48: Gears of War 2

Slightly better than the first one IMO.

2012 - Top 3 [so far]

                                                                             #1                                       #2                                      #3