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# 43 Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (PS2)

"Mm, frogs. *munch munch*"


MGS3 feels unique in lots of ways. The survival system is great; you have camouflage, first aid, food and the environment to think about the whole time if you want to survive. My heart raced each time an enemy soldier came close to my hiding spot or when I had to leave the safety of tall grass and quickly sneak to the next location. It's the ultimate stealth game! If Nintendo ever releases it's Vitality Sensor I'd love to see a MGS3 port using it.

The satisfaction of perfectly eliminating an enemy is great, and there are lots of ways to do it. The boss fights are superb and each of them requires different tactics. One of them, The End, I loved and hated at the same time. It felt so great when I successfully sneaked up on him, and it was painful not knowing where he would be the next time. I think it took me hours to finish him...

Oh, the story. The story is awsome. Truly awsome. Simple as that.

#42 Super Mario Bros. (NES)

"The princess was in the last castle. Typical."


My very first video game! Atleast I think so...I remember playing Computer games earlier but I'm positive Super Mario Bros. was the first video game I played. I can't remember where I heard of it the first time though.

Anyway, like so many others, Super Mario Bros. represents the beginning of my life as a gamer. The game that started the whole thing; the game that made me go buy a NES; the game that's responsible for my lack of money.

Oh, I have lots of memories thanks to this game. The first time I actually finished the first level; the first time (many months later) I managed to destroy Bowser; the satisfaction of finding a shortcut.

Everything about Super Mario Bros. is great. The levels, the gameplay, the music. Everything.

Super Mario Bros. being seen as one of the most important games of all time is well-deserved. It's a masterpiece.


#41 Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (GC)

"What's better than 1 Samus? 2 Samuses!(?)"


It actually took me some time before finally getting the sequel to the brilliant Metroid Prime. I don't know why. To be honest I've always had a hard time getting into FPS's that aren't mission based. I played Half-Life but never finished it. Same with Halo. Almost the same with Metroid Prime 2. It's not that the games are bad, it's just something about me...

Anyway, after I got it, played a bit, shelved it for some reason and restarted it I was finally captured by the Metroid Prime magic once again, and once captured it was impossible to let it go.

MP2 feels much darker than MP1, probably thanks to the setting and the story. The environments are gorgeous and the gameplay is excellent. I really like the Dark/Light world system.

Dark Samus is a bitch.

21. Indigo Prophecy / Fahrenheit (PS2)

David Cage really knows how to make an engaging story and innovative gameplay. It's an awesome game, but it could be so much better if the ending wasn't so damn boring. The game overall was surely amazing, the ending on the other hand was a bit of a joke. Anyway, it deserves to be on #21.

2012 - Top 3 [so far]

                                                                             #1                                       #2                                      #3


SOMEONE BROKE THE THREEADD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anyway it's been a while since I've left some commentary so I'll add some now and from Top 20 onwards, I definitely will post them here.


22) Super Mario 64 (N64)

21) Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (PC)



Two Games that one could say are genre defining games of each of it's respective Generations and in fact, forever.

If you owned a N64 and did not own or play Super Mario 64, then there's something wrong. First 3D Platformer to ever be so successful and critically acclaimed. The sheer amount of fun you could get out of SM64 is unlimited. You could always go back to each world and replay the fun mini games, find the red coins, etc and so much more. Anyone could pick up the controller and join right into the fun and amazing world of Super Mario 64. A truly amazing Platformer and all die hard Platformer fans like myself would agree.


Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is the reason why CoD is the beast it is today. After a disappointing Call of Duty 3, I had my skeptics about CoD4, fearing that it would be crappy just like CoD3 but since it was a Modern game, I decided that it wouldn't hurt to play a Modern War game since I was bloody sick and tired of WWII Games period and my god I was so glad that I decided to play because it blew me away. The Single Player was engaging and very well paced. Accompanied by Solid Gameplay and intense action scenes, CoD4 blew away all my previous thoughts on CoD Games. The Multiplayer is simply brilliant and addictive, making players wanting to play more and more. CoD4 back in 2007 was the Ultimate FPS Package with a thrilling Single Player and exciting Multiplayer and is still is hailed as one of the great FPS Games ever.




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21. Goldeneye 007 (N64)

Is this possible? A game, based on a movie, ranking as one of the greatest and most influential games ever created? Apparently, it is, although you'd be forgiven for thinking otherwise when randomly picking any other movie game as a comparison. This ranks as my favourite FPS ever created, and there are no rose tinted spectacles here, as I despise most modern FPS games and long for them to be as enjoyable and as fun as Goldeneye was in its day. The story mode made you feel like you were actually in the movie, and that you actually were James Bond, and then there was the multiplayer mode... I wouldn't be surprised if this games MP ranked first out of all the MP modes I've ever played in terms of sheer number of hours played. This was the game of choice between my friends and I for at least half a decade.


21. Secret of Mana (SNES)

When the box art alone can bring you close to tears, a game really must be something special (or you might just have a concussion). Secret of Mana always reminds me of a simpler, happier time, a time when games had colors and the concept of teenagers saving the world didn't make my eyes roll clean out of their sockets. What is in every way a totally sweet ass action RPG, the caliber of which only Squaresoft in its heyday could have produced, is made that much sweeter by the addition of co-op! That means you can play, but your friend can play, too! It's hard to even express what a mindblowing concept co-op in an RPG was to me at the time. And as if that wasn't enough, I am still convinced that the girl is sucking her own nipple in her sleeping animation. What a great game, truly!


Zelda: Link's Awakening - The 1st Zelda game I owned and still to this day I find it amazing that they managed to fit this on a Gameboy cartridge.  With amazing music (Tal Tal Heights is among the best in the series IMO), a lengthy story and a large world now in colour to explore this is essential to every GBC owner.

23.Shin Megami Tensei Persona 4(PS2)

Shin Megami Tensei Persona 4 is an Awesome Horror Role Play Game from Atlus relesed in 2008 in Japan and the US. Persona 4 takes place in the near-future, fictional, rural Japanese town of Inaba, which lies among floodplains and has its own high school and shopping districts. Unexplained murders have taken place in the small town, where bodies are found dangling among television antennas and their cause of death unknown.

Persona 4 opens with the main character arriving in Inaba to live with the Dojimas for one year soon after arriving in Inaba  an unnaturally thick fog sets in and leaves behind a body hung upside down from a power line. For some reason, you possess the ability to travel into the Midnight Channel a rumored show said to appear and reveal your soul mate if you stare into a TV on a rainy night It is there, inside the Midnight Channel, that the main character discovers there second power, the ability to summon forth persona your friends to confront their own inner shadows, allowing them to unleash their own persona. Together, you investigate a series of dungeons crafted around the victims' insecurities or darkest fears.

like Persona 3 FES the Game takes place over 1 year. Friendships and relationships need to be forged and maintained because your ability to create new personae is limited by the strength of these bonds, called social links. By spending time with a friend or love interest you can strengthen your social links.

The battle system is like Persona 3 FES but now you have full control over your battle party.

Visually, Persona 4 shares a number of similarities with Persona 3 FES, including a realistic modern-day setting, and Awesome stylish presentation.

The music is awesome with JPOP and JROCK inspiration.

Persona 3 FES and Persona 4 are both awesome Games in the SMT series and there is some elopements of Persona 3 FES I like more and some elements of Persona 4 I like More.

Shin Megami Tensei Persona 4 INTRO

Shin Megami Tensei Persona 4 OST

Japanese Pop Culture Otaku

22.Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES(PS2)

Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES is an awesome Horror Role Playing Game(RPG) from Atlus it was first released in Japan in 2007 and the US in 2008.
The story of Persona 3 takes place in a modern Japanese city called Iwatodai  built and funded by the Kirijo Corporation. Experiments carried out ten years ago created the Dark Hour, a period of time that exists between one day and the next The Dark Hour bends reality you fight beasts known as Shadows in a huge labyrinthine called Tartarus are the shadows roam the area, preying on the minds of those still conscious.

Persona 3 FES begins with the main character transferring to Gekkoukan High School, and moving into a dorm in the city. The main Character discovers his ability to summon a Persona after encountering a shadow critter he is asked to join SEES (Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad).

buy day the characters live out there lives as regular high school students during the day this is done very well and all of the characters fit the game well the dating simulator style part were pretty fun I found all these elements to be very unique and very refreshing in the Genre and the  were fun. Fighting during the Dark hour  very strategic and it pays dividends to get the drop on your enemy's. the battle system is turn based and very cool you control only one character during battle.

The Music is awesome mix of JPOP and JROCK and fits the game perfectly.

Persona 3 FES and Persona 4 are both awesome Games in the SMT series and there is some elopements of Persona 3 FES I like more and some elements of Persona 4 I like More.

Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES Intro

Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES OST


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