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# 43 Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (PS2)

"Mm, frogs. *munch munch*"


MGS3 feels unique in lots of ways. The survival system is great; you have camouflage, first aid, food and the environment to think about the whole time if you want to survive. My heart raced each time an enemy soldier came close to my hiding spot or when I had to leave the safety of tall grass and quickly sneak to the next location. It's the ultimate stealth game! If Nintendo ever releases it's Vitality Sensor I'd love to see a MGS3 port using it.

The satisfaction of perfectly eliminating an enemy is great, and there are lots of ways to do it. The boss fights are superb and each of them requires different tactics. One of them, The End, I loved and hated at the same time. It felt so great when I successfully sneaked up on him, and it was painful not knowing where he would be the next time. I think it took me hours to finish him...

Oh, the story. The story is awsome. Truly awsome. Simple as that.