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22. God of War (PS2)

This was the game that boosted my interest in Hack&Slash games heavily. It was the start of an amazing franchise, had great boss battles (Hydra FTW!) and was overall a great game. Watch out for the next GoW titles on my list

2012 - Top 3 [so far]

                                                                             #1                                       #2                                      #3


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22.pokemon gold (gbc)

Damn you nintendo, why did you create this genius series and exploit it for all my money when I was young. I can't even tell you how much this game was awesome when it came out. You may be asking why I only put Gold in and put it in Japanesse. Well I'll tell you I was so obsessed with this series that I went to my local game store and bought an import copy and guide just to play it. It was so damn awesome, even in japanesse. I loved this game so much that I got both Gold, Silver, and crystal versions when they were released in the U.S. Even in english this game was so much fun. I think this game made just the coolest starter pokemon (Feraligatr is just win.) This game was just a what I think people would call a perfect sequal and its one of the  best handeld games you could ever play. also, no you cant do the mystery gift between japanesse and english versions, I know I tried.

don't waste time

3DS FC 4914-3563-4510

NNID : turtuls


Final Fantasy V - A true underrated RPG in my opinion.  While it doesn't have the epic story and characters that the likes of IV, VI and VII have, I think it makes up for it in it's amazing job system; expanded from FFIII.  It really is a shame this isn't held with as much regard as I think it deserves.


Resident Evil 4 Wii - If this was never released, either the GC or PS2 version would have taken it's place.  This is a fantastic game and is as good today as it was when the GC version released several years ago.  The Wii version retains the Ada Wong sections added to the PS2 version, but has amazing controls that totally make use of the Wii's IR sensor.  It also has to be said that the Wii version has the best boxart of all the versions.


Super Mario 64 - I really can't decide whether I prefer the N64 original or the (puts up flame shield) DS remake.  I love the analogue control , but I also love the extra stars, extra characters, minigames and even the basic multiplayer the DS version had added.  Which ever version you prefer, it is an amazing game and will be remembered for generations to come.

22. Tomb Raider (PS)

ZOMG!1!!!1111!!!! Boobies! That was your average reaction amongst males when they saw this game for the first time... But of course, they weren't the only selling point, they were just a nice bonus in a game that takes a few inspirations from Indiana Jones. The series has declined over time, but the early games still rank amongst the best of their generation.


22. Chrono Cross (PS1)

Chrono Cross always seems to elicit strong reactions and is one of the best examples of a "love it or hate it" game. For one thing, the storyline about time-bending and parallel worlds is so fucking contrived that it made Hideo Kojima say, "Holy smokes! That's fucking contrived!" For another, many people feel that it blasphemes against, undermines, or otherwise screws around with the canon established by one the most beloved RPGs of all time. That's all fair enough, but I deeply appreciate the immense ambitions of Kato and Tanaka (no, not the early '90s WWF tag team) in creating such an outside-the-box JRPG with its various experiments with traditional gameplay mechanics and its absurd number of recruitable characters - a good 40 or so, ranging from the archetypical to the quite bizarre, each of whom has his or her own story arc. There's an incredible amount to see and do on any given playthrough, and you'd have to play it through multiple times to see it all. The music is some of the most spine-tingling I've ever heard, in a video game or elsewhere. Time's Scar and Star-Stealing Girl are the clear highlights for me; either one would probably give Noel Pointer's corpse goosebumps. Chrono Cross doesn't necessarily pull off everything it attempts, but it's a strangely moving game that's absolutely slathered with the old Squaresoft charm, and I'm firmly in the "love it" crowd.

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23. Final Fantasy VI - SNES

I remember the first time I rented Final Fantasy III (Or... VI.) and realized: "What the Hell? I can't beat this game in three days, and I'm gonna have to rent it again... Shit."

Final Fantasy VI is a hallmark on the Super Nintendo. Multiple plotlines, one of the most bad-ass mofos in video game history, and of course, the opera scene.

Some argue, that this soundtrack is the best in the Final Fantasy series. THAT is a statement.

#49 Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (MD/GEN)

"Out of my way, plumber!"


I have always been a Nintendo guy ever since I got my NES, but that never stopped me from enjoying some Sonic over at my friends' house. Sonic has some very solid platforming and amazing level design, and I love just running like crazy and put all hope to my (not so) wonderful reflexes.

The great level design makes each playthrough feel a bit different with different path to take and lots of hidden places to find. Me like.


#48 Donkey Kong 64 (N64)

"Bananas! Boobies! In 3D!"


After Nintendo had made the transistion from 2D to 3D so gracefully with Mario 64 and Zelda: Ocarina of Time it was about time we get to see Donkey Kong in 3D as well! I mean, for real this time. I honestly didn't know what to expect from it but I knew I had to get it. I remember it being bundled with the RAM Expansion pack for better graphics. And DK64 had some awsome graphics, all right!

The gorgeous graphics wasn't the only good part of it though. Far from it. The levels are great, I'm a sucker for hubworlds and each Kong has a different playstyle. The gameplay is great and varied with platforming elements, power-ups, shooting and freaking Minecarts! Oh God, those Minecart levels were amazing.

Apart from loving the game I remember haing a cush on Candy Kong as well. Bananas and boobies: what an excellent combination! Was that NSFW?

#47 Perfect Dark (N64)

"My name, is Elvis!"


Rare's GoldenEye 007 really showed that consoles could do FPS's. That was a great game.

Then Rare went and made Perfect Dark. Oh, what a game! I was so excited at the time, reading about it in games magazines and just waiting for it to be released. I was so hyped; and Perfect Dark lived up to it!

Oh, where to begin? Perfect Dark is such an amazing package. It has a great campaign with lots of fun and different levels; and when you're done with the campaign you have the enormous Multiplayer mode! Yes, it's ENORMOUS! There are many great maps; the arsenal is probably the best I've ever seen in an FPS, and every weapon had a secondary mode which made an already awsome arsenal even more awsome; you had 4 player splitscreen, which was awsome on my 14" TV and you could throw in bots as well! Man, those Dark Sims were scary...

I can't think of any multiplayer mode that I've spent so many hours in and had so much fun with. It really upped the bar for console FPS's!

Ay, I forgot to mention that you could play the campaign in Co-op mode or Counter-op mode! Co-op was fun but the Counter-Op was awsome! I wish more games had that mode.


#46 Mega Man 2 (NES)

"Kill Wily"


Mega Man is a great franchise and out of the few I've played Mega Man 2 come out at the top. It improved on the already great Mega Man 1 and offered some really great levels and platforming that was truly hard but not cheap. It was all up to your skills.

As with other Mega Man games it's fun to just figure out in which order to play the stages so you hopefully get an advantage over the next boss. Some bosses are tough, especially when you have to battle them all later in the game. I always die a lot but it's ok; it doesn't feel cheap and you don't have to start from scratch.

While the gameplay and level design are great, the music must be mentioned as well. The soundtrack is wonderful and features some of my most favourite pieces of gaming music! The Dr Wily Stage 1 (I think?) theme is just epic! I'm never in a hurry to clear that stage!

Mega Man Rock!

forest-spirit said:

#46 Mega Man 2 (NES)

"Kill Wily"


Mega Man is a great franchise and out of the few I've played Mega Man 2 come out at the top. It improved on the already great Mega Man 1 and offered some really great levels and platforming that was truly hard but not cheap. It was all up to your skills.

As with other Mega Man games it's fun to just figure out in which order to play the stages so you hopefully get an advantage over the next boss. Some bosses are tough, especially when you have to battle them all later in the game. I always die a lot but it's ok; it doesn't feel cheap and you don't have to start from scratch.

While the gameplay and level design are great, the music must be mentioned as well. The soundtrack is wonderful and features some of my most favourite pieces of gaming music! The Dr Wily Stage 1 (I think?) theme is just epic! I'm never in a hurry to clear that stage!

Mega Man Rock!


Still, great game.

And speaking of Mega Man...

22. Mega Man 3 - NES

Let's just put aside the fact, that this is the first game I ever played, and look at this objectively: Mega Man 3 admittedly has some problems. The Top Spin is bloody useless, the Rush Jet is broken and Top Man himself is just pathetic. But the positives so outweigh the negatives.

The controls couldn't be better. The game is reasonably difficult. And with the exception of Top Man and *immature giggle* Hard Man, all of the robot masters in MM3 are amongst the best in the series. Instead of more generic fire and ice bosses, we get snakes and ninjas and whatever the Hell Gemini Man is!

And the soundtrack? Flawless. I'm gonna raise some controversy by saying, that it is the best video game soundtrack of all time. And that's saying something.


#23 Final Fantasy XIII

Might get heckled a bit. This game was the most addicting game for me since pokemon. This is the first game I've ever had a 100 hr in playthrough. (don't normally do sidequest first time) This game is odd for a Final Fantasy. It essentially is a dungeon crawler with really pretty cutscenes.

The huge positive for me with this was the battlesystem. The battlesystem is my favorite out of any JRPG by a fair margin.  Also this for me is the hardest FF other than the FFIV DS remake... so for me this made the battles more fun.

Crystarium System
The music was my favorite since Final Fantasy 8.
The artstyle is my favorite out of any Final Fantasy
The World and Lore was good imo. The story, and the way it presented wasn't
Lightning, Vanille, Fang, Sahz, Serah, dadj (I forgot how to spell)

Story while it had potential and is interesting, it falters at almost every point it has to gain momentum.
The Dialogue was a step back from 12... and imo 10 as well.
Hope Though developed, he sucks
Snow is Lebron James
Basically every character not a fal'cie or the ones I listed in positives.
Not enough mini-games

Basically, A really fun game, to use characters to whack bad guys with really pretty graphics music and cutscenes. It has a lot a flaws, but I really had blast playing it. And Plan to play it again in a year or two.


#22. Dead Space
Obviously, influenced by silent hill and probably more so resident evil. This game surprised me. It had really great atmosphere. A great story. And really fun unique combat. Because you had to cut off the limbs instead aiming for the head. This created a way different shooter dynamic. It also had some really fun unique weapons. With light RPG elements of upgrading guns armour etc. While not particularly scary, it was incredibly moody, dynamic and fun game. One of my favorite this gen. And ever.