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#49 Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (MD/GEN)

"Out of my way, plumber!"


I have always been a Nintendo guy ever since I got my NES, but that never stopped me from enjoying some Sonic over at my friends' house. Sonic has some very solid platforming and amazing level design, and I love just running like crazy and put all hope to my (not so) wonderful reflexes.

The great level design makes each playthrough feel a bit different with different path to take and lots of hidden places to find. Me like.


#48 Donkey Kong 64 (N64)

"Bananas! Boobies! In 3D!"


After Nintendo had made the transistion from 2D to 3D so gracefully with Mario 64 and Zelda: Ocarina of Time it was about time we get to see Donkey Kong in 3D as well! I mean, for real this time. I honestly didn't know what to expect from it but I knew I had to get it. I remember it being bundled with the RAM Expansion pack for better graphics. And DK64 had some awsome graphics, all right!

The gorgeous graphics wasn't the only good part of it though. Far from it. The levels are great, I'm a sucker for hubworlds and each Kong has a different playstyle. The gameplay is great and varied with platforming elements, power-ups, shooting and freaking Minecarts! Oh God, those Minecart levels were amazing.

Apart from loving the game I remember haing a cush on Candy Kong as well. Bananas and boobies: what an excellent combination! Was that NSFW?