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26. Final Fantasy X-2 (PS2)

I don't think I've ever simultaneous enjoyed and hated a game so much at the same time as while playing this game.  Lets get the formalities out of the way; story, characters and annoyingly long dress sphere changes sucked.  Fortunately, the gameplay was wonderful.  Once again having the ability to choose your characters class was a major plus and adding in that you could customize how you switched between them in battle was fascinating.  The faster paced battle system that I usually dislike seemed to fit right in as well.  On top of that the airship hub which allowed you to travel where you want and create opportunities for exploration of a different side of the world from X was enjoyable.  Finally, they catered to my obsessive nature with a completion percentage for choosing different paths through  the game, which is something I probably shouldn't but celebrating.

I salute! you! hehe, another FFX-2 Take that DARTH!

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30.Vagrant Story(PS1)

Vagrent Story is an Awesome Action Role Playing Game from Squresoft(Square-Enix) That released in 2000. I first layed Vagrent Story about 2 years ago on My PS2.

The game takes place in the kingdom of Valendia and the ruined city of Leá Monde. The story centers on Ashley Riot, an elite agent known as a Riskbreaker is sent to Leá Monde to investigate the link between a cult leader named Sydney Losstarot and a senior Valendian Parliament member, Duke Bardorba. soon after his arrival  Ashley is blamed for murdering the duke. Ashly Riot then finds himself court up in a massive conspiracey must uncover the truth of what is really going on.

Gameplay is awesome it tacks place in Real-Time when you enter combat a wire Frame expands of your attack range select from a list of the enemy's body parts what is best to hit in for beat damage and you can also chain attacks to together to to extra damage. Magic in Vagrant Story is learned later using Grimoires, items dropped by enemies. Once you use  a Grimoire the magic spell associated with the Grimoire will remain in the menu. you can also build and name your own weapons

The visuals are awesome for a lat Gen PS1 Game with amazing full Polygonal Backgrounds with grate for the time use of Textures and grate Character and monster Models  grate use of Lighting.

 the game's musical score and sound effects. The soundtrack sets the mood of each scene perfectly

Vagrant Story is a Game that absolutely nobody should miss out on.

Vagarnt Story Intro

Vagrant Story OST Great Cathedral

Vagrant Story OST - Closed Lea Monde


Japanese Pop Culture Otaku

24. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (PS2)

Well, I didn't really have a problem with Raiden being the main character, and I liked this game very much. It's my 4th favourite MGS time, so you can expect a few more on my list.

2012 - Top 3 [so far]

                                                                             #1                                       #2                                      #3


24. Wipeout HD: Fury
I love the wipeout franchise however. I do not like racers most of the time. As time passes by. (minus fusion I've always liked the newer ones more and the old ones ended up feeling dated. Which is why there's not more on my list.

This one was particularly hard to rank. I kinda want to rank it higher. But because Wipeout HD:Fury is not a completely original game, I won't.

It is more of a PSP wipeout greatest hits remake. It's a mash-up, reskinned, tweaked controls of the awesome PSP games with ultimately less tracks and no DLC tracks and more modes. (Some even say the psp ones are better. However, the framerate hurts those games imo).

The racing is fast. With slight combat to make it a fair bit more interesting than the normal racer.
Add in the fantastic Eliminator  mode(awesome with a friend), Zone, Zone battle modes. And this game is a blast. The Mode I felt missed was Detonator. Also the online is close to dead now.
Also, the biggest thing keeping this game from jumping higher is it's campaign mode is barebones. It's not the most motivating, as it's just a bunch of single races, or time trials, eliminator etc. glued together at different speed classes. While, you could just pick single race and do these things anyways.

But it's a fantastic. Up there this gen with my favorite artstyle (tied with 2 others and favorite ever for that matter). a superb soundtrack, superb visuals, and most of all superb racing.

Unfortunately sony, dissolved my favorite sony Studio. Studio Liverpool(not the normal favorite eh?), but according to links Fab_GS has showed me, there seems to be a sequal (full-fledged hopefully and hopefully not on psp2 in the works).

24.teenage mutant ninja turtles (arcade)

In my world of arcades I don't think I had more fun with random strangers than with this game. One of the best beat em ups to date, I think the true quality of the game came from the fact that it made each turtle desireable to play as (I dont like raphael but some did.) It made good use of the enimies from the show and some of the boss fights in that game were quarter eaters. I love this games use of color and how everything has its own unique and memorable sound. I think that this could have been my favorite konami and arcade game, but they just had to make something better but this game has stood out as one of the greatest. :)

Oh to hell with it. Coowwaaabununngaa

don't waste time

3DS FC 4914-3563-4510

NNID : turtuls

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NSMBWii - A blast in both multiplayer and singleplayer, this game took over my life when I got it on release last year.  With IMO some of the best level design in  the Mario series and the ability to truly screw over your mates, this will go down in gaming history as a classic.  I just wish it had online and Wii speak support.

hikaruchan said:

27.Vagrant Story(PS1)

Vagrent Story is an Awesome Action Role Playing Game from Squresoft(Square-Enix) That released in 2000. I first layed Vagrent Story about 2 years ago on My PS2.

The game takes place in the kingdom of Valendia and the ruined city of Leá Monde. The story centers on Ashley Riot, an elite agent known as a Riskbreaker is sent to Leá Monde to investigate the link between a cult leader named Sydney Losstarot and a senior Valendian Parliament member, Duke Bardorba. soon after his arrival  Ashley is blamed for murdering the duke. Ashly Riot then finds himself court up in a massive conspiracey must uncover the truth of what is really going on.

Gameplay is awesome it tacks place in Real-Time when you enter combat a wire Frame expands of your attack range select from a list of the enemy's body parts what is best to hit in for beat damage and you can also chain attacks to together to to extra damage. Magic in Vagrant Story is learned later using Grimoires, items dropped by enemies. Once you use  a Grimoire the magic spell associated with the Grimoire will remain in the menu. you can also build and name your own weapons

The visuals are awesome for a lat Gen PS1 Game with amazing full Polygonal Backgrounds with grate for the time use of Textures and grate Character and monster Models  grate use of Lighting.

 the game's musical score and sound effects. The soundtrack sets the mood of each scene perfectly

Vagrant Story is a Game that absolutely nobody should miss out on.

Vagarnt Story Intro

Vagrant Story OST Great Cathedral

Vagrant Story OST - Closed Lea Monde


is that your favorite matsuno game? hehe

ishiki said:
hikaruchan said:

27.Vagrant Story(PS1)

Vagrent Story is an Awesome Action Role Playing Game from Squresoft(Square-Enix) That released in 2000. I first layed Vagrent Story about 2 years ago on My PS2.

The game takes place in the kingdom of Valendia and the ruined city of Leá Monde. The story centers on Ashley Riot, an elite agent known as a Riskbreaker is sent to Leá Monde to investigate the link between a cult leader named Sydney Losstarot and a senior Valendian Parliament member, Duke Bardorba. soon after his arrival  Ashley is blamed for murdering the duke. Ashly Riot then finds himself court up in a massive conspiracey must uncover the truth of what is really going on.

Gameplay is awesome it tacks place in Real-Time when you enter combat a wire Frame expands of your attack range select from a list of the enemy's body parts what is best to hit in for beat damage and you can also chain attacks to together to to extra damage. Magic in Vagrant Story is learned later using Grimoires, items dropped by enemies. Once you use  a Grimoire the magic spell associated with the Grimoire will remain in the menu. you can also build and name your own weapons

The visuals are awesome for a lat Gen PS1 Game with amazing full Polygonal Backgrounds with grate for the time use of Textures and grate Character and monster Models  grate use of Lighting.

 the game's musical score and sound effects. The soundtrack sets the mood of each scene perfectly

Vagrant Story is a Game that absolutely nobody should miss out on.

Vagarnt Story Intro

Vagrant Story OST Great Cathedral

Vagrant Story OST - Closed Lea Monde


is that your favorite matsuno game? hehe

You will have what and see. HeHe

Japanese Pop Culture Otaku

hikaruchan said:
ishiki said:
hikaruchan said:

27.Vagrant Story(PS1)

Vagrent Story is an Awesome Action Role Playing Game from Squresoft(Square-Enix) That released in 2000. I first layed Vagrent Story about 2 years ago on My PS2.

The game takes place in the kingdom of Valendia and the ruined city of Leá Monde. The story centers on Ashley Riot, an elite agent known as a Riskbreaker is sent to Leá Monde to investigate the link between a cult leader named Sydney Losstarot and a senior Valendian Parliament member, Duke Bardorba. soon after his arrival  Ashley is blamed for murdering the duke. Ashly Riot then finds himself court up in a massive conspiracey must uncover the truth of what is really going on.

Gameplay is awesome it tacks place in Real-Time when you enter combat a wire Frame expands of your attack range select from a list of the enemy's body parts what is best to hit in for beat damage and you can also chain attacks to together to to extra damage. Magic in Vagrant Story is learned later using Grimoires, items dropped by enemies. Once you use  a Grimoire the magic spell associated with the Grimoire will remain in the menu. you can also build and name your own weapons

The visuals are awesome for a lat Gen PS1 Game with amazing full Polygonal Backgrounds with grate for the time use of Textures and grate Character and monster Models  grate use of Lighting.

 the game's musical score and sound effects. The soundtrack sets the mood of each scene perfectly

Vagrant Story is a Game that absolutely nobody should miss out on.

Vagarnt Story Intro

Vagrant Story OST Great Cathedral

Vagrant Story OST - Closed Lea Monde


is that your favorite matsuno game? hehe

You will have what and see. HeHe

don't have final fantasy xii or FF tactics as your favorite matsuno. PLEASE NO. haha :D

24. Banjo-Kazooie (N64)

This game is one of the major reasons why I regret selling my N64. Some say it was the best 3D platformer on the console, beating out Mario 64. I don't agree with that, but it definitely ran it close, and it ranks as one of the best 3D platformers ever created. I'd hope most of you will have played it, but if not, Gruntilda the witch kidnaps Banjo's sister and he teams up with Kazooie to rescue her. Along the way they collect Jiggys and Musical Notes to unlock new levels before ultimately facing Gruntilda. This was Rare at their finest...
