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24.teenage mutant ninja turtles (arcade)

In my world of arcades I don't think I had more fun with random strangers than with this game. One of the best beat em ups to date, I think the true quality of the game came from the fact that it made each turtle desireable to play as (I dont like raphael but some did.) It made good use of the enimies from the show and some of the boss fights in that game were quarter eaters. I love this games use of color and how everything has its own unique and memorable sound. I think that this could have been my favorite konami and arcade game, but they just had to make something better but this game has stood out as one of the greatest. :)

Oh to hell with it. Coowwaaabununngaa

don't waste time

3DS FC 4914-3563-4510

NNID : turtuls