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Forums - Sony Discussion - Are you truly a Gran Turismo fan? (a rant, sorry)

I'm a gt fan and the delay does suck, but it doesn't change how much I like the series. It's not personnal like that its just a game some fools I don't know made. So what if they procrastinate I know when it does drop I won't be disappointed.  Or at least I'm pretty sure I won't

I'm not martin luther king. I don't have a dream. I have a plan

Sell a man a fish you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish you just ruined a perfect business opportunity.

We didn't emerge out of the stone age because we ran out of stones. Its time to be proactive not reactive.

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Kasz216 said:

You do know fan doesn't equal willing to put up with any and all bullshit that comes there way right?

If you do that, your not a fan, your obssessed to an unhealthy degree.

People can very much be fans and then something negative happens... like multiple delays and people say "That's enough."

Were the people who stopped liking Michael Vick as a football player because he tortured dogs "Not really a fan."

When a second or third game turns out to suck, are the people that don't buy those "not really a fan."

The many people who would of bought Duke Nukem Forever, but won't because it's been 12 years...

are they suddenly not Duke Nukem fans?


You aren't a fan, your acting obssessed... you come off vaguely like the "Leave Britney Alone" guy.

Fandom isn't undying love and unquestioning loyalty.  It's just simply liking something.

Hell you can be a fan of a game and never buy it.   My friend who doesn't have a PS3 is a fan of Valkria Chronicles, because he played it at my house.

um.. we're not talking about killing dogs here, or that the game sucks, or whatever.

we're talking about a delay worth a few weeks to a month. that's the issue i'm specifically targeting. sure, if the game sucks, i wouldn't buy it either. my only point was that people were canceling just because of a minor delay. and it's not like yamauchi-san suddenly turned into some weirdo. he's just being his normal perfectionist self.

tell me, has any console mainline gran turismo game sucked? even the psp game was quite good.

you're trying to make me out as crazy, when all i'm complaining against is the people canceling for "a delay". not for something crazy, like what you assume. i'd appreciate reading the original post before you put any comments that are just full of nonsense.

I'm not a big racer fan. The only racing games I ever really played and enjoyed was Need for Speed Hot Pursuit on the PS1.

Now I can't promise I will buy GT5. However it looks like a fantastic game so IF I have some extra cash laying around I MIGHT pick it up. All depends on this holidays game line-up...which kinda sucks for me so far.

Wagram said:

I'm not a big racer fan. The only racing games I ever really played and enjoyed was Need for Speed Hot Pursuit on the PS1.

Now I can't promise I will buy GT5. However it looks like a fantastic game so IF I have some extra cash laying around I MIGHT pick it up. All depends on this holidays game line-up...which kinda sucks for me so far.

NFSHP was sooooo much fun.... but in a different way. Two completly different games.  If I couldn't play GT then I would be all over this new need for speed..

I'm not martin luther king. I don't have a dream. I have a plan

Sell a man a fish you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish you just ruined a perfect business opportunity.

We didn't emerge out of the stone age because we ran out of stones. Its time to be proactive not reactive.

Fame_Mcswagg said:
Wagram said:

I'm not a big racer fan. The only racing games I ever really played and enjoyed was Need for Speed Hot Pursuit on the PS1.

Now I can't promise I will buy GT5. However it looks like a fantastic game so IF I have some extra cash laying around I MIGHT pick it up. All depends on this holidays game line-up...which kinda sucks for me so far.

NFSHP was sooooo much fun.... but in a different way. Two completly different games.  If I couldn't play GT then I would be all over this new need for speed..

aye, hot pursuit was a great game. i hope they don't screw up with the remake.

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I gotta figure out what I'm going to do for a racing seat. I was just going to build a harness with an office chair and a g27. But Looking at those playseat set-ups they look so much better then anything I could make. God this game is going to end up costing me like 400 bucks. I gotta get the wheel, after playing GT5P at a nationals ballgame in the racing pod setup they had their, I can't go back to dual shock.

I'm not martin luther king. I don't have a dream. I have a plan

Sell a man a fish you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish you just ruined a perfect business opportunity.

We didn't emerge out of the stone age because we ran out of stones. Its time to be proactive not reactive.

I don't agree with your example. 

Shouldn't it be more along the lines of an album that the artist is making instead of a concert?  The thing is if your a fan of a artist you can still run out and buy their albums and enjoy their music.  You can buy all of their albums or GT5 games in this case and play them to death.  But then your IDOL artist rockstar whatever decides he wants to make another album and instead of it coming out in a decent enough time he decides something isn't right and delays it a few months.  Then the months turn into years and then finally you get this new album on its way (date set in stone).  Then you find out that that was BS and its not coming out for an unknown period of time.  This will piss off even some of the biggest fans out there.

I can still be a fan of the music said artist has made and listen to it every day.  But at some point in time you can still get fed up with them and say enough is enough.  And decide to never purchase this new album.  An example would be Guns and Roses.  I used to love every album they made then they decided to break up and the new album was delayed as long as GT5 was if not longer.  I never purchased that album and lucky me it  sucked.  I still love the old songs and albums they had but that doesn't mean that I have to kiss their ass and let them screw me over.  I will never let any artist pull this type of bs over me and not atleast be upset with them.  So call me something other than a fan, but I don't blame people for canceling their orders and letting PD know that some people can only take so much.  And those people still can be some of the biggest fans out there.  No matter what some one says about them.

"If you've got them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow."

Quote by- The Imortal John Wayne, the original BADASS!




Who inspired you to make this thread I wonder XD

Joel12345 said:

Who inspired you to make this thread I wonder XD

your question to me was so insane that i just had to. :P

When people say fed up with PD, have they slighted you in some way? Is it really that serious that you wouldn'y buy a game that you would more than likely enjoy when it's release because the game wasn't realeased when you thought it should be. I doubt it is delayed becuase of lack of effort, That's like saying I'm not going to watch the hobbit because the studio and the unions can't get their @*#t together. I mean to each his own I guess but it seems sorta petty to me.

I'm not martin luther king. I don't have a dream. I have a plan

Sell a man a fish you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish you just ruined a perfect business opportunity.

We didn't emerge out of the stone age because we ran out of stones. Its time to be proactive not reactive.