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Wagram said:

I'm not a big racer fan. The only racing games I ever really played and enjoyed was Need for Speed Hot Pursuit on the PS1.

Now I can't promise I will buy GT5. However it looks like a fantastic game so IF I have some extra cash laying around I MIGHT pick it up. All depends on this holidays game line-up...which kinda sucks for me so far.

NFSHP was sooooo much fun.... but in a different way. Two completly different games.  If I couldn't play GT then I would be all over this new need for speed..

I'm not martin luther king. I don't have a dream. I have a plan

Sell a man a fish you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish you just ruined a perfect business opportunity.

We didn't emerge out of the stone age because we ran out of stones. Its time to be proactive not reactive.