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I don't agree with your example. 

Shouldn't it be more along the lines of an album that the artist is making instead of a concert?  The thing is if your a fan of a artist you can still run out and buy their albums and enjoy their music.  You can buy all of their albums or GT5 games in this case and play them to death.  But then your IDOL artist rockstar whatever decides he wants to make another album and instead of it coming out in a decent enough time he decides something isn't right and delays it a few months.  Then the months turn into years and then finally you get this new album on its way (date set in stone).  Then you find out that that was BS and its not coming out for an unknown period of time.  This will piss off even some of the biggest fans out there.

I can still be a fan of the music said artist has made and listen to it every day.  But at some point in time you can still get fed up with them and say enough is enough.  And decide to never purchase this new album.  An example would be Guns and Roses.  I used to love every album they made then they decided to break up and the new album was delayed as long as GT5 was if not longer.  I never purchased that album and lucky me it  sucked.  I still love the old songs and albums they had but that doesn't mean that I have to kiss their ass and let them screw me over.  I will never let any artist pull this type of bs over me and not atleast be upset with them.  So call me something other than a fan, but I don't blame people for canceling their orders and letting PD know that some people can only take so much.  And those people still can be some of the biggest fans out there.  No matter what some one says about them.

"If you've got them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow."

Quote by- The Imortal John Wayne, the original BADASS!