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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Are PS360 fans kicking the wii while it's down?

It is called karma. Just check the threads from 07-08 and you can see that the wii fans had it coming. Even though the kicking isn't half as bad as the kicking some wii fans did back then.

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Linkasf said:

The funniest shit is when the wii is u for a week it is really quiet in the forums related to who sold a lot. THis site has become a Sony's dream site. =_=. IMO The 360 fans barely say a damn word on this site and the ones that do don't say much to begin with. They are busy playing their games, unlike the Sony fans that make threads everyday.

Well I gotta say 1UP is way worse, nothing but Sony fanatics with the odd Microsoft fan thrown in. Here its about 60% Sony 30% Nintendo and 10% Microsoft. Which is still sad as I am a Nintendo Microsoft fan. But being a fan of both I feel Sony only controls 10% more of the VGChartz user base then my companies (Nintendo/Microsoft).

Where as other forums are like 90% Sony , 8% Microsoft and like 2% Nintendo.

VGChartz in my mind is still one of the best and least Biast user base on the net


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer


Like, Yeah.  Seems to be the way with consoles fans.  Any sumble merits a good kicking it would seem.

If the PS3, 360 and Wii were people they'd all have bruises and a wary appearance by now.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

i kick my wii daily before breakfast actually thats a lie i hardly ever see my wii its been in the closet since about a month after smash bros came out but i will kick it next time i see it

Mummelmann said:

However, I do find it amusing that certain users who, with fanfare and bravado, declared all sorts of crazy feats and merits for the Wii are now all but gone from the site.

Who would that be? I think many people have just left the site over the years, which would include lots of pro-Wii predictions (considering the ratio of Nintendo fans the site had)

Though if you're just talking about trolls, it's the same for all camps.

Still, the Wii isn't doing as bad as people are making it out to be. Unless this holiday ends up being disastrous, it's still selling around PS2 levels. The recent surge in 360 sales or higher PS3 sales don't change that.

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Joelcool7 said:
Linkasf said:

The funniest shit is when the wii is u for a week it is really quiet in the forums related to who sold a lot. THis site has become a Sony's dream site. =_=. IMO The 360 fans barely say a damn word on this site and the ones that do don't say much to begin with. They are busy playing their games, unlike the Sony fans that make threads everyday.

Well I gotta say 1UP is way worse, nothing but Sony fanatics with the odd Microsoft fan thrown in. Here its about 60% Sony 30% Nintendo and 10% Microsoft. Which is still sad as I am a Nintendo Microsoft fan. But being a fan of both I feel Sony only controls 10% more of the VGChartz user base then my companies (Nintendo/Microsoft).

Where as other forums are like 90% Sony , 8% Microsoft and like 2% Nintendo.

VGChartz in my mind is still one of the best and least Biast user base on the net

VERY true but it seems better now than it used to be seemed like it was 90% sony here for a while too or maybe they just did the most talking

as far as bias they do an amazing job when it comes to sales ioi's integrity shines but articles?  usually always pro nintendo even when the news has nothing to do with nintendo

myths n legends said:
Joelcool7 said:
Linkasf said:

The funniest shit is when the wii is u for a week it is really quiet in the forums related to who sold a lot. THis site has become a Sony's dream site. =_=. IMO The 360 fans barely say a damn word on this site and the ones that do don't say much to begin with. They are busy playing their games, unlike the Sony fans that make threads everyday.

Well I gotta say 1UP is way worse, nothing but Sony fanatics with the odd Microsoft fan thrown in. Here its about 60% Sony 30% Nintendo and 10% Microsoft. Which is still sad as I am a Nintendo Microsoft fan. But being a fan of both I feel Sony only controls 10% more of the VGChartz user base then my companies (Nintendo/Microsoft).

Where as other forums are like 90% Sony , 8% Microsoft and like 2% Nintendo.

VGChartz in my mind is still one of the best and least Biast user base on the net

VERY true but it seems better now than it used to be seemed like it was 90% sony here for a while too or maybe they just did the most talking

as far as bias they do an amazing job when it comes to sales ioi's integrity shines but articles?  usually always pro nintendo even when the news has nothing to do with nintendo

I was refering to user base, but yes ioi and the others are fairly un-bias unlike other sites cough 1UP cough!


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer


Joelcool7 said:
Linkasf said:

The funniest shit is when the wii is u for a week it is really quiet in the forums related to who sold a lot. THis site has become a Sony's dream site. =_=. IMO The 360 fans barely say a damn word on this site and the ones that do don't say much to begin with. They are busy playing their games, unlike the Sony fans that make threads everyday.

Well I gotta say 1UP is way worse, nothing but Sony fanatics with the odd Microsoft fan thrown in. Here its about 60% Sony 30% Nintendo and 10% Microsoft. Which is still sad as I am a Nintendo Microsoft fan. But being a fan of both I feel Sony only controls 10% more of the VGChartz user base then my companies (Nintendo/Microsoft).

Where as other forums are like 90% Sony , 8% Microsoft and like 2% Nintendo.

VGChartz in my mind is still one of the best and least Biast user base on the net

I think there was a thread/poll that asked about which company they like best, and it was a very close number between Sony and Nintendo fans (and as you can guess, Microsoft are really in the minority).

Really, I think the whole "x fanboys are the worst" statements are kind of silly. Based on my experience from youtube and other websites, I've seen some very creepy reactions from all sides. I could say more, but this thread isn't the best place to discuss it.

On topic: Wii has been getting hate when it was topping the charts on a weekly basis, so why should things be any different? It's pretty pathetic though that people do this, honestly. But that's just my opinion.

Rockstar: Announce Bully 2 already and make gamers proud!

Kojima: Come out with Project S already!

This only proves that sales are not related to games quality, after 2 years of wii domination almost without any games to play, in 2010 when actually wii had a best quality lineup it's starting to go down. I think they are starting to pay the fact that they are the smallest company making consoles. A price drop is required, also I don't think the console will last more than 1,5-2years from now.

The Wii is in first place and will will remain there for the rest of this console generation.