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Forums - General Discussion - Belief in God produces Hell on Earth

Umos-Cmos said:

numonex mentioned Christians as being Homophobic and Bigoted.  Does that mean to disagree with someone elses beliefs or standards automatically means you hate them?  I don't hate Homosexuals.  I have a gay cousin and gay acquaintences that I like, but I don't support and condone their beliefs.  Does this make me evil because my standards are not the same?  I'm not actively persecuting them.  If we flip the coin, would that then make them bigoted against me that they don't believe how I do?  The answer is of course not.

Doesn't your religion consider homosexuals as sinning and being an "abomination"? You are not disagreeing with their "beliefs and standards", you are disagreeing with who they are as people (It's no different than someone "disagreeing" with women for being women or people of a certain race for being of that race). Why are you using the word "standards"? Are you implying that you're better than gays because you're heterosexual? And what does sexual orientation have to do with "standards" anyway?

As for the persecution part, do you support same sex marriage, or are you one of the people who think that since their religion doesn't allow people of the same sex to get married, then the state shouldn't either? From what I read people of your religion actively supported that degrading Prop 8 thing in California.

So yes, you are homophobic, and you are a bigot!

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


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themanwithnoname said:
The Anarchyz said:

Hitler, Stallin, Mao, etc., people always bring them up to favor religion, but those people were religious leaders, religion is not exclusive to the ancient writings and old beliefs of things people like me call myths, religion covers all beliefs used to control people, even the modern ones, Hitler was a God to a lot of germans, so was Stallin to soviets and Kim-Jong-il to north koreans, once i heard that there was a belief among many north koreans that Kim has the power to control the weather based on his mood, if that's not religious belief, i don't know what is...

Religion was invented by men, the ancient and modern books, the temples, churches, mosques, propagandas, celebrity centers, all by men. And men sometimes have a good agenda, and sometimes they don't, (hell, sometimes they have mixed agendas) the problem is to follow blindly everything the religious leaders say without thinking rationally about it ...

I'd love to see one credible source that shows any of those people are religious leaders, especially Stalin, a Marxist-Leninist communist who have always been ardently anti-religion.

He's saying that they were worshiped as if they were deities.

I saw a documentary of North Korea last year, and the people over there worship that dictator guy as if he were a god. There was this old woman who had eye problems and a charity medical organisation from the West operated her and she got her sight back, but she was told that the dictator guy payed for that surgery, and she was kneeling in ron of his picture and acting similarly to how I've seen old women act at church.

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


I'm guessing if there was no religion there would be more problems than there are with religion. Its like maybe 0.1% of religious people who are extremists and like to bomb planes and shit the other 99.9% just want to live peacefully and believe in whatever their god is.

sapphi_snake said:
Umos-Cmos said:

numonex mentioned Christians as being Homophobic and Bigoted.  Does that mean to disagree with someone elses beliefs or standards automatically means you hate them?  I don't hate Homosexuals.  I have a gay cousin and gay acquaintences that I like, but I don't support and condone their beliefs.  Does this make me evil because my standards are not the same?  I'm not actively persecuting them.  If we flip the coin, would that then make them bigoted against me that they don't believe how I do?  The answer is of course not.

Doesn't your religion consider homosexuals as sinning and being an "abomination"? You are not disagreeing with their "beliefs and standards", you are disagreeing with who they are as people (It's no different than someone "disagreeing" with women for being women or people of a certain race for being of that race). Why are you using the word "standards"? Are you implying that you're better than gays because you're heterosexual? And what does sexual orientation have to do with "standards" anyway?

As for the persecution part, do you support same sex marriage, or are you one of the people who think that since their religion doesn't allow people of the same sex to get married, then the state shouldn't either? From what I read people of your religion actively supported that degrading Prop 8 thing in California.

So yes, you are homophobic, and you are a bigot!

Our religion defines marriage as between a man and a woman and any sexual activity out of marriage is a sin.  The same as most christian religions.  

As for being homophobic (fear or contempt for gay or lesbians), I think he made it pretty clear that he doesn't feel either of those feelings towards them.  Nor would I say he is a bigot (someone who  is strongly partial to ones own group, religion, politics, etc. and intolerant of those that differ) as again, he definitely isn't intolerant of gay people.  He gets along with them just fine. 

People like to throw out these terms at mormons, and it really isn't fair.  While we don't support same sex marriage for the above reason, we are probably some of the most friendly and tolerant people there is.  


Our religion defines marriage as between a man and a woman and any sexual activity out of marriage is a sin.

And who cares how your religion defines anything, other than yourselves? Sorry, just because your religion doesn't allow same sex marriage doesn't mean you should push your beliefs on others by supporting laws that force others to follow what your religion dictates. And also, your beliefs about gays are no different than what the Klu Klux Klan believs about non-whites.

As for being homophobic (fear or contempt for gay or lesbians), I think he made it pretty clear that he doesn't feel either of those feelings towards them.

From his post it seems like he holds gays at great contempt. Read his post again. Not to mention that he has no respect for religious freedom.

People like to throw out these terms at mormons, and it really isn't fair.  While we don't support same sex marriage for the above reason, we are probably some of the most friendly and tolerant people there is. 

Really? Doesn't your religion say that it's better to be dead than to be gay? Don't you persecute homosexuals by supporting laws that treat them like freaks who have no place in society (and in the process pushing your religious mores on others)? Don't you people support "coversion" therapy, which is nothing more that medieval torture and brainwashing? You people disgust me!

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


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sapphi_snake said:


Our religion defines marriage as between a man and a woman and any sexual activity out of marriage is a sin.

And who cares how your religion defines anything, other than yourselves? Sorry, just because your religion doesn't allow same sex marriage doesn't mean you should push your beliefs on others by supporting laws that force others to follow what your religion dictates. And also, your beliefs about gays are no different than what the Klu Klux Klan believs about non-whites.

As for being homophobic (fear or contempt for gay or lesbians), I think he made it pretty clear that he doesn't feel either of those feelings towards them.

From his post it seems like he holds gays at great contempt. Read his post again. Not to mention that he has no respect for religious freedom.

People like to throw out these terms at mormons, and it really isn't fair.  While we don't support same sex marriage for the above reason, we are probably some of the most friendly and tolerant people there is. 

Really? Doesn't your religion say that it's better to be dead than to be gay? Don't you persecute homosexuals by supporting laws that treat them like freaks who have no place in society (and in the process pushing your religious mores on others)? Don't you people support "coversion" therapy, which is nothing more that medieval torture and brainwashing? You people disgust me!

I told you how my religion defines it so that you can understand where we are coming from.   And we are VERY different from ku klux klan.  We don't believe in harming or hating on gays or lesbians.  We preach tolerance and acceptance.  For example the church just helped support some laws here in utah that made it illegal to discriminate against gay/lesbians in housing and employment opportunities.  I'm sorry, but the fact that you would compare us with the kkk is hateful and shows that you really don't know anything about mormons.

as far as contempt, I don't see any.  He talks about how he knows gay people and likes them just fine.  I also have no idea where you get the idea that he doesn't have respect for religious freedom. 

no, my religion does not say it is better to be dead than gay.  They supported prop 8, as did most major christian religions.  no, the mormon church does not support conversion therapy.

Again, an unfair attack by somebody who doesn't know what he is talking about.  


II told you how my religion defines it so that you can understand where we are coming from.   And we are VERY different from ku klux klan.  We don't believe in harming or hating on gays or lesbians.  We preach tolerance and acceptance.

I know what your religion says about gays. It's no better than what the Klan thinks of non-whites. You may not be violent, but you're not much better than them. And your religion certainly doesn't preach "acceptance". I mean how can you claim to "accept" people who you say are "abominations"? And if you want to "accept" gays why do you support laws that restrict their rights and force them to follow the more of your religion?

as far as contempt, I don't see any.  He talks about how he knows gay people and likes them just fine.  I also have no idea where you get the idea that he doesn't have respect for religious freedom.

Hitler had a favorite jew. And anyone who supports laws that impose a religion's mores on other people has no respect for religious freedom.

no, my religion does not say it is better to be dead than gay.

That's not what I read.

They supported prop 8, as did most major christian religions.

So your religion, like most major Christian religions, tries to push it's mores on others. I already knew that.

Again, an unfair attack by somebody who doesn't know what he is talking about. 

What did I say that is different from reality?

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"


Brother will kill brother//Spilling blood across the land

Killing for religion//Something I don't understand




sapphi_snake said:


II told you how my religion defines it so that you can understand where we are coming from.   And we are VERY different from ku klux klan.  We don't believe in harming or hating on gays or lesbians.  We preach tolerance and acceptance.

I know what your religion says about gays. It's no better than what the Klan thinks of non-whites. You may not be violent, but you're not much better than them. And your religion certainly doesn't preach "acceptance". I mean how can you claim to "accept" people who you say are "abominations"? And if you want to "accept" gays why do you support laws that restrict their rights and force them to follow the more of your religion?

as far as contempt, I don't see any.  He talks about how he knows gay people and likes them just fine.  I also have no idea where you get the idea that he doesn't have respect for religious freedom.

Hitler had a favorite jew. And anyone who supports laws that impose a religion's mores on other people has no respect for religious freedom.

no, my religion does not say it is better to be dead than gay.

That's not what I read.

They supported prop 8, as did most major christian religions.

So your religion, like most major Christian religions, tries to push it's mores on others. I already knew that.

Again, an unfair attack by somebody who doesn't know what he is talking about. 

What did I say that is different from reality?

where and when did I or my church say that gay people were an abomination?  If you read that mormons believe it is better to be dead than gay you are definitely reading a lie, it isn't true.  That right there is different from reality.  

Please, draw me a picture of how our views are comparable to the klans views of non whites.  Really, are mormons trying to terrorize gays to get them to leave the country?  Do they attack gay people, linch them?  To they use slurs and derogatory speech against them? 

How are they in any way connected.  Mormons are not a hate group.  Mormons do not hate gay people.  

Basically, what you are trying to do is argue that religion does too much to push its morals onto the rest of society.  Fine, I agree, religions do that.  It isn't limited to Mormons, and religion should probably not dable in politics, fair enough?   Just don't compare us to a freaking hate group, because frankly, they are not connected at all and it is pretty insulting.  


where and when did I or my church say that gay people were an abomination?

It says so in the Bible. If you guys don't follow the Bible then I have to do a research about that book of yours to see if it mentions anithing like that.

Please, draw me a picture of how our views are comparable to the klans views of non whites.

The Klan thinks that non-whites are primitive and inferior to whites. You people consider that being gay is a sin, that gays will burn in (the fictive place you call) hell, that gays are against nature, and that gays should "change" and be "normal", because only heterosexuals are "normal" and "right". The Klan cosiders that non-whites should stay far away from whites (in other words segregation and marginalisations). You people support laws that surpress gays, that marginalise them (opposing same sex marriage, or their right to serve in the military openly).

To they use slurs and derogatory speech against them?

You want me to search for quotes? Also, just saying that being gay is a sin is derogatory and hate speech. That's no different than saying that being a woman is a sin or being left handed is a sin.

Mormons are not a hate group.  Mormons do not hate gay people.

How exactly do you not hate them?

It isn't limited to Mormons

True, but it is Mormons that we are talking about, no? I wasn't expecting your group being any better than any other religious group, but you can't use it as an excuse.

Just don't compare us to a freaking hate group, because frankly, they are not connected at all and it is pretty insulting. 

I doubt my rant to you is even close to what gays go through because of people like you who tell them things like "you're going to hell", "what you're doing is a crime against nature" or "marriage is between a man and a woman". So stop complaining!

"I don't understand how someone could like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, but not like Twilight!!!"

"Last book I read was Brokeback Mountain, I just don't have the patience for them unless it's softcore porn."

                                                                               (The Voice of a Generation and Seece)

"If you cant stand the sound of your own voice than dont become a singer !!!!!"
