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sapphi_snake said:


Our religion defines marriage as between a man and a woman and any sexual activity out of marriage is a sin.

And who cares how your religion defines anything, other than yourselves? Sorry, just because your religion doesn't allow same sex marriage doesn't mean you should push your beliefs on others by supporting laws that force others to follow what your religion dictates. And also, your beliefs about gays are no different than what the Klu Klux Klan believs about non-whites.

As for being homophobic (fear or contempt for gay or lesbians), I think he made it pretty clear that he doesn't feel either of those feelings towards them.

From his post it seems like he holds gays at great contempt. Read his post again. Not to mention that he has no respect for religious freedom.

People like to throw out these terms at mormons, and it really isn't fair.  While we don't support same sex marriage for the above reason, we are probably some of the most friendly and tolerant people there is. 

Really? Doesn't your religion say that it's better to be dead than to be gay? Don't you persecute homosexuals by supporting laws that treat them like freaks who have no place in society (and in the process pushing your religious mores on others)? Don't you people support "coversion" therapy, which is nothing more that medieval torture and brainwashing? You people disgust me!

I told you how my religion defines it so that you can understand where we are coming from.   And we are VERY different from ku klux klan.  We don't believe in harming or hating on gays or lesbians.  We preach tolerance and acceptance.  For example the church just helped support some laws here in utah that made it illegal to discriminate against gay/lesbians in housing and employment opportunities.  I'm sorry, but the fact that you would compare us with the kkk is hateful and shows that you really don't know anything about mormons.

as far as contempt, I don't see any.  He talks about how he knows gay people and likes them just fine.  I also have no idea where you get the idea that he doesn't have respect for religious freedom. 

no, my religion does not say it is better to be dead than gay.  They supported prop 8, as did most major christian religions.  no, the mormon church does not support conversion therapy.

Again, an unfair attack by somebody who doesn't know what he is talking about.