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sapphi_snake said:


II told you how my religion defines it so that you can understand where we are coming from.   And we are VERY different from ku klux klan.  We don't believe in harming or hating on gays or lesbians.  We preach tolerance and acceptance.

I know what your religion says about gays. It's no better than what the Klan thinks of non-whites. You may not be violent, but you're not much better than them. And your religion certainly doesn't preach "acceptance". I mean how can you claim to "accept" people who you say are "abominations"? And if you want to "accept" gays why do you support laws that restrict their rights and force them to follow the more of your religion?

as far as contempt, I don't see any.  He talks about how he knows gay people and likes them just fine.  I also have no idea where you get the idea that he doesn't have respect for religious freedom.

Hitler had a favorite jew. And anyone who supports laws that impose a religion's mores on other people has no respect for religious freedom.

no, my religion does not say it is better to be dead than gay.

That's not what I read.

They supported prop 8, as did most major christian religions.

So your religion, like most major Christian religions, tries to push it's mores on others. I already knew that.

Again, an unfair attack by somebody who doesn't know what he is talking about. 

What did I say that is different from reality?

where and when did I or my church say that gay people were an abomination?  If you read that mormons believe it is better to be dead than gay you are definitely reading a lie, it isn't true.  That right there is different from reality.  

Please, draw me a picture of how our views are comparable to the klans views of non whites.  Really, are mormons trying to terrorize gays to get them to leave the country?  Do they attack gay people, linch them?  To they use slurs and derogatory speech against them? 

How are they in any way connected.  Mormons are not a hate group.  Mormons do not hate gay people.  

Basically, what you are trying to do is argue that religion does too much to push its morals onto the rest of society.  Fine, I agree, religions do that.  It isn't limited to Mormons, and religion should probably not dable in politics, fair enough?   Just don't compare us to a freaking hate group, because frankly, they are not connected at all and it is pretty insulting.