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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS3 and X360 owners what would it take for you to buy a Wii?

More games with involving storyline and characters. Games like Mario and Zelda have a very good gameplay, I use to like them from 20 to 10 years ago. But, after playing this type of games many times already and getting older it needs more than gameplay now.

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Nothing as it would look horrible on my LCD TV. I will wait for the next Nintendo console.




Metallicube said:

I don't see why gamers wouldn't buy a Wii with all the money they throw around. I mean they go around spending on $60 on games.. $200 for a console with motion controls, free online, VC, and several quality Nintendo games seems like a no brainer to me.

It is 229€ here.

229€ and you need to buy some games with the system. Those games cost the same as the games on HD-consoles. Motion controls and free online offer nothing without the games that support them.(*) Virtual console? Do I get something free on it? No. You have to spend a lot of money for ancient games.

And I bet it is unbelievable for you, but everyone does not care about nintendo games.


On topic:

I got my wii because I had some extra cash and found a used one for quite cheap.




(*) For many people. wii sports and wsr might be enough games. I am pretty certain that those 2 games aren't enough for the people who own 360 and ps3.

If Nintendo came out with their form of achievements/ trophies, I would seriously consider it.

And Zelda needs to come out sooner than later, and be good. We still havent had a true Zelda game this gen. TP was on the gamecube and I got it for that.

So, Zelda and N points (Nintendo's achievements)

̶3̶R̶D̶   2ND! Place has never been so sweet.

Already bought one for Conduit, SMG, Metroid, and Mario Kart. It is the least played console I have by miles though. What would I need to get back into Wii? New top notch ip's from Nintendo. And no Brain Training, Nintendogs, and Cooking Mama are not the type of games I am talking about.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


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Since Dolphin emulator works pretty well and PS3 and 360 have Move and Kinect there's nothing that will make me buy a Wii.

I did have Wii...For me it was mostly games.Only game I managed to finish was RES4. I managed to play Mario and Zelda around 30 mins before getting tired of stupid "missions" that were made for childs.I know pretty stupid reason but then my controlls ran out of batteries again, since we did like playing Super Smash Bros Brawl and Wii boxing with friend of mine.I had Ps3 for 2 years before getting Wii, so Wii felt so outdated in everyway.

So for me I would need some remade Wii with this gen standarts and maybe other games than Mario that intrest me.



Take my love, take my land..

Nintendogamer said:

PS3 and 360 will never buy a Wii no matter what games come out for it and  what the prices are.

I actually bought a Wii a loooong time before I even thought about picking up a PS3, so I guess your statement is far from true. I was actually going to have a 'one console only generation', and got the Wii about a week before launch, and I have never been more disappointed with any console I have bought in my life! I never use it anymore (I did play some Muramasa this summer though and of course Gradius 3 on Vitual Console!), and with it's offerings (games, functionality, etc) it made Nintendo stoop to a level were they seem to only care about making profit, not making excellent games for ALL types of gamers, IMO. After more than a year of Wii only "gaming", and no games to hold my attention (With Super Smash being delayed over and over), I had to buy another system. It was that simple...

Now, Nintendo seem to care more about making easy games that everyone can just pick up and play, so IMO they ruined classics like: Super Smash and Mario Kart (The competitiveness and skill is GONE), Mario Party (Worst use of motion controls ever), Zelda (Faulty controls and WAY TOO EASY. I mean, it almost feels like it's on-rails: Teleport here, teleport there... Oh, and only read the RED text...), and I could go on and on about how Wii Sports barely held my attention for 3 days before I decided to never play it again (Motion Controls is more than just flicking your wrist and wave around like a crazy person. No skill needed, just mindless "fun", which IMO is not fun at all). Twilight Princess was a HUGE disappointment to me, it is by far the worst game in this Holy franchise, and the Wii version is a broken mess (so I bought the GC version as well).

The only Nintendo game I truly respect on the Wii is Super Mario Galaxy (only the first one). At least Nintendo made some effort with this game. Amazing gameplay, lovely graphics and incredible music! That game is one of the best games ever made! Pure quality through and through. Oh, and the new Kirby looks pretty sweet as well! And I might look into DKR, but I have a SNES with all 3 games, AND I bought them for the VIrtual Console as well, so what's the point in buying DKR again? Oh, and the Vitality Sensor sounds pretty awesome.

I was actually a hardcore Nintendo before Nintendo came dragging along with the Wii and it's disappointments. In my 'crew', it was all about Nintendo, with the Mario Karts, Super Smash Bros. (Melee), the Mario Partys, the Zeldas, the Metroids and the Mario platformers. However, that special Nintendo magic is long gone with the Wii. If the Wii didn't have the Virtual Console, I would never use it. Gradius 3 is what keeping my "Wii" gaming alive!

To me, the mighty has fallen, and they won't rise until they dramatically change their tune. So yeah, Nintendo has to do a lot to gain my trust again...

Well having a lot of money helps.

Also more free time.

Until then, I can only afford the PS3 casue its the one with the most games I want to play.

trunkswd said:

There are quite a few games I am interested in playing, but right now it is the price that is stoping me from getting one. I would rather pay $150 and not get wii sports and wii sports resort. If the 25th Mario Edition Wii came to the States I would be tempted to get it. NSMB is one of the games I want to get.

I think about a month ago Target had a $150 Wii Legacy bundle that didn't include WSR (nor the WM plus), just the regular Wii Sports/nunchuck/controller/console. It sounds like that's what you were looking for.

OT: I've had my Wii since very early 2007, so... My console preferences pretty much go 360>Wii>>>>PS3 (as it's pretty much my BR player)

I wouldn't mind getting one of the Red Wii's as well, but I wouldn't be able to transfer my VC games...

starcraft: "I and every PS3 fanboy alive are waiting for Versus more than FFXIII.
Me since the games were revealed, the fanboys since E3."

Skeeuk: "playstation 3 is the ultimate in gaming acceleration"